
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Photo-a-Day Week 8

Our weather has been nice the last few days, so I spent a good deal of time outside pruning those shrubs whose time is now. While showering I remembered I needed to post this past week's photos. All photos this week were taken with my cellphone. 

Day 48-

I have three Amaryllis bulbs on the laundry room window sill. They bloomed Christmas time in 2023 and spent last summer on the screened porch, each putting up a lot of foliage but no blooms. Once in the house for the winter, I noticed a flower stalk. I watched and watched, and then on Monday morning, I didn't see the flower bud, just a long stalk reaching up to the window. It had opened and put forth two beautiful blooms behind the curtain!


Day 49-

Outside our dining room window, there is/was a bird feeder on a shepherd's hook. This was one of the feeders  I didn't ordinarily bring in the house overnight. I guess this was a mistake!  I imagine it was a raccoon that wanted the birdseed. The pole bent almost to the ground and all seed was gone! 

Day 50-

We have rocks throughout our yard, some of it is really pretty. This one is about the size of a basketball or more. I believe it to be white quartz. 

Day 51-

Just outside our neighborhood, in the same yard that I shared last week with the bicycle and pink blooming tree, is a cute Gnome house. The tree stump has been disintegrating, so I think this little house is on borrowed time. It used to have an above-ground pool and clothesline and lots of Gnomes lounging about the yard.  

Our house is a very, very, very fine house...

Day 52-

Liebling, our German Shepherd, loves to play fetch. Both the dogs are always excited about going out front to play. Their stare is intense, waiting for the rings to be tossed.

Laser Focus

Day 53-

Edgeworthia chrysantha blooms every winter. Many of my winter-blooming plants have been blooming later this year than usual. The fragrance of these blooms is amazing! The honey bees love its nectar, on warm days you will see bees all over the shrubs. 

Edgeworthia Aglow
Day 54-

Washington Hawthorn shrubs are native to our area and true to their names, come with large thorns! This is Crataegus possibly uniflora.


Thus wraps up another week of photos. Come back again next week. 

©Copyright 2025 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. Words and photos by Janet, The Queen of Seaford.


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