
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Interesting Places

Since I haven't been posting for a while I am sure many of you wondered where I have been. Well------lots of interesting places!!

For Memorial Day weekend we took a plane ride to this location....

Not ringing a bell? I did ask that we stop at the above places to get these husband takes me to some of the best places.

Route 66!!!

This is where we were------ST LOUIS!!!

We were in town for our nephew's wedding-- congrats to the happy couple.

The day after we got back there was a Master Gardener garden I really wanted to make sure to be a part of. Our first stop was to Phillip's house.... yes, Phillip of How It Grows! One of our fellow bloggers! His home is a native garden delight. Lots of fun meeting him finally....he lives just up the road in Williamsburg. Be sure to stop by his blog and say hi!

He was most kind in allowing our large group to come through and ask tons of questions!!

Lots of ferns and lush green growth, very peaceful garden.

Two days later we were on the road to South Carolina for a quick look at the house. We hadn't been there since March --this was another drive down one day very early and drive home the next in the afternoon. I am getting too old to do that too many more times!

This is the 'Greatroom'. Living room/dining room/ kitchen.  Like the toilet in the front hall?  Plumber was still working.

Lots of red soil/clay! Landscaping/sod etc. is the last to go in--

We now have the exterior painted and garage doors!!

Early summer view of the lake from the deck-

Look at all that sunlight on the deck! Great for containers (tomatoes!!)

Hoping to get the study trip pictures done within the next few days...stay tuned!

words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. You have been so busy!

    Love the photos of the house. Beautiful place--inside and outside!

  2. You really have been very busy!! The new house is so beautiful!! I know you will love it there!! Lots of love, Debbie

  3. Hi Janet. You have been a busy little bee. Your new house is looking so pretty. I love your large room. What a view you are going to have. Just beautiful.

  4. Ah, it was a good weekend for weddings, apparently. I hear you about long drives - our three kids did mostly well but I rolled my eyes several times during their spats that sound extra loud when we're all trapped inside a car together.
    How fun to take a tour of a fellow bloggers' garden. If only there were some garden bloggers near me!
    How exciting to look forward to your beautiful new home. Good luck with preparations.

  5. If you were in St. Louis, you weren't that far from me! Well, about 3 1/2 hours away:) I've driven on part of Rt. 66, but I've always dreamed of driving the whole length of it--do you remember the old TV show "Route 66"? Your new home looks lovely; the view from the deck is spectacular!

  6. Oh, that young couple is SO beautiful!!! And the garden does look peaceful, even with your big group! I like the pond. But, most of all, I like your new house! The view! The deck! Sunlight! Water! How exciting!

  7. It was nice to finally meet you! Thanks for the hibiscus.

  8. Your home is beautiful! I'm sure you can't wait to be settled in!

  9. Oooh, Janet, the house is so close to being done! You must be beyond excited, and tired after that traveling. That deck is large and looks perfect for containers. Love the view too. Ahhhh. :-)

  10. Janet,
    It looks like your house (and deck) will be a lovely place to relocate. And I hope your deck is a great place for tomatoes and other veggies, too.


  11. Wow you've have an adventurous time while you were missing from the blogging world! I missed you a bunch, hope we can get together before you make the permanent move to SC. The house looks great, love that deck, what a pretty view and yes a perfect spot for maters! ;)

  12. Janet,
    I am drooling over the house. It is coming along very nicely. Looks like a nice those happy occasions!

  13. I'm seeing a trend - lot's of garden bloggers busy these days. I say no worries about how frequently you can blog or visit other blogs, tis the season where everyone is doing their best to play catch up. Congrats on house progress and wedding festivities. Looks like a fun trip.

  14. Hi Janet~~ It won't be long before your home is move-in ready, am I right? Beautiful woodwork and moldings. The deck and view are to die for.

    How is it you were able to capture segments of Route 66 with nary a car in sight? Even the Eat-Rite is devoid of cars. Great photos. They're very enigmatic.

    Garden tours are always fun.

    I will ditto the comments of your other commenters. We've all been busy and it's understood that you may not be able to blog.

    Congrats to the happy couple.

  15. Your SC home looks wonderful! That deck is going to be great for pots. Good luck with the move - and once you're settled in, come down to Charleston for a visit.

  16. A house on a are living my dream!!! Absolutely beautiful!!


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