
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

saying goodbye----

Welcome to my blog fellow Master Gardens of York County-

Memories of York County Master Gardeners

I have long contemplated how to go about writing this article.  It is serving a double to say good-bye to the York County Master Gardeners and to introduce them to my blog.  Many of the MG's know I have a blog, some wonder why.  For my regular blog readers, you know I have shared many photos of the Learning Garden over the past couple years, introducing you to part of where the York County MG's work.  Many of my tree photos have come from the trees in the LG.  
So now, I welcome my MG friends to come online and get acquainted with my blog and then in turn, other gardening blogs.  There is a wonderful world of garden bloggers who share good information and wonderful photos.  If you are reading this in the Green Thumb online you should be able to click on this link and go to my blog. The Queen of Seaford  Please explore the tabs at the top of the page.  I have written many posts about trees...used to do it every Tuesday, but time got in the way.  You can search the blog for certain topics or specific words.  I wrote about last year's study trip and this year's study trip will be getting posted sometime in the near future. .   Along the side of the blog there are links to blogs that I like reading...some folks post an entry daily, some weekly and others post whenever the urge hits them.   
I welcome  you to make a comment on the postings.  You don't have to belong to any web site to do this.  If you comment anonymously please sign your name so I know you visited.  You can also have the posts delivered to your email address, check the sidebar for entering your email address.   I will continue to have my old email address so you can always reach me.  So stop by the blog and say hi.  Send me an email... and if you are in South Carolina, stop by.  I will miss you all and have enjoyed working with you over the years. 
All photos in my blog can be clicked on to view in a larger venue.

If none of you have visited the Virginia Tech Research Station over on Diamond Spring Blvd., I encourage all of you to go. The gardens are fantastic, the plants are labeled and the arboretum is amazing. Thanks for making this garden visit with me today Karen.

To all my blogging friends out there....packers come in a couple days and then we head down to South Carolina. Maybe by August I will be back here on a regular basis.

words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Janet - Hope all goes well with your move. I know moving is a chore. (I lived in 4 houses in 3 years and built 2 of them during that time.)

    I think the weather is about to get cooler for you.

    "See" you when you're settled in SC.

  2. Janet,
    Sure they will miss you in York County. To me you are about as close to us from either address. We understand about being busy and will be looking forward to when you have the free time to get back to posting!

  3. Best of luck with your move and in your new home. I am glad I got a personal tour of the Learning Garden. I hope moving day will be in the upper 70's, sunny, with a light breeze and low humidity.

  4. I can't believe it's time already! We never got to make that visit to Lewis Ginter. I hope the next few weeks will go smoothly (well, as much as can be expected!). I know you guys will just love your new home. Sending you both wishes for wonderful times ahead!

  5. I bet you have been busy with packing and all that's involved in your move. I'm looking forward to learning more about your new place. It must be exciting! Good luck with everything!

  6. Good luck with your move Janet. I'll be anxiously waiting for your posts. ;-)

  7. I will miss you Janet, but at least through blogging we can still keep in touch. Can't wait to see the new garden and all you will have to share with us. :)

  8. Best of luck with your move to your new and beautiful house in SC!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

  9. I hope lots of your MG friends from York County will accept your invitation, Janet, and stay in touch via your blog. If they do, they're in for a real treat! Of course, you didn't warn them that blogging can be addictive:) Those of us from out of state have enjoyed seeing all the photos from the Learning Garden; I know I'm impressed by this group of Master Gardeners.

    Good luck with your move!

  10. Good luck with the move...I'm looking forward to more posts in the future!

  11. Good luck with the move. Sorry we never got to meet in person. I'm heading out to the Virginia Tech Research Station today to admire and photograph. Can't wait to see how the Queen rules South Carolina.

  12. Janet~~ Best wishes on your impending relocation. I hope everything goes smoothly and the weather is cool enough to make it a comfortable event.

  13. Janet- Exciting times! I know how much you are looking forward to your new house and that beautiful lakefront site. Lots of love and good luck!

    Susie Q

  14. I hope the move goes smoothly. It is so hard to say goodbye to people and an area that has been such an important part of our lives. I look forward to your postings about your new place.

    Always Growing


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I am now moderating all comments. Too much spam is coming through. Sorry folks.