
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wildflower Wed...Thursday

I don't always remember the postings for special memes -- Bloom Day is always on the 15th, Foliage Follow-up is the 16th and Wildflower Wednesday is the fourth Wednesday of the month.  If I am lucky I remember to do the Bloom Day posting. Yesterday was Wildflower Wednesday...oops.   Well Gail, the hostess of Wildflower Wednesday said the post is up all week, meaning I could still add my post to the list.
This morning I went out in my bathrobe to get some morning light photos of some of my native wildflowers/ plants.  We live out in the boonies, I could go out in my birthday suit and nobody would notice.  In my front yard are some of my wonderful native grasses, some of which are starting to bloom.  I love these seed heads.  In front of my well is Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah'.  It has been a great performer, this year the red stems are more vibrant.

The seed heads are just starting to emerge.

This is a clump of three.  Nice soft edge of the rocks that line the driveway.

On the other side of the driveway was a compacted, graveled, soil-scraped mess.  We added some grasses to help slow the water as it rolled down the hill.   These native grasses have survived nicely, though some spots are doing better than others.  I originally bought 7 Schizachyrium scoparium 'The Blues' and divided them as I planted, going for bonus plantings.  I think last time I counted there were a dozen still growing.

I like the blue tones of this grass, wonderful soft hues.  Along the bank I have some junipers planted, this is the year they should 'leap'.

Along the driveway up closer to the street is one of my Hydrangea quercifolia shrubs.  This is such a super plant.  I have this one in a spot that it will be able to grow to it's full potential.

For those who were cheering for the Passion vine, it has popped up a few feet from where the other one had  been.   The Sassafras tiny tree is still doing well, so this is a win-win.

In the backyard I have more color.  The morning light makes these Gaillardia sparkle.  Think I will encourage more of these babies in the coming years.

Just down the hill a little is another yellow/orange bloom.  Helenium 'Mardi Gras', I love how the blooms vary so much depending on how long they have been open.  I had to remove one of these plants last year as I found some Aster yellows had infected the plant.  So far I haven't seen any evidence on the others. I did buy one to replace the infected one.  I really like the fragrance on this bloom.

Aren't the petals beautiful?  The pollinators are wild about it too!

Speaking of fragrance......Clethra alnifolia 'Vanilla Spice' is just starting to bloom.  I have four of these shrubs in the garden,  bought five and can't for the life of me figure out from where the fifth one disappeared.  This moth was still napping.  Later in the afternoon the fragrance is a lot stronger.  Funny how the fragrance is different at different times during the day.   

This one is blooming more than the other three.  One of the others is sending out some new sprouts, forming a bit of a colony.  As the others bloom, the garden is filled with wonderful scents.  If you don't have a Clethra in your garden, you should!!
I have learned a lot from Gail's postings on native plants, as well as many of the participants in her Wildflower Wednesdays.    Be sure to stop by!

©Copyright 2012 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. I do have a Clethra, but I haven't noticed much of a scent on it. Maybe I've been sniffing it at the wrong time of the day. I have a single tiny clump of Helenium, I'm hoping it flowers this year. Your other flowers and grasses are so pretty!

    1. Alison, check your Clethra in the late afternoon or evening. Hope your Helenium blooms a lot for you!

  2. My clethra blooms are just about to open. What a wonderful plant for that one. Helenium is a favorite and I would like to add it, but doesn't it need full sun? I doubt I have enough...have tried Gaillardia a couple of times but it didn't make it. I forgot all about Wildflower Wednesday, too, after almost posting last Wednesday by mistake. Maybe I can get one up later today. Maybe. Your plants are looking great...what a nice garden you have to stroll through each day.

    1. Daricia, it is wonderful indeed!! My Helenium is in full sun for the morning, but dappled shade in the afternoon. I love my garden, walk around the gardens many times a day.

  3. Pretty grasses!
    Love the brilliant orange flowers, and I can imagine the aroma of the Vanilla Spice!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Lea's Menagerie

    1. Lea, thanks! The oranges are dazzling in the morning light!

  4. Janet you have some of my fav plants...gaillardia, helenium and clethra...the last 2 have not bloomed here in the N yet but clethra will soon! Lovely wildflowers all around.

