Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Photo-a-Day Week 9

Week wrap-up a couple days late. We were on the road and I am old school with my blog posts, always write it on the computer. Bouncing down the road and writing on my cellphone is an open invitation to many mistakes!

Day 55-
I always clean and sharpen my pruners in the early spring. Additionally, they will be sharpened after each pruning session, but it is good to do a thorough cleaning regularly. These pruners are 27 years old and have been used every year. One of these days I might break down and buy a new blade!

Sharpen and Clean

Day 56-
Springtime daylight has long shadows and windows of bright light shining through the garden. Yellow daffodils really pop with these rays of sun.

A Spot of Sunshine

Day 57- 
This home has a brick column at the entrance of its driveway. On top of each pillar is a horse of some sort. I don't remember if this is a replacement for the matching horse's head on the other pillar. Just makes me laugh.

Wanna Ride?

Day 58-
The Great Blue Herons have nests, high in these trees along the creek. I have counted eight different nests as we drove by. Before the leaves open on all the trees, I will have to bring my camera with the zoom lens with me to get better photos

Turkey Creek with Great Blue Rookery

Day 59-
Something I have not seen before, fire hydrants on a truck. Not sure where they were going, we were going to Nashville.


Day 60- 
Walking to get coffee in my daughter's neighborhood, telephone pole with staples and nails, but no posters or messages left. It is a nice walkable neighborhood, so advertisers or folks with lost pets know this is a good spot to post their message.

Message Center

Day 61- 
Not sure why all these shoes are hanging from the line, but thought it was a good picture.


Another week is done, follow along as we move forward.

©Copyright 2025 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.

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