
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Busy Week

Don't you love it when new plants start blooming?   This is Allium sphaerocephalon.  Newly planted last fall, super summer addition!!  Will add more Allium this fall.
Last week was a special day at Park Seed for Master Gardeners and  I took advantage of it!

Plants waiting in my 'holding area'
This pile is all daylilies!! At $2 each, after seeing all the beauties you out there in blogging land have shared....I wanted some more varieties.  I bought six different varieties, Hemerocallis  'Always Afternoon', 'Sunday Gloves', 'Raspberry Suede', 'Stephanie Returns', and 'Scottish Fantasy'.  Have Googled them and can't wait to see them blooming!

I bought a couple Viburnum 'Eskimo' and two different Pieris japonica 'Valley Rose' and 'Passion Frost' which is variegated.  Added another Calamagrostis 'Overdam' and Pulmonaria 'Raspberry Splash'.

Another plant, new to my garden, is Corydalis 'Blue Heron'.  This has blue foliage and blue blooms in the early spring.

I enjoyed some blooms while planting the newbies.  
Mixed bag of Oriental lilies, so varieties are unknown

Love this color!

Calling this one 'Miss Freckles'
Have no idea of its real name
This fragrance laden spot was wonderful to garden near!

Lots of interesting insects keep me company
Love the color of this damsel fly

Life has not been all gardening this past week--it was concert week!

Robert Earl Keen, Wednesday
Todd Snider, Thursday

Then, the final event of Festival of Flowers was a Bluegrass concert in Uptown.  Great concert- three bands and lots of talent.
Good crowd, great evening!

Grasstown, singing "Greenwood Mill"

Had to bring in some of the Lilies and Phlox to enjoy, I really love having a bouquet of fresh flowers on my coffee table.

©Copyright 2012 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Janet,
    Seems you have been having lots of fun. Ever get by here I'll gather some nice daylilies for you! We have some on the hillside of the pond I had in my old yard many years ago.

    1. Randy, thanks for the offer!! I need to head up your way sometime.

  2. Oh yeah the damselfly is a Blue-fronted Dancer.

    1. Randy-- I knew you would know what kind of damselfly it was!

  3. I have Sunday Gloves. It's really big and creamy white. Love your beautiful bouquet and all those gorgeous lilies. :o)

    1. Tammy, I put 'Sunday Gloves' in front of the shed where the trim is off white... hoping it will be a great pairing.

  4. I love daylilies. I planted a bunch last fall that I bought from Gilbert H. Wild on sale. So looking forward to seeing the flowers on them this summer. It's so hard to resist bargain plants.

    I love bluegrass music too. My DIL used to play fiddle in a bluegrass band. She still plays fiddle, but not with any one group.

    1. Alison, I am looking forward to having these new ones bloom, should be a great show! My daughter plays banjo...hope she keeps it up when she moves.

  5. Love the names of all those daylilies! I love weeks that are all about gardening! Looks like a great time even in the heat!

    1. Karin, I love the names too! We have had some big time gardening events here in Greenwood...and concerts!

  6. You've been busy! Concerts, sales, and the festival sound like fun!

  7. As Queen you certainly have a busy schedule. The rabbits are eating my alliums - which is a big surprise, but they don't seem interested in the Daylily Bank which will be coming into bloom in the next week or two. By then the roses will be just about gone. Alas.

    1. Commonweeder, thanks so much for coming by!! It was a busy week. I am sorry you have rabbits eating your allium....they are rotten!!

  8. I too love spots on my flowers and love the subtle ones on your Miss Freckles. Does anyone know the real name?

    1. Patrick, so glad to see you back in the blogging world. I am not sure what the real name is, too small to be Casa Blanca and the freckles are white on Casa Blanca.

  9. Jeg kom lige forbi.
    Hvor har du dog smukke dagliljer.
    Tak for kigget.
    Ha´ en god aften.

    1. Landbohaven, thanks so much for stopping by. Yes, they are beautiful daylilies, can't wait for them to bloom next year.

  10. Oh I love new plants. LOL! Looks like you got some wonderful ones Janet. I adore lilies too and seem to add more all the time. I have Sunday Gloves and Stephanie returns but they have not bloomed yet. The concert looks like a fun time. Happy planting. LOL!

    1. Lona, I love new plants too, a lot!!! Will look for your postings of Sunday Gloves and Stephanie Returns.

  11. What fun to add some more selections to your cutting garden!

    I haven't focused on that, but it's definitely interesting - I recently bought a used copy of William Welch's cutting/flower gardens for the south book (I'm not remembering the exact title at the moment). Something good to think about. Enjoy!

    1. Lisa, it has been lots of fun to have flowers to bring inside. My garden isn't really divided into cutting garden areas. Have brought in any and everything that is blooming!

