
Sunday, February 16, 2025

Photo-A-Day Week 7

These weeks go by so quickly. We are already done with week 7. 

Day 41-

Spring comes in bits and spurts in our area of South Carolina. We had a week of 70-degree highs and a week of low 50s. Really mixed up! Many of my Crocus have disappeared over the years, most likely due to chipmunks eating the corms.

First Crocus

Day 42-

Our drive to Costco takes us through Simpsonville, on a crowded corridor of fast-food places, stores, and motels. There are so many electric lines. Power outages would be less often if they were buried.

Bury The Lines

Day 43-

This metal rooster was a gift from my daughter. She knows I like The Bloggess and the metal rooster is a favorite blog post. Jenny Lawson, The Bloggess, is a funny author. 

Knock- Knock

Day 44- 

I am not sure what kind of tree this is, but imagine it is a Prunus of some sort. We have early blooming cherries, apricots, and plums in our area. This is a neighbor's yard, the bicycle often has flowers in its basket. 

Early Bloomer

Day 45-

Heart-shaped leaves in the garden are a treat on Valentine's Day. This is a Cyclamen neapolitanum. 

Happy Valentine's Day

Day 46-

Down the street from the flowering tree above is this grand oak. I believe it is a Post Oak. We lost so many mature oaks from the hurricane. I am happy this one is still standing.

Stand Strong

Day 47-

Missouri vs Georgia basketball game at Georgia. The arena may be glowing with red Georgia colors, but the Black and Gold of Mizzou won the day.


Another week of photos in the books. Thanks for stopping by.

©Copyright 2025 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. Words and photos by Janet,The  Queen of Seaford.


  1. Oh, Crocuses...yay! And lots to celebrate this week. :)

    1. Hi Beth, yes, Crocuses and other blooms (and a Mizzou win). Hope you stay warm my friend, spring is on its way.


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