I stopped the car and walked over to the edge of this road to try and get a great photo as evening fell. I was worried that there wouldn't be enough light. For your viewing pleasure.... purple Vernonia and yellow Solidago growing wild along the roadside.
This year I was able to buy some Vernonia noveboracensis at the native plant sale. Mine isn't quite this tall yet, we shall see over the next few years if it is happy where I planted it.
This wonderful example in nature makes me smile, it is a happy happenstance.
While mine are small, I will enjoy these big and bold natives.
Another purple and yellow combination a little closer to home are some Liatris and Chamaecrista fasciculata or Partridge Pea. This is just outside our back gate of the neighborhood.
Here is a closer view of the Partridge Pea, a favorite of the Cloudless Sulphur butterfly.
The pollinators are happy with these bright yellow blooms. I am happy to say I have a number of varieties of Solidago in my yard. Thanks to Ellen, this is not a Solidago but a Chrysopsis mariana, Golden Aster. Thanks!!!
Also appearing in my yard is Liatris, (happy dance!!) I bought some that are in the backyard gardens, they bloom in the late spring/early summer. These natives bloom in the fall. Hoping they reseed and spread in this rather hostile dry area by the street.
I wanted to include a new little bloom. This sweet little flower's common name is Wart-removing Herb. Such a icky name for a cute little flower. It is Murdannia keisak. It is growing in a damp area in the turf.
Doesn't this remind you of a Spiderwort? One of the links says it is similar to a miniature Spiderwort.
I stumbled across another purple/yellow combo this afternoon while enjoying my woodland garden in the backyard. Blue Lobelia, Lobelia siphilitica and another Solidago. Wonderful!!
©Copyright 2013 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford.