Sunday, March 9, 2025

Photo-a-Day Week 10

Another week is done. This isn't as easy as it would seem. Every day I am looking for something to photograph. Trying to photograph a different view or a different angle and keep it interesting for everyone is truly a challenge

Day 62-
Playing hide and seek with my grandsons. See the little toes behind the curtain? It was the giggling that gave them away. One is 5 and his brother is 2 and they love to play hide and seek.

You Don't See Me

Day 63-
Once we got home from visiting the kids, we needed to retrieve the dogs and cat from boarding. Once we were in our small neighborhood, the rear window was lowered so Liebling could survey her realm. 

The Ride Home

Day 64-
We have been behind in our rainfall totals this year, so every raindrop is appreciated. 

Raindrop Prism

Day 65-
Once again I am drawn to backlit items in the yard/ garden. From afar, this looked like a bloom and I couldn't figure out what it might be.  The Post Oak leaf glowed golden in the sun..


Day 66-
Thursday was a busy day, I hosted our neighborhood book club, and a little later we picked up a friend and drove to Walhalla for a concert. The sunset was brilliant. While sitting in the backseat I kept trying to get a good photo of the bold colors.
Sunset from the Backseat

Day 67-
Spring is beginning to pop, every day there is something new emerging. Today was a fern, unfurling its frond- from a tight spiral. It wasn't until I looked at the photo on my cellphone that I noticed the dog hair hanging on the new growth. This is a Southern Shield Fern or River fern, it goes by many common names. Thelypteris kunthii, a native fern in our area. The Fibonacci sequence is where each number is the sum of the previous two numbers. This sequence is found throughout nature, from seed patterns on sunflowers to nautilus shells. It is the Golden Ratio.  

Fibonacci with Dog Hair

Day 68-  
This photo may not seem too exciting, but it is our attempt to block the opening around our dryer vent round tube.  For the past few years, we have had an Eastern Rat Snake living in the space around the vent. The builders cut a square hole to place a round pipe for the vent. That little triangle was the perfect spot for Mr. Snake to reside. We had some temporary blocking but this should be more permanent.  Goodbye Mr. Snake! If you are not keen on snakes, do not scroll any lower, I have included a photo from a few years ago with our 'friend'. 

Dryer Vent

Many thanks for stopping by again this week. Time marches on, I am writing this quickly as I was stung after we were working with the bees this morning. After we were done, I reached for my phone in my back pocket and there was a bee on my phone. She stung me on my finger and I am sure as it swells, typing will be harder. 

Here's one of the photos from a few years ago when the snake had taken up residence in that spot. 

©Copyright 2025 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet, The Queen of Seaford.


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