
Sunday, August 4, 2024

Puget Sound Fling day #2 continued-

After the Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden we visited two gardens, next door to each other. The Anderson garden had some accents of Italy, the owners lived and traveled in Italy before moving to Washington state. The influence is apparent. Lovely lawns, sitting areas, columns, colorful gardens and special spots are throughout the garden.  
The front/side yard walled with boxwood hedges

The columns across the back of the house frames the garden

So much color!

Looking out toward the street with a cherub

Gorgeous 'sitting' area, outdoor kitchen 

Many of the sections of the backyard gardens were framed by boxwood hedges. The one below was filled with bird feeders and a sitting area close by. 

A plant we saw in many gardens is favored by hummingbirds. Crocosmia with its trumpeted bright red blooms call to the hummers.

A special spot in the garden is for the owners' pets to be remembered.

Moving next door we see more gorgeous garden areas-
Risdahl-Pittman gardens. The wife is the plant person and the husband added to the garden with concrete forms and a floating concrete deck. 

Remember I said we were going to see another many petaled daisy-like plant? Here it is- this one is Inula magnifica, common name Giant Fleabane The easiest difference to see is the leaf shape. The Inula has ovate leaves and the Telekia has heart shaped leaves. 

 Another plant I wanted to share in this garden were two different St. John's Wort, Hypericum inodorum. Some florists use the seed pods in their arrangements. I love the various colors.

In the backyard there are shady bits of oasis. Part of the deck is in shade. 

Here's a sunny view of the concrete deck the homeowner made. If you look closely you can see a furry friend who wants to come out to play. 

In the sunny front yard there was an Abutilon that I was unfamiliar with. Callianthe megapotamica, Trailing Abutilon. 

A parting shot from these two gardens- never pass up an opportunity to get a nice photo with a great backdrop. 

Next up one of my favorite gardens of the trip. 

©Copyright 2024 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. It was fun to see two neighbors gardening in such different styles next door to each other.

  2. What a fascinating pair of gardens.... Such different design philosophies juxtaposed next to each other!

  3. That sitting area is really special. And the color in the gardens--lovely!

  4. I spent so much time at the Risdahl-Pittman Garden that I fairly ran through the second one. Nice to take a slower look. I need to find that Hypericum with the red seedheads. Beautiful.

    1. Jerry, it is hard to divide your time between two gardens, side by side. There was so much in each. Hope you find the Hypericum! Think for me it would have to be mail order.


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