My walks are always accompanied by Newton and four-legged buddies. Last year I had Monroe as well but she has since passed away. Hers was a good long life, she made it to 18. You can see last year's post here, and the year before's post here.
On with our walk--- Newton is the black dog and Skyler is the Aussie, he hears the wind which can sound like a car coming.
For those who are new here, we live in the country, sort of. The development isn't built out yet, which we love. It feels like we have it to ourselves. Our walk today is out the driveway and to the right.
Looking back toward my house.... there is one house that is a second home, so most of the time we are by ourselves in this direction. Their house is at the turn, you can sort of see their driveway marker.
My walks are constant observation of nature, no gardens or plantings can be seen for most of the walk. At one point in the walk you can look through the woods to the lake. There is a cove that we are looking across. A few years ago you could see the next neighbor's house across the cove through the trees, but now there is too much growth. Do you see the bird? Bird watching is always part of my walks.
Ok, how about if I zoom in a bit? Still kind of hard to see, it is a Red-tailed Hawk.
I noticed a strange growth on some of the stalks of some Goldenrod blooms. I had to search for these to get a good photo again....some stretches of the road seem to run together. Have you ever seen anything like this before? My first thought was some kind of gall where the insect has entered the plant material and the plant builds up some growth around it as a defensive mechanism. I had to pick one and bring it back home to see what I could find out.
I snapped it off and took it home to further investigate.
I decided to cut it in half and see what I could find.
It is some kind of larvae, anyone know what it might be? I am stumped.
Back to the walk, lots of grasses and spent flower heads, sparkling in the sun.
This time of year I really enjoy the pines that grow close to the road as they put off a wonderfully fresh scent of pine. I think it is really refreshing and clean smelling. This one especially is fragrant, maybe it is close to the road, whatever the reason, I look forward to walking past it.
Along the edge of the road are lots of small Winged Elm, Ulmus alata. You can read more about them here, one of my tree posts. They are so sculptural. Like all the corky appendages along the small trunk?
As we end our walk I am able to capture a good picture of Mr. Eastern Bluebird. I have a lot of bird activity along the walks, love having the chance to get a good picture of one.
Be sure to head over to Les' blog and see other Winter Walk-off posts. Spring is just around the corner!!!
©Copyright 2012 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford.