My first item to plant was a Japanese Maple I brought from Virignia. Acer palmatum 'Garnet'
This is a small maple with a beautiful lace cut leaf. At maturity it will be at most 10 feet tall. Flanking the maple are two Amsonia. One I brought with me A. hubrectii and one I bought, A. x 'Seaford Skies'. This variety came from Pam Harper's garden in Seaford. I figured I NEEDED to have this one. Since Amsonia turn bright yellow in late fall I thought I should plant something to complement it. I found two Weigela 'Midnight Wine' a new hybrid that grows to a mature height of 1.5 to 2 feet. It is a dwarf version of 'Wine and Roses'. I planted them behind the Amsonia. The shrubs are really small now, but next year.....
The garden was screaming for color. I wanted something to attract butterflies and humming birds. I also had a couple more things from Seaford to plant. From some of the plant sales in the area I was able to find lots and lots of great plants. In the photo below are (going clockwise)-(3) Gaillardia 'Sunburst Scarlet Halo', (3)Lantana (unknown variety),(3) Helenium 'Helbro' Mardi Gras, (3) Gaura lindheimerii 'Gaudwwhi' Geyser White, (1)Serrisa Plena Flora,(1) Tanacetum vulgare 'Isla Gold', (3) Achillea 'Saucy Sensation', (3) Coreopsis rosea 'Heavens Gate', and (3)Rudbeckia 'Cherry Brandy'. The number in front of the plant name is how many I put in. Started to feel like it was the garden of three's. These are just a small sample of what all was planted in the 'sunny area'.
Additionally planted --Phlox 'Robert Poore' (from Racquel), Yorktown Onions, Hibiscus 'Kopper King', one of three Clethra alnifolia 'Vanilla Spice', a no-named Japanese maple from a big box discount shelf, three Cinnamon Fern- Osmunda cinnamomea, a Callirhoe involucrata, various dwarf irises, one Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus' and two Echinacea purpurea compacta (maybe 'Kim's Knee High' or 'Prairie Splendor').
In the tuteur is a Lonicera sempervirens 'Major Wheeler'
A view of the sunny area with the plants in the ground. Looks like there is a lot more room.....
Looking forward to next spring to fill in some of the open areas.
What a great choice, Japanese maple! It is not just a great tree, it's your old friend!
ReplyDeleteYep that Maple was a great choice as well as some of your other selections. Hope my Phlox do really great for you and bloom their hearts out next summer. :)
ReplyDeleteI can't think of anything better to build your new garden around Janet. It sounds good already. Of course, seeing that boat in the background, distracts me. I might just give up gardening for water sports if I moved there!
ReplyDeleteJanet, do you know a local Va. source for Yorktown onions? I want a couple for my garden. I was given some by a friend but they turned out to be elephant garlic.
ReplyDeleteYour sunny garden is going to be beautiful! I didn't know that Pamela Harper had a garden in Seaford.
ReplyDeleteHi Janet. It must be so much fun planning all those new flower beds.You have added so many beauties already. I love that Heavens Gate Coreopsis and Achillea is always a favorite in my beds.
ReplyDeleteIt is always wonderful that you could add some of your old favorites from your other home too.
Mmm, lovely! That should be a lovely colourful display next summer, the insects will love it! Your acer is very beautiful too.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your new bed.
ReplyDeleteI hope your maple grows great
I love seeing photos of how a garden evolves. This is going to fill in in no time and look beautiful next year--can't wait to see it then! I'm still waiting for my amsonia to turn yellow...
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely sight to just see a blank garden and to start from scratch. You're off to a great start! Can't wait to see how it grows.
ReplyDeleteHi Tatyana, yes, it is a super tree to have.
ReplyDeleteHi Racquel, I am sure your Phlox is thrive and spread nicely where it is planted. Heck, it survived the move...what a trooper!
Hi Kathleen, this has been lots of fun to plan and build. We go out on the boat often as well, though the season is winding down for that.
Hi Les, I have the request out for you for the Yorktown Onions, will email you soon. Sorry for the elephant garlic.
Hi Sweetbay, thanks! Looking forward to next bloom season. Pam Harper lives in Seaford....about a mile down the road from where I used to live.
Hi Lona, it has been lots of fun. Hoping for the butterflies and hummingbirds to be here a lot next summer.
Hi Janet, thanks so much. Hoping for a well balanced garden. Am loving the Acer, it is such a nice shape.
Hi Fer, thanks for visiting.
Hi Rose, it will evolve a lot over the next few years. Hope it fills in a bit, sometimes it looks a little sparse. My Amsonia isn't yellow yet either.
Hi Tina, thanks! I can't wait too!