
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Uptown During Festival of Flowers

Last night we went to dinner at Montague's in Uptown, for our anniversary.  We had chatted with the chef the day before at the Uptown Farmer's Market.  He was purchasing food from our favorite farmer, Penny Parisi.  His Tuesday night special menu is a four course 'Farm to Fork' dinner.  It was a wonderful dinner, from the ratatouille, to the fried green tomatoes, to the fresh NC trout, to fresh SC peaches and cream... it was time for a walk around town.

It is the month of June, therefore, it is Festival of Flowers here in Greenwood, South Carolina.   The topiaries in Uptown are always crowd pleasers.  I posted many of them last year here.   There were some new topiaries added this year and some reworked.  Here are some of them--
New one sponsored by Velux

Reworked Clemson tiger

Lion and cub

Corner garden filled with dolphin, turtles, apes,
alligator, frog, and ducks. 

I am in love with Seahorses.

More color added to the butterfly

Pandas added to the top of camera

The topiary sponsored by the Master Gardeners

Everywhere we walked there were flowers blooming.  Uptown Greenwood does Festival of Flowers in full splendor. 

Those of you who went to the Fling, there was a handout of events for Festival of Flowers.  If you live close, the garden tours and Park Seed trial garden tour are this coming weekend.  Come on by!

©Copyright 2012 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Fried Green Tomatoes caught my attention!! YUMMY!
    Very creative forms of flower art here, a lot of work I imagine. I lived in Goose Creek 26 years ago, my late husband was stationed there and was killed in a single car crash in the neighboring town, I can't think of the name of it...sheesh..

    1. Darla, these were great fried geen tomatoes!
      Think Goose Creek is closer to the coast, I didn't know about your late husband, so sorry.

  2. Wow Janet. They are all so beautiful.What a lot of work there has to be in those topiary's. The Jeep is such a fun one.Happy Anniversary too!

    1. Lona, thanks! Yes, there is a lot of work with the topiaries!

  3. I will have to look at topiary differently now. The lion and cub are adorable, and so well crafted. We just had our anniversary and dined out also, but not in such pretty surroundings.

    1. Donna, Yes, the topiaries are pretty cool. Happy anniversary to you too!!

  4. Happy Anniversary, my friend! I definitely need to get to the Festival of Flowers--your photos are fabulous! I went to Park Seed a couple years ago during the festival and look forward to returning. Your anniversary dinner sounds divine--we're heading to Asheville this weekend to celebrate ours, and I'm wishing I had called the Gentlings to request a visit! Instead, I think we might head to the NC Botanical Gardens--you and Daricia inspired me to visit! Have a lovely week!

    1. Julie, Happy Anniversary to you too! Plan on coming down next year for Festival of Flowers. Hope you go to the botanical gardens!!

  5. What a delightful festival! The displays remind me of the floats in the Rose Parade. I know you're enjoying the festivities.

  6. That arching wooden display is so cool!

  7. That dinner sounds absolutely fantastic. fresh peaches and cream - yum. Love the little elephant in the first photo. What a great festival, how lucky you are to see this each year.

    1. Marguerite, yes, dinner was wonderful!! We are having great peaches this summer. We like this Festival.

  8. Happy Anniversary! What a fun night out! My favorite is the tiger...GO CLEMSON!

    1. Karin, thanks! Yes, I thought you would like the Clemson tiger!

  9. Happy Anniversary, Janet!!!
    I love the green lion! I'd find a spot for him in my garden!

  10. Happy Anniversary and my, what a wonderful dinner. You cannot go wrong with Fried Green Maters! I must have missed your Topiary’s from last year as these look new to me. I have never seen such neat and creative topiary’s before. I am not sure if the Saint has anything planned for the weekend or not. But not sure I could handle the heat. It is to be in the 90’s here and I don’t do well with humid temps. What is the forecast for Greenwood?

    1. Skeeter, thanks. We need a plan for next June....pick a time when the heat isn't killing us.

  11. The topiaries look a lot like the floats in our grand floral parade, but those are only on display as they "float" down the streets of Portland...a lot of work for minimal exposure.

    1. Ricki, they do look like floats. I like our month long festival.

  12. How lucky to live where such a lovely festival occurs and near Park the creative!

    1. Donna @GEV, It was part of my husband's plan to get me to Greenwood by taking me to Festival of Flowers one June!

  13. What a great way to celebrate your anniversary. And that dinner sounds fabulous!

  14. Yum on the dinner ~ sounds like a great place to eat and happy anniversary too!

    Loving those topiary ~ I think the lion is my favorite although they are all works of art. It seems like you live in a great place ~ did you scout that out before choosing it or just get lucky???

    1. Kathleen, it was a very nice way to spend our anniversary. The lion is a popular one.
      We scouted out this area, and Charlie used good timing for us to come down for my first visit...during Festival of Flowers.

  15. i thought the last photo is very sweet. repetitive patterns, very neat indeed.

  16. I love the pink clad monkey swinging from the crape myrtle, where can I get one?

  17. I'm most intrigued by the arching wood installment and love the car.

    1. Patrick, yes, the arching wood display was interesting and the Jeep is a favorite.

  18. What a great event! Really love the elephants and the seahorse. So cool. Had to click on all of them to see them larger because they were so cool.

    1. K & V, It is a nice event -- all sorts of activities all month long. Glad you clicked on them...they are pretty cool.

  19. What a beautiful city, and my kind of festival. Thanks for sharing with us, Janet!


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