    1. Donna,GEV, great minds think alike!! Loving the Clethra blooming now!

  5. I like that helenium very much!

  6. Ha, Janet, I had to laugh about your running out in your birthday suit:) My daughter often dashes outside to her car for something draped only in a bath towel, until one day we went for a walk and discovered that our neighbors have a clearer view of our driveway than we thought--no more bath towels:)

    'Shenandoah' was the first grass I ever planted, and I've never regretted it. I agree it's a beauty. What I don't have, though, is a 'Vanilla Spice' clethra. That's just what I wanted for my arbor bed, but rather than order it, I thought I could buy one locally. No luck, though, so I had to settle for a 'Ruby Spice.' So far it hasn't bloomed, but I'm hopeful. Love the Helenium!

    1. Rose, yes, me in my birthday suit is not a good image. hahahaa Your daughter running out in a towel is pretty funny.
      Think we got Shenandoah about the same time. As for the Clethra, I had wanted Ruby Spice and found Vanilla Spice!!

  7. Glad your passion vine made it. Mine is doing well and actually blooming this year. I have Gulf Fritillary butterflies laying eggs all over it which makes me happy. I need catch more photos of the caterpillars.

    I'm not familiar with Clethra alnifolia 'Vanilla Spice'. I've never seen it grown here. Hmmm . . . more scent in the garden is a good thing.~~Dee

    1. Dee, I am glad the passion vine made it too. Love that far out bloom! You would love love love Clethra!! It is an understory/ edge of the woods shrub. The scent is wunderbar!!

  8. Janet,
    Giggled when I read that you could photograph in the all together. When I was dashing about the hidden back garden yesterday in my nighty Kevin said, I bet you'd get more visitors, if we added a photo of you dressed like this photo to your blog.....I told him "the wrong kind!" You've made me feel slightly evil for yanking out my helenium - too short where it was and not enough flowers, but when you behold a single bloom, perhaps I've been overly harsh. My vanilla spice has yet to bloom - perhaps next year. Will definitely put my nose to the ground looking for some scent.

    1. Barbarapc, thanks for stopping by!! Yes, some photos of us dressed in interesting fashion would bring SOME kind of readership. Hope you find some more Helenium, it is wonderful. Enjoy the Vanilla Spice.

  9. I love Wildflower Wednesdays but I'm another one who always forgets to post. How great that both the passion vine and sassafras are going to survive. Loved the photos of the clethra. I only just discovered this plant this year and tried to grow some from seed. I got them germinated but unfortunately put them out in sun far too soon and baked them. will try again next year and try to remember to give them lots of shade at the beginning.

    1. Marguerite, yes, I usually forget too. Hope you have great success with the Clethra the shade!

  10. When I left the corporate world, I never wanted to be on a schedule or deadline again! (You'll notice that I don't participate in blog "days" memes.)

    Those helenium are stunning! I want! I sowed sees, but no show. I should buy plants.

    1. Freda, I understand that~ My seed sowing has not been very successful lately. :-(

  11. Beautiful! I'm happy to see that we have more bees around this year. I'm glad you wore your robe. Birthday suits are not so good in gardens what with all the insects around. :)

    1. Carolyn, the bees sure like it around my yard! I had to laugh at the insects and needing a bathrobe....think some of my bug bites have flown up under.....

  12. I really wish I had the moisture for a clethra. I don't live in the boonies but garden in my bathrobe, anyway. It gives the neighbors something to gossip about. :o) Your helenium look great! Mine kept falling over and then ants excavated a nest at their roots. I ended up pulling them a few years ago.

    1. Tammy, I bet you could find a spot for a Clethra! Good to give the neighbors something to talk about, you are funny!!
      Sorry about your Helenium.

  13. I like your orange flowers and your photos of them. Tis nice to meet a Queen here in blogland.

    1. Terra, thanks so much and welcome! Nice to meet you as well.

  14. II love the look of 'Mardi Gras' too. I had no idea Helenium is fragrant.


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