  12. I wouldn't have been able to resist those $2 daylilies, either...I'm surprised you didn't buy more! How does Pieris do for you? I love it, but it kind of struggles here. What a week you've had...don't you love summer, though? Re: Red, White and Blue Salad, it's the dressing that really makes it. I think it might be the best I've ever tasted...oh so good!

    1. Daricia, I did buy three of each of the daylilies, so...18 to plant! The pieris I have now are Cavatine and they are doing fine. It is a smaller variety. Since they are in the shade I think they do well. Crossing my fingers for the new ones to do as well.
      Re: the salad...going to try it for sure!

  13. Is your allium a later blooming variety, or was it planted later and just delayed? There are few alliums I don't like, and one that blooms in summer would be great.

    1. Les, since this is a first summer bloom I can't tell you that next year it will bloom earlier or later... who knows. I will tell you that I have a neighbor down the street who has the same allium and his is blooming now as well. Fine Gardening did an article a couple years ago on having allium blooming all season. There are a lot of varieties that give you a staggered bloom time.

  14. Oh, I'm so very envious! I hate that I missed Park Seed's sale--I would have definitely stocked up! I wonder if your white "freckles" lily is 'Casa Blanca'? Mine hasn't bloomed yet this season, but I have lots of them in the garden (we used many in our wedding arrangements way back when...) You have lots of gorgeousness to add to your already beautiful garden--but stay cool when you're planting during this crazy heat!

    1. Julie, I know you would have found a lot of bargains too! I don't think it is Casa Blanca as the freckles have color. I wish I had Casa Blanca, it is a nice large bloom. You will have to come down when you get home...will give you a tour.

  15. My gosh your week was busy. The Festival of Flowers was a booming affair. Looks like it was really fun too. We just finished our GardenFest on Sunday and I am pooped from all the work. I did get to visit gardens but not join the fest activities. I was the official photographer. I would never want to be a wedding photographer. They get to watch the fun and not have any.

    1. Donna,GWGT, It really is a big event. I love garden festivals. Sorry you couldn't enjoy yours as much since you were the photographer.

  16. Wow! You have some planting to do! I love your lilies from your mixed bag. Can't miss with orientals, can you?

    1. Kim and Victoria, I got all of them in the ground....went back to Park Seed today....tons more to plant.

  17. Great selection of plants you got. The blue corydalis is wonderful, you're going to love that. I like the freckles on that lily too, very sweet.

    1. Marguerite, thanks! I am really looking forward to the corydalis, haven't had this one before.

  18. What a haul you made, Janet! And daylilies for $2--what a bargain! Your lilies are gorgeous, named or not. Looks like you had a great week.

  19. What a great event and all those blooms especially the lilies. I love alliums and just add more and more every year. I am so jealous that you live close to Park Seed to be able to shop there...that is quite a haul!

    1. Donna GEV, We had a great week, all the way around! I want to add more allium over the coming years.

  20. We just cannot pass up on those goodies even during the heat of summer getting to us. We are hooked aren’t we? You have some beautiful lilies and great new additions for the garden. What fun with all the musical events over the past week! My cats keep me from bringing in flowers from the gardens. But then again, I feel like I am killing them if I cut one. Sigh, my sensitive side…

    1. Skeeter, We can't pass up a bargain at a garden all!! Sorry the kitties keep you from bringing flowers inside. Enjoy them outside anyway!

  21. Look at you. You need to stop going to all those concerts to find time to plant all that stuff - don't be like me and let it sit around in pots for weeks. Looks like you have enough plant material to blog about for years.

    1. Ray, I have a break in the concerts until mid-July...plenty of time to plant. I try to get most of my plants in the ground soon after purchasing. The gardens are certainly filling in.

  22. You have some interesting new additions there Janet. $2 for daylilies!! What a bargain! Your lilies are wonderful and they look great in your coffee table bouquet.

    1. Jennifer, I did get a lot of great additions, and then some! You are the best at bouquets, thanks!

  23. After all that yard work you definitely deserve a relaxing and fun bluegrass festival.

    1. Carolyn, A nice relaxing bluegrass concert was the perfect ending to the week.

  24. Yeah, $2 plants! Those should be lots of fun in your garden. And I'm so glad your catmint is doing well this year. We planted some a the temple a couple of years ago and it's so big and showy this year. Lots of visitors have asked me what it is, and I tell them all they need it in their gardens.

    1. VW, I know !!!! Hoping the deer don't find them, would hate to lose all my daylilies. Yes, the catmint is really doing well.

  25. Janet, I have three 'Eskimo' viburnum and like them very much. They are absolutely covered with blooms in spring. Mine are probably 5' tall now.

    1. DJ, think I really scored with the 'Eskimo' viburnum! Love the spring flowers.


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