Sunday, March 23, 2025

Photo-a-Day Week 12

If you are still reading along, we are now reviewing week 12. Travel has made it interesting as I am not following my regular routine. 

Day 76
Power substations dot our area. This one is on the way to where we board our dogs. 


Day 77-
As we drove up to New Jersey to babysit for a week, we were presented with this glorious sunrise just outside of Charlotte, NC. 


Day 78- 
We babysat our 4-year-old granddaughter this week. There were a lot of puzzles done, some more than once. She is a whiz at puzzles!


Day 79-
I know many who saw this photo thought this was a real lizard! Nope, we bought one for each of our grandkids (at the time) and this one is enjoyed in the bath. At first I thought we bought it at one of the many zoos we have frequented since having grandkids but after some thought my husband said we purchased it at Missouri Botanical Garden gift shop. He was right!

Bath time

Day 80-
One day we went to Greenway Meadows to let her play on the playground and run! This was once part of the lower farm of Archibald Douglas Russell's 247-acre estate at the turn of the 20th century. This property was purchased in 1949 by Robert Wood Johnson, of the Johnson and Johnson family, The lands are in the D & R Land Trust, in 2001 55 acres were deeded to Princeton, creating Greenway Meadows Park. You can read about it here. 

London Plane tree

Day 81-
If you drive around New Jersey you understand why it is called the Garden State. Many farms dot the landscape, this one is just outside Princeton. 


Day 82-
This day we went to the Elmwood Zoo. I took a photo of the fountain, which is just outside the entrance and gift shop area. 


©Copyright 2025 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet, The Queen of Seaford.

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