
Sunday, January 19, 2025

Photo-a-Day Week 3

We are now at week 3 of my photo-a-day series. I am trying to get a wider range of photos to share. I had set a current photo parameter for myself. Every photo has been taken within the past 24 hours. Most photos are taken with my cellphone, though not all. Those from my camera will be noted.

Day 13-  A large box of dried mealworms. I have had a lot of Eastern Bluebirds visiting recently, counted 7 on the deck at one time. To keep them coming back I bought mealworms. 

Day 14-  Really cold day. Plants that have hollow stems often will hold water, be it from rain or snow, in the hollow pith. When temperature go below freezing, the ice has nowhere to expand but through the stem, breaking the outer layers and curling as it expands. This is a spent Goldenrod stem.

Day 15- I received an Amaryllis bulb for Christmas and it has been blooming for a few weeks. As the blooms fade and dry, they become a bit translucent. The lamp behind really illuminated the beautiful veining of the bloom.

Day 16- Great Blue Heron, perched on the roof of our deck. This was taken with my Canon Powershot SX 70 HS camera. I was outside, on our deck, which is about 200 feet away from the dock. 

Day 17- Bouncing along the regularly traveled road at night, tried to get a blur of headlights as we drove. The bumpy road gave me a different look.

Day 18-  Inside our front closet, a box of rings and Frisbees and other puppy dog toys. You open this door and you will have two dogs trying to get to the toys!

Day 19- Book open to a folk tale "The Elves and the Shoemaker" to read to my grandkids. The book is from a 20 volume set called "The Book of Knowledge". This collection has everything from songs to folk tales to geography to science (albeit a bit outdated now!) to politics and crafts. The copyright edition of this set 1953, published by the Grolier Society, calling this a Children's Encyclopedia. 

Thanks for stopping by again this week. I posted a Fling post this past week,  a couple more to come. 

©Copyright 2025 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.

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