
Friday, May 28, 2010

One More Trip Through the Learning Garden

Happy Memorial Day weekend to all. For your viewing pleasure I wanted to share a few of the photos I took in the Learning Garden yesterday (Thursday). I have very few Thursdays left....time is really zooming by before the move to South Carolina.

Wish the center of the bloom was a bit more in focus...this is Magnolia grandifolia 'Brakens Brown Beauty'.

It was hot and very sunny on Thursday and this Butterfly Weed, Asclepias tuberosa , seemed to glow.

Mr. Bumblebee was busy in the Common Milkweed, Asclepias syriaca.

The Verbena bonariensis stands out against the Daisy.

And a plant that is pretty cool...Acanthus mollis is blooming right now.

words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Acanthus is such a great plant! I love its foliage as well as its blooms. I have one plant which, for some reason, didn't bloom last year. I hope, it'll make me happy this summer. You are such a responsible blogger, Janet, posting even before your big move! Thank you!

  2. Acanthus is something I've tried several times to grow with no success. I've finally given up ~ at least for as long as I live in Colorado! It's such an architectural plant tho ~ I think it provides a lot of structure in the garden.
    I can always count on your blooms being way further ahead then mine. Something that will be even more so when you move further south! Asclepias and milkweed are not doing anything yet. I love the brillant orange color of the asclepias.
    Will you be renaming your blog after the move?? or keeping the same name? Don't know why I am wondering about that?!!
    Have a good weekend Janet!

  3. Good capture on the V. bonariensis. It is hard to photograph without a background. I thought I was not going to have V. b. this year. Suddenly they are appearing.

  4. Your 'brown beauty' certainly is - it almost looks suede. And I LOVE that Acanthus mollis. I will have to see if it's hardy here. Gorgeous foliage.

  5. Oh Janet that Magnolia is gorgeous.I seeded some pink Asclepias and Milkweed this winter for the garden. I wanted to add more flowers for the butterflies. Looks like the bees are going to love it also. What a wonderful picture of the Bumble bee.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Only a few Thursday at the Learning center left! my dear, before we know it, you'll have another wonderful resource to share with us! Love the photos and will miss this super place~gail

  7. Nice photos! I'm hoping for a day... Wait, I'll rephrase... On my bucket list: to see my Acanthus bloom. How wonderful it will be to see those stately towers in my garden.

  8. Lovely blooms, Janet! I'll miss your photos of the Learning Garden, but I'm sure you'll find more beautiful gardens to share with us in your new home.

  9. Just beautiful! I sure do love the bears breeches!

  10. Thanks for the tiptoe through the Learning Garden. I'm going to miss you when you move to SC, hope we can get together before you do. That Acanthus makes me so excited for mine to bloom! :)

  11. Janet,
    A very nice post and reflection about the garden(s) that you're leaving. Look forward to hearing about your new gardening activities in SC.

    Hope everything goes smoothly,

  12. So absolutely beautiful pictures - thank you! Britta

  13. Thanks for the kind comments! This saying good-bye stuff is getting harder as time gets closer to the move.
    For the time being I will still be passing myself off as The Queen of Seaford....though down the road I might tweak the name a little. We will have to wait and see.


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