
Sunday, January 26, 2025

Photo-a-Day Week 4

Welcome back, hard to believe another week has zoomed by. Here is last week's photos, enjoy!

Day 20- A very cold day, clear blue skies. I have had a flurry of Eastern Bluebirds at my feeders and on the deck. As I said last week, I purchased a big box of dried meal worms for them to enjoy. As they wait their turns at the feeders they sit in the tree, fluffed up to keep warm. 

Eastern Bluebirds

Day 21- Mature Bald Eagle, sitting in a pine tree, overlooking the lake. In the winter the lake level is drawn down and we have lots of Bald Eagles taking advantage of fishing opportunities. Always a treat to see our nation's bird.

Bald Eagle

Day 22- As I mentioned above, we have had some very cold temperatures lately. Ice has been forming on the top of the lake. We also got some snow that sat on top of the ice. It made for some interesting photos. 

Snow on ice on the lake

Day 23- Lots of cut crystal in our curved glass curio cabinet. Many of these pieces were either my mom's or my husband's mom. The curio cabinet was also from my mother in law, a perfect place to showcase our treasures.

Cut crystal sparkles

Day 24- As the planets are on the minds of those who like to stargaze, I find myself outside quite often, either getting photos of the moon or on very rare occasions, an Aurora Borealis! Our night sky out the back includes the lights on the other side of the lake.

Evening sky

Day 25-  Our dogs get their food delivered by Chewy and our kitty, Millie, thinks the box is hers. She loves hiding in the box. No one can see her, right?


Day 26- Long time readers may remember my mermaid table. You can read more about her here, or here or here. I named her Gilmore, after the siren Lorelei, then to Lorelei Gilmore from the TV show, ending up with Gilmore. She still is in our living room. Now that we have grandkids we are extra vigilant that they don't sit or lie on the glass. We did get a lot of fingerprints over Christmas. 


Thanks for joining me again on the Photo a Day posts. Come back again!

©Copyright 2025 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Great collection of photos. I love the view out over the lake, and kitty Millie sure is a cutie. :)

    1. Thanks Beth, our view is so nice, I enjoy it all the time. Millie is a sweetie.

  2. You reminded me to check the local pond for eagles! They’re so much easier to spot in the winter.


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