It is amazing to think I have been at most all but one of these plant sales. For most of them I have been the "Plant Doctor". I hand out information about moles and voles, salt tolerant plants, pruning publications, and many other Virginia Cooperative Extension publications. This will be my last plant sale as a York County Master Gardener. This makes me rather sad. I am certainly going to miss many many people from this area. Starting anew will be fun and exciting, but I am leaving behind many friends and family.
Through this blog I have shared many photos of gorgeous parts of the Learning Garden. If you are in the area (York County Virginia) on Saturday, come to the plant sale. We will be there from 9 am to noon. Be sure to stop by the Plant Doctor table and say hi. If you are unsure where I might be-- just ask any of the Master Gardeners where the Queen of Seaford is and they can point you in the right direction.
I will leave you with a taste of what you might see on Saturday--
Walk with me through the garden to the azalea area

Some of the flowering trees are blooming- Halesia diptera and Chionanthus virginicus

Near the shed is an ever increasing collection of deciduous azaleas... many are fragrant.

Here is one azalea I may have to find for myself-- R. 'Janet Rhea'

Hope to see you on Saturday!