You know you have been away from blogging for a long time when one of your kids asks if you still blog. Well, I am back!!!!
Retirement has kept us busy, busier than I thought. Besides getting settled in the house, we have been busy in the garden. To date we have put more than 200 plants in the yard. Many of the plants have been gallon sized pots....which means gallon sized holes. My hole digger is wonderful!
Our first BIG project was to dress the side of the driveway. We had one of those storms that dropped about 2 inches of rain in 30 minutes. There was a lot of washout. As you can see we have rip rap along the edge of the driveway. The plan was to put some native grasses along the drive to slow the water. In addition to the grasses we added some junipers on the slope and a Crape Myrtle at the end nearest the house. Our trip to Lakelands Nursery made this garden possible.
The backyard is the largest garden area. Much of what I thought was shade turned out to be sunny and vice-versa
To make better decisions about where to plant what I took multiple photos of garden areas over the course of the day. I then compared them to some older photos I had from earlier in the summer –to take into account for the angle of the sun.
Plant choices in mind, I made my purchases. Living in this part of South Carolina made for some great shopping for fall plantings. I spread the shopping all over the area. Wyatt Farms, the place that did our landscaping was one of my stops. Layman Wholesale Nurseries were having their fall sale, as was Park Seed. I did buy a few things online that I couldn't find otherwise. I will post more of the backyard garden in weeks to come.
When we first moved in the night air was filled with the sounds of cicadas and tree frogs. We have birds I have never seen before and lots of little lizards (or skinks or geckos or whatever they are). I have been enjoying all the nature that surrounds us.
In addition to our gardening I have been attending Master Gardener classes in Greenwood. One thing this group does that I appreciate is pairing up MG interns with MG's. My mentor is super! She and I took a trip (about an hour) up to Clemson to the South Carolina Botanical Garden Fall plant sale....perfect!!!! I got to meet one of our fellow bloggers on this trip. What fun to see Lisa from Natural Gardening. She was busy with the sale, so we only chatted briefly. Hoping to get up to Clemson again soon. The SCBG is really large and I look forward to exploring it.
I am not sure how frequently I will get to blog, I hope be here regularly. I have read some of your postings on my Google reader, but promise to get back to visit and comment.
This little guy is a Hooded Warbler. He hit my window and rested there a little while, then flew off.
Glad you're back to blogging Janet. Your landscaping thus far looks gorgeous! I'm sure everything is going to fill in nicely. Love the Hooded Warbler photo. Glad he was okay.
ReplyDeleteYou were missed no doubt! Enjoyed the Hooded Warbler, they like to hide so getting to see one so close is pretty rare.
The lizard you have there is a Carolina Anole, they can be green or brown. These are chameleons and they do change with the environment.
Glad to have you back, Janet! Looks like you have been very busy; it will be fun to see your back yard garden develop.
ReplyDeleteHi Janet. Good to hear from you and the progress you are making at the new home. You have been busy I can tell. Everything takes time to get into order doesn't it? It looks marvelous along your driveway. Have fun with it and do not work too hard there.
ReplyDeleteWell welcome back! You have been busy indeed. It must be hard to start over but what a joy to do it all right! The hooded warbler-too cool and I've never seen one before.
ReplyDeleteHi Janet,
ReplyDeleteIt is good to see you blogging again. I like that little Warbler with his beautiful coloring.
I can see why you haven't been blogging though with all those massive landscaping projects. But it is good to keep records and blog about what you do then you can look back on it and say "boy I can't believe I lifted that or I can't believe how many things I actually have accomplished!"
Welcome to South Carolina gardening! Looks like you have been busy indeed. Will look forward to seeing it all grow!
ReplyDeleteWelcome back Janet! Glad to see you've been busy getting your new garden together. Love all those large beds that are just ripe for planting. Looks like you have a great plan in mind already. Have fun! :)
ReplyDeleteWelcome home! Glad you're back and enjoying a new garden. Sometimes that sound so wonderful~The next time I will make fewer mistakes. HA! Wonderful captures of the clearwing moth and the warbler~gail
ReplyDeleteWelcome back Janet!! Your new home looks wonderful. I miss living on a lake -- we lived next to a 33 acre lake when I was a kid.
ReplyDeleteThe blogging world has missed the Queen and is glad she is back. I may have said it before, but I am envious of your space and all that potential. What zone are you there?
ReplyDeleteNice to see you again, dear Janet!
ReplyDeleteI am a bit jealous: you are starting a new garden! I think I would do many things differently in my own garden if I had a chance to start all over.
Love those rocks along the driveway, and lizards are fun!
ReplyDeleteIt was great to meet you in person at our plant sale, and I know that you'll enjoy SC gardening.
Hi Alan, thanks, glad to get back into the habit of 'seeing' my friends out there.
ReplyDeleteHi Randy, I was pretty excited to see this Hooded Warbler, also saw an American Redstart--first time for that one as well. Thanks for the ID on the Carolina Anole. They are fun to watch.
Hi Rose, thanks, it will be fun to document it.
Hi Lona, We have been busy, I have difficulty believing it is mid-October! Glad you like the driveway edging.
Hi Tina, Thanks, it has been fun to start from stratch. I had never seen a Hooded Warbler either.
Hi Rosey, It is good to keep records of what we have been doing. Many days I am in the middle of planting something and think...I should have my camera in hand. oh well....
Hi Pam, thanks! Will be posting more soon.
Hi Racquel, they are huge beds!!! We have planted so many plants and it still looks empty. I planted your Phlox in the sunny area.
Hi Gail, I am enjoying the new garden. I was happy to capture the clear wing...they were moving pretty fast that day.
Hi Sweetbay, I do like living on the lake....can't imagine not living near water.
Hi Les, you are kind to say I was missed. I am in the same cool is that? The season may be a little longer, but same hardiness-- 7b.
Hi Tatyana, thanks! Starting over in a new garden is fun and challenging. I am really glad we put the rocks in and now with the grasses to 'soften' the edge, it looks nice.
Hi Lisa! It was great to meet in person. I hope to get back up to Clemson soon. The Botanical Garden is really nice..and huge!! Plenty to take in!
ReplyDeleteYou have been busy! I love what you are doing with your yard, it looks wonderful an admire the hard work all those gallon pots represent.
ReplyDeleteHappy to see you back blogging.
Great to see you back Janet!! Wow, you have been busy! (and here I thought you were just relaxing out on the boat this whole time!!!)
ReplyDeleteI bet it is interesting to have new birds and wildlife around ~ the warbler is beautiful. Glad he wasn't hurt.
It will be fun to watch your progress as you landscape your new garden. :-)
HI Ilona, I have been busy, and still putting plants in....
ReplyDeleteHi Kathleen, thanks, glad to be back (at least part time) There is a plethera of wildlife here that I am getting to know.