
Friday, January 17, 2025

Puget Sound Fling Day #3 - Heronswood

Our visit to Heronswood was a feast for the senses! 
From the bus drop off, on the pathway of the woodland garden was a striking example of a Japanese climbing hydrangea, Schizophragma hydrangeoides. Heronswood is 15 acre garden founded by Dan Hinkley and Robert Jones. Over time the place was sold to Burpee Seed, then sold off at auction.  The Port S'Klallam Tribe purchased it and it is now under a 501 (c)3 Foundation open to the public. More can information can found at Heronswood site. 

Schizophragma hydrangeoides

A woodland meadow with lots of pinks and blues and yellows caused me to stop and get a few photos. 

Astrantia, Greater Masterwort, was present in many gardens in the PNW. At first I thought it was something else. Many conversations occurred with my fellow Flingers and I lost out on the plant ID and now I can't remember what I thought it was in the first place. I was so sure I was correct, funny how that happens. 

Many of the gardens in Heronswood were groupings with great color complements. White, gray, silver and pale blue paired with some dark colors.


I wish my Crane's-bill geraniums looked half this nice! 

Geranium pratense, Meadow

Hot colors included this one, below, common name Angel's Fishing Rod or Fairy Wand Flower. 

Dierama pulcherrimum

And who doesn't love some Meadow Rue dotting the garden on its wispy stems? 


There were a few different varieties of ornamental oregano, they all were lush and full of blooms. 

Origanum sp. 

The first Fling I attended was in Asheville and I fell in love with pitcher plants. There are so many varieties and many are native to my area. This planting around a pond with lily pads was just amazing.

Sarracenia sp. 

Isn't this a great color combination? I really am drawn to complementary colors. The peachy yellow lilies and the blue/purple Agapanthus really look great together. 

Agapanthus and Lilium 

More Astrantia 

Would you believe this is a Fuchsia? I had no idea there were varieties with variegated foliage. 

Fuchsia 'Tom West'

This is a wide shot of the formal parterre garden. I didn't want to leave this spot! Once a kitchen garden for Dan and Robert it is now purely ornamental. Be sure to check out the videos on my Instagram page.

Walking back to the parking area, much as we hated to end our visit, we came across ferns and ferns and ferns!! It was almost prehistoric! 

Here is another oregano, I had never seen this variety before. This one was near the gift shop.

Origanum 'Xera Cascade'

Another plant near the gift shop was an unusual pitcher plant. It almost looks like it had a nose! 

Darlingtonia californica 

This post just scratched the surface of a wonderful garden. If you are in the Puget Sound area and have plans to go to Kingston, WA, be sure to add a visit to Heronswood to your itinerary. 

Next up is our visit to Dan Hinkley's and the Brindley's (Dan's neighbor) gardens. 

©Copyright 2025 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. I am crazy for those astrantias. Would grow every color if I thought they'd thrive in Texas. I enjoyed your photos and memories, Janet!

    1. Yes, Pam, the astrantias are gorgeous! I would like to have a lot of PNW plants in my garden, but I can't.


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