
Monday, August 5, 2024

A Splendid Garden! Puget Sound Fling day #2 continues

This garden belongs to one of Fling hosts, Camille. I have seen her garden through her Instagram page but to see it in person is just outstanding! At every turn and in every direction there was a view or a planting or a sitting area to take it all in. She has the best gardens and views! Sit back and enjoy this photo loaded post.

I love the iridescence of this one ball. It adds sparkle to a shady spot. 

This garden had so much. I especially like the dark leafed hydrangea with these beautiful blooms.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Eclipse'

This gabion Camille made from rocks donated by a goat farmer (I think that's right) where she got the metal pieces. It makes a great pillar along the walkway of the front garden. 

Just past the gabion is a gateway over the path, as you walk through you see the killer view of Mt. Rainier, perfectly framed. More views of said mountain from the backyard.

Along the side of the house was this evergreen, pine or fir? Not sure what it was but the exfoliating bark was really interesting. 

What's more gorgeous, the colorful succulents, the pool, or the mountain? I say all three together!!

Around the pool were containers filled with colorful and interesting plants. 

Sanguisorba maybe 'Pink Brushes'

I love the silvers against the dark magenta blooms

All through the gardens there were views of Mt. Rainier, framed by trees, vines, and trellises 

Back in the front yard there are enchanting items like this teapot hanging in a Japanese maple.

I had to walk around the house a number of times, from various directions to see all the vignettes created in the gardens. This water feature had a lovely waterfall feature. 

Bits of whimsy 

The bright chartreuse colors pop in the shade

From the deck overlooking the pool and surprise, another view of the mountain!

This hanging planter was oohed and aahhed by all of us. 

Another sitting area in the cool shade in the front yard 

Color echoes in the begonia and Coleus, incredible!

More whimsy 

A parting shot of the water feature in the backyard. Such a great spot to enjoy.

Thanks for joining me in this beautiful garden. More gardens and posts to come. 

©Copyright 2024 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Oh my gosh, there were so many amazing views and creative vignettes in Camille's garden. I loved the extra time allotted here so we could really sit and enjoy it -- plus eat gelato!

    1. Pam, these views were to die for!! I enjoyed the extra time as well.

  2. Lovely. And thanks so much for sharing the great photos...especially for those of us who didn't attend. Love those metal rock holders. And the potted plantings at this garden are really special!

  3. The views of Mt. Rainier are spectacular - and gorgeously framed. What a perfect day to tour! I love the splashes of whimsy, like the signpost with mileage to other famous mountains and the hanging teapot. The rock gabion is one of those ideas that I'd love to use in the future, too.

    1. Cynthia, I loved the views. The weather really cooperated for these beautiful vistas. The signpost was fun.

  4. This seems to have been a favorite for many people, with its spectacular backdrop of Mt. Rainier and luscious foliage/floral combos. I am glad we got to spend a lot of time here.


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