Sunday, March 16, 2025

Photo-a-Day Week 11

Week eleven and still going strong! 

Day 69- 
We still keep honey bees and dress in our beekeeper outfits when we tend to them. We were done, closed the hives, and came up the driveway to empty the smoker. I always listen to make sure I don't have any bees following me away from the hives. I heard nothing. After extinguishing the smoker I looked across the street to all my daffodils blooming in our septic drain field and thought I should take a photo. Reaching in my back pocket to get my cell I encountered a couple of bees hanging out on my phone. Needless to say, I was stung a couple times.

Which Finger Got Stung?

Day 70- 
This photo is kind of fun. One trick I learned along the way is using your video function. I took this photo/video while my husband was driving. I videoed the house as we drove by. My cell has a function where you can grab or rather export individual frames from a video to your folder. I have used this to get a mid-air photo of my five-year-old grandson jumping off a stone wall.  Anyhow, after I took the video I noticed the white smoke on the left side of the image. I thought it made for an eeriness to the photo. The white is a reflection of my windbreaker sleeve off the window. 

Rainy Day

Day 71- 
In the springtime we have an abundance of wildflowers that grow along our road. In the photo below there are Bluets, Houstonia pusilla, and Draba verna, a tiny white flower. 

Wildflowers Along the Road

Day 72- 
We had trees fall from the Hurricane in September. Root balls with upended trees still dot the landscape. This root ball has a clump of daffodils blooming. 


Day 73- 
While at the beauty shop to get my hair cut, I thought I'd get a photo for this day. So many items from which to choose!


Day 74-  
Spring is here! My Crabapple is blooming. This one is Malus x 'Red Silver'. The leaves are burgundy and the blooms pink. The honey bees enjoy the pollen and nectar on these trees.

Crabapple bloom with Honey Bee

Day 75- 
Across the street from our house are many lots that still have trees on them. Some are septic fields but a few are buildable lots. I did no filter or light adjustment on this. Through the trees is a cleared area where the timber company has cleared the lumber and is getting ready to replant. 


That's all for this week, come back again next week!

©Copyright 2025 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet, The Queen of Seaford.

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