
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Roses Roses Roses- And the Winners Are.....

Rosa 'Janet'
Thank you to each and everyone of you who visited my blog or my Facebook page to participate in the David Austin rose giveaway.
I have been a fan of the David Austin rose in my garden. It is a pleasure to share three to my readers. Wish I could send each and everyone of you a rose.
The winners are Ed Yemola,  Donna Abel Donabella, and Lynn Hunt.
I need you to send your name and email address to me.
 My email is I will send your information to my contact at David Austin, Sally. She will send you an email with the details on how to receive your bare rooted rose. In the meanwhile go to the David Austin website and search the bare root rose list to make your decision. You have so many beautiful roses from which to choose. My choices were from the 2016 introductions but you don't have to limit yourself to my choices...the world is your oyster. The hard part will be making a choice.
Rosa 'Janet'
Again, congratulations to you- send me your information and look over the roses at David Austin. The roses will be sent to you according to your region's best time to plant a rose.

Rosa 'Janet'
And thank you to all who participated!

©Copyright 2016 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Oh wow, I am SO excited!! Can't wait to take another look at the catalogue and select my rose. Thank you so much Janet!!!

    1. Congrats Lynn! My roses are on their way, yours should be soon as well.

  2. Yipppeee! I am just literally jumping for joy! Thank you, thank you, thank you Janet! Sharing your rose winnings with your readers is so special! Sending big hugs and much gratitude! Can you tell I am excited. I will email you shortly!

  3. So many roses, so little sunshine in my garden alas. Nothing like a beautiful smellificent Austen. Hope 2016 is full of wonderful garden adventures and perhaps a Fling or two! Best wishes, Barbarapc

    1. I know what you mean Barbara, I have limited sun -- lots of hope it is enough!

  4. beautiful roses...... around here where i live, weather is getting drier and hotter, and rainfall gets lesser. therefore no roses in sight.

    1. Nice of you to stop by Bangchik, yes, the weather patterns are quite changing.


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