....in the yard and you are calling to report a power outage, do you hear the thud? Earlier last week we saw there was a dead tree hung up in the branches of the tree next to it. The trees are on the adjoining property, in the thick summer undergrowth of any one of poison ivy or smilax or raspberry briars, not the ideal place walk. Since it was hung up in another tree we were unsure of how to get it down without hitting the Magnolias.
The tree broke off its trunk during a storm sometime ago.... we aren't really sure. Wednesday night with another storm, it twisted, broke the branches of the supporting tree and fell. It fell in the perfect place!! The tree was about 40- 50 feet long, about 30 feet of it in our yard.
It missed all three Magnolias, missed a transplanted dogwood, missed all the daylilies, and missed the wax myrtle up the hill.
You can see the rotted stump in the woods. The rot came from the ground up.
Charlie got the chain saw out yesterday and cleared the tree out of our yard. The fallen tree can remain in the property next door for the critters to enjoy.
I walked around the yard on Thursday to assess the damage and see if there was any poison ivy in the area where the tree fell. Have all sorts of blooms--- here is a volunteer Great Blue Lobelia,
Lobelia siphilitica. The rains have caused it to fall over. Hoping it will reseed and there will be lots next year!
A purchased
speciosa, Cardinal Lobelia is blooming now in the bed with the daylilies and Magnolias. The hummingbirds like it.
Another new plant that is finally blooming--
Heliotrope amplexicaule 'Azure Skies'. Hoping this one will be happy enough to come back. I have some areas in my back garden that plants don't like. Have been watering this area more and have amended the soil with each new plant added.
Lots of foliage under the Edgeworthia chrysantha. I planted Caladiums, Japanese Painted ferns, and the Corydalis I just bought. It is a nice shady area, the ferns and Caladium are happy...crossing my fingers for the newly added Corydalis.
Clematis 'Prince Charles' is blooming again!
A super long blooming daylily is Hemerocallis 'Strawberry Candy'. It has been blooming since mid-May!
Finally I have a bloom on my Resurrection Lily!! Lycoris radiata has been in the ground for more than two years and it finally had a bloom!
Love these long anthers!!
In the woods next to our property is a large stand of Aralia spinosa, Devil's Walking Stick. Love seeing all the pollinators all over the blooms. There was constant motion from so many wasps, bees, and butterflies.
Speaking of plants that attract pollinators, Lantana camara 'Miss Huff' is a magnet!!
Long-tailed Skipper Urbanus proteus (thanks Randy!!) |
Hoary Edges, Achalarus lyciades |
All these were taken in the span of a couple minutes.
Dark form Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Pterourus glaucus |
So many butterflies and moths!!
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail |
I have been trying to get caught up reading all your blog posts. At this point in time I have 100 posts in my Google Reader.....working my way through !!!! Have made some headway--- there were almost 200!
©Copyright 2012
Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for
The Queen of Seaford.
words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.