
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Blogs, Flings and Rose Give-Away

Last month I was asked to speak at a Master Gardener program about blogging. What does one say about writing a blog? Do you talk about the ins and outs of which platform to use? I did. Do you include why one writes a blog? Of course I did. I also included learning about writing html code and that I was glad it isn't critical. I also talked about other bloggers helping me get started. I appreciated my sister suggesting that I do a trial blog to make sure my photos and text all line up correctly and  Freda sharing a technique to line up multiple photos in rows and columns. Of course one must also talk about their photos. I talked about photo tagging, embedded info on the photos and different photo editing programs. Writing is critical, information needs to be accurate and well written. Check and double check your facts. I try to use a couple different references, especially when I write about trees.

 I told them the best part of blogging are the friendships from all across the world have been formed. Blogging friends are electronic pen pals. I have been blogging since 2008 and made many friends along the way. A few posts ago was my 400th post.
A couple years ago I went on my first Garden Bloggers Fling. It was like seeing old friends. Each subsequent Fling is a great gathering, seeing old friends, making new ones.

I wrote about the Fling in Toronto a few posts ago. You can read about it here. The Flings are sponsored by a multitude of garden related companies and individuals. The organizers of the Fling get support from far and wide to help lessen the cost for attendees. Over the years we have been privileged to receive tools, seeds, clothes, gloves, books, and plants. One of our sponsors this past year was David Austin Roses. Through some luck and the kindness of our Fling planners, I won the raffle for the roses! I am sharing my winnings with my readers. Two for me and three to share with you! Three chances to win!!

David Austin Rose 'Janet' 
My regular readers know I have one David Austin rose in my family garden. The family garden is a section in my garden where I have plants with names associated with members of my family. Rosa 'Janet', Paeonia 'Charlie's White', Paeonia 'Rachel's Red', Camellia sasanqua 'Rebecca's Paradise', and Hemerocallis 'Alexander's Ragtime Band' to name a few.

Over the years I have shared many photos of my 'Janet' rose. The fragrance is incredible and the colors change as the rose matures. It is a wonderful addition to my garden.  Amazing to think these two photos are of the 'Janet' rose.  The petals just keep opening and opening. A gorgeous rose.

The choices I made for myself are two new introductions for 2016. The first one is 'The Lady of the Lake'. It makes sense doesn't it? I live on a lake, therefore I NEED this rose. The second one I chose is 'Olivia Rose Austin', a heavy fragranced bloom. The photos below are from David Austin's website.
'The Lady of Lake'
'Olivia Rose Austin' 

If you would like to win one of the rose bushes, there are three chances! Just leave me a message below or on The Queen of Seaford Facebook page, or both! You will be able to make your own choice, the roses are amazing, to decide on one will be hard. A bare root rose bush will be sent to you at the correct time for planting in your area. THREE CHANCES TO WIN!!! Drawing will take place on January 7th.

Many thanks to Vincent Plotczyk for taking photos during my program.

©Copyright 2015 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Your Rose pics are AWESOME. I would LOVE to win one!Dee Fedor Falicki

  2. I have a pretty big rose garden and can always make room for one more. Thanks for the chance!

  3. How awesome to win those beautiful roses!! Don't include me in the drawing even though I LOVE David Austin roses. I don't have anywhere to put one. I'm so happy to have met you through blogging! :o)

  4. I am all over this Janet!! What a generous opportunity. I've had pretty good luck with David Austins in my Colorado garden but last winter was particularly harsh and I lost three. Several others struggled so it will be interesting what I end up with Spring. I am going to be looking to buy one (or two) even if I'm not lucky enough to win your giveaway. What a great opportunity to talk about blogging too. It is amazing the friendships that come about just from our shared passion. Happy New Year!

  5. Janet how wonderful to have won the roses and to share them with us, your readers. I would love to hear your presentation about blogging...I am sure I would learn a thing or 2! Wishing you a Happy New Year, and thanks again for giving us the opportunity to win some roses. Can't wait for the 7th, and I love the roses you chose!

  6. I wish I could have heard you speak about blogging. I love that you did that! The roses are so gorgeous, I would love to win one, but don't put me in the running…I've tried over and over to grow them in the shade, but in the end it's never worth it. One of these days, maybe I'll have a place to grow them again, and when I do, David Austin roses are the first I'll plant!

  7. I love roses and David Austin roses do well in my climate; or at least they did; I had to move mid-November and leave all my plants as the ground was frozen. So I'm waiting for spring to see what I can transplant and would love a new one! I'm grateful for all the bloggers who put so much time and effort into their work.

  8. What a generous friend you are! I'm not sure I could share David Austin roses if I had won them--ha! Seriously, though, I'm so thankful that I met you through the Fling. It's a wonderful event, and I cherish the friendships I've made through it. Happy New Year, friend!

  9. My wife loves growing roses. She has an enclosed garden where she spends so much of her time. And they are beautiful. I would love to be able to give her another one.

  10. How kind! You know there is always room for one more rose in my garden!!

  11. You look so positively relaxed! I would have been a wreck! I have just started growing climbers as my first roses.

  12. It was terrific to see you in December and I'm so glad we were able to travel together to Toronto. My shady garden is not worthy of the roses, so don't put me in the drawing. I just wanted to say hello and send kudos to you for blogging program.

  13. How great you did this presentation. I would have loved to be in the audience too. I cherish the friendships that have developed because of blogging. I enjoy visiting you and and my "SC blogging/gardening buddies". I look forward to more adventures in the new year.

  14. Blogging has allowed me to make many new friends as well, some I've never met in person, and others I have, like the Queen! Please put my name in the hat. If I win it could be seen at a botanical garden near here.

  15. The Lady of the Lake looks like a beauty. I have 1 David Austin in my rose garden. Another one would be nice. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  16. Thank you for the opportunity! The Olivia is my favorite of the two.

  17. Great post and reflections about blogging. I don't need any roses, but I'm totally grateful for my blogging friends, who have been real-life friends, and FB friends, too.

  18. I would love to win, too, but truly know that regardless of whether I do, I so enjoy your blogs and postings! I learn a lot and get to share a bit in your love of gardening! Blessings and Happy New Year to you and yours!

  19. I'd love to win a rose, but I'm just happy to read one of your posts, Janet, and see what you are up to! I agree one of the best things about blogging is getting to meet some of my blogging friends in person. I'm crossing my fingers that all goes well here so that I can make it to Minneapolis this year--hope to see you then!

  20. Good for you for speaking about blogging. It's true, blogging is a great way to visit places and meet people without leaving home. Don't enter me in the drawing for the rose, when we move we probably won't plant roses. Good luck to everyone though!

  21. Roses are my passion! I do grow quite a few varieties, but not these two in particular. I would love to win. Thank you for the offer and introducing me to your blog and FB page.

  22. I am glad the master gardeners were interested in blogging. Maybe we will have new friends as a result of your talk.

  23. Thanks to all who participated in the giveaway. See my next post for the names of the winners.


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