Their home backs up to Sterling Forest which is a 17,000 acre greenspace. She and I have been friends for many many years. We conquered the cities of central Germany together as new brides with husbands in the field. But, those are other stories...this one happened this past weekend.
As Susie tells it, her neighbor called her to say that on Saturday he walked out of the house and there was a large bear sitting in his driveway. OMG!! Well, the neighbor shooed him off...until....... later that night he heard what he thought was thunder. The shed at the end of the driveway next to the house had both doors ripped off and they had been padlocked with a heavy chain. The bear was back! Susie took in the small bird feeder attached on the kitchen window, but forgot something. There was a Fry Baby on the deck from when the kids had made homemade potato chips last time.

He was on the porch and got grease all over everything and pulled the fryer apart. If you look closely you can see the paw print next to the shoe...this was not a small bear!

then his footprints down the steps to the yard---

He also got into the bird feeder that was suspended 25 feet up on a cord.

Susie is sure he will be back. She promises to get a picture- or at least try. I don't think I would want him knowing I was on the other side of a window with a camera. Now, Miss Sure-shot also thinks a BB gun 'could' scare him off. I think it will just irritate the crapola out of him.
Here are some shots from last year when Mr. Black Bear strolled through. This one is a smaller bear. Either Yogi grew a lot or this is a different one this year. Notice the tomatoes in the fenced area, that is one way to ensure the wildlife will let you have a few 'maters to yourself.

These are stealing last year's bird feeders.