A few of you know we headed down to our lot in South Carolina earlier this week to 'talk turkey' with a few of the folks in Greenwood. We bought a lot on Lake Greenwood last year. We have a builder and a landscaper and are talking to some dock builders. Next July we will move into our new home, our retirement home on Lake Greenwood. While driving through the community where our lot is located we came across more than a couple turkeys. More like couple dozen.... OR MORE!! They run when the truck comes close, so really nice clear pictures are in limited supply.
On our trip down we went over a suspension bridge on RT 295 south of Richmond Virginia. This picture is for
CIO Photo. He had flying buttresses from Scope on his posting last week and it reminded me of this bridge.

Some sights in and around Greenwood... an old store near our end of the lake.

And an eatery that has great onion rings!!!

A trip down to the water's edge is a little easier on
the lot next to ours...ours is still very overgrown.

Other sightings on our lot...
this Phytolacca americana
pokeweed is so bright, no wonder the birds love it!

And here is the dreaded Fire Ant --- not looking forward
to dealing with these guys!

We will be going to SC more often as the building begins. Will be keeping everyone updated as we move forward.
And now for Garden Blogger's Bloom Day for August. We are taking a mattress up to northern Virginia tomorrow, so I will add the link to
Carol's site without the specific day's link.
This first flower is for Jen at
Name That Plant. I bought this beauty earlier this summer. Rose of Sharon 'Blue Satin'. Hope it grows fast!
The mess I call my front yard......

A Lobelia siphilitica (Great Blue Lobelia) which is like a weed in my garden!

Confederate Jasmine Trachelospermum jasminoides is reblooming at this time of year. Hurray!

Finally showing some color is 'Black and Blue' Salvia guaranitica--

So Happy Bloom Day!!