
Friday, April 12, 2013

Pink and White and Pink and White and....

My front garden wasn't what I wanted it to be last year.  I moved some of the Phlox subulata to the backyard where I had some erosion issues.  This allowed me to add some new plantings to the front garden. This spring I find I had a color theme going on.
I like having white in the garden as it really is a nice bright spot.  From the house forward the white plants are- Iberis sempervirens, Candytuft, Phlox subulata, a white variety, and finally a white Iceplant, Delosperma 'Jewel of Desert Moonstone'.   The phlox will fade into the summer as will the Iberis so other color will dominate the garden later in the season.

The pink color, again coming from the house forward, Loropetalum 'Daruma', Dianthus 'Sunflor Margarita', Loropetalum 'Purple Pixie' a weeping form of Loropetalum, Delosperma 'Jewel of Desert Garnet', and a a weeping Redbud, Cercis canadensis 'Ruby Falls'.

Here are the close-ups of the Delospermas and Dianthus--
Delosperma 'Jewel of Desert Garnet'

Delosperma 'Jewel of Desert Moonstone'

Dianthus 'Sunflor Margarita'

Apparently I have an affection for pink blooms.  This time of year a pretty pink in the garden makes me smile!
Still working my way through blog posts, with Google Reader going away in July I have been trying out a few other readers.  Feedly from Google is ok, though not perfect and Bloglovin' also not a favorite.  I don't know which one I will use in the future, do you have a favorite?

©Copyright 2012 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. It's a good thing you like pink! I love that Delosperma, I bought a few this spring too, with similar bright coloring but a different name.

    1. Alison, the pink and white garden is slowly emerging into burgundy and white...with a splash of blue!! I am a big Delosperma fan!

  2. I am completely unfamiliar with Delosperma 'Jewel of Desert Garnet'. I like its neat compact habit and the flowers are very pretty. I haven't started to worry about Google Readers end, but perhaps I should. Have a great weekend Janet!

    1. Jennifer, Delosperma is drought tolerant and deer resistant-ish.

  3. Very pretty!
    I like the dainty little fence, too!
    Have a wonderful week-end!
    Lea's Menagerie

    1. Lea, thanks! That dainty fence is to keep the dogs from peeing on my plants!

  4. I like the pink and white. I can see some silver or gray added for sparkle. I've always thought white was too harsh but now that I'm in the shade I'm changing my mind. Did you make it to the plant sale?

    1. Marian, I like the color combo too. Just bought some Dusty Miller for my white/gray brightness.
      Yes I did make it to the plant sale. We bought a good bit.

  5. I have both at this point. Love the pink and garden is still in very early spring stage so no pink yet, but that should change once the wether warms.

    1. Donna@GEV, I hope by now your garden is springing forth! My side garden is all green and white.

  6. Pinks, whites and lavenders are the colors of spring here. Slowly easing into spring. Nice photos.

    1. Donna @GWGT, spring is coming on so slowly! Am ready for a little explosion of growth with some warm weather.

  7. I'm using feedly and am pretty satisfied. As to color schemes, I also realized that I had adopted one without realizing it - blue and yellow - so I decided to just be more deliberate about it.

    1. Jason, I have been gravitating toward Feedly -- it may win out. Color combos that just happen are great!

  8. I love the delospermas!!!!!! They are one of my faves and they even grow here

    1. Rosey, glad they grow for you in your area...must be very hardy!!

  9. Its funny how you can suddenly step back and look at a border and see a love of a certain colour - or colour combination - revealed. I love the delospermas. Re Google Reader replacement, I use feedly and quite like it, but usually stick to email subscriptions which are filtered off to a special folder. I only use feedly for blogs with no email subscription option. Still a pain to have to change to something new though.

    1. Janet, it is funny how that happens. I have a few email subscriptions, but many are you still can't read the whole thing.

  10. I think pink and white is a can't-miss combination. So pretty for spring! I'm looking for something new and I think I'll try to find delospermas. I wonder how they'd do in my Zone 7a garden.

    1. Gloria, thanks, I felt like it popped nicely for the spring. I KNOW Delosperma will do quite well in your zone.

  11. Pink and white is one of my favorite combos, too; I like to add a little purple to the mix as well. I just saw a weeping redbud at the Dallas Arboretum and loved it--what an eyecatcher it will be in your front garden!

    I never did use Google Reader, and I have no idea what "Bloglovin'" is. I just click on my sidebar to read blogs, and other links I find. My problem right now is my computer, which I thought had been fixed. My browsers keep crashing unexpectedly while blog reading--I probably haven't left nearly as many comments as I think I have or have left duplicate comments:)

    1. Rose, I am glad you like it too! I have been adding more red, burgundy and blue along the edges. This little Redbud is quite happy in the front.
      I don't have all the blogs I follow on my sidebar... :-/ maybe I should just do that. (once I catch up)

  12. I have never had luck growing either Dianthus or Candytuft much to my son's dismay because he likes both of those plants and wants me to put them in our garden. :) I haven't tackled and alternative to Google Reader yet. Must get on that soon. Thanks for the reminder. Your garden is coming to life beautifully!

    1. Karin, I have my Dianthus raised a bit, they sure can't handle wet feet. Maybe you could try them again.
      Hope we can get together soon. Summer will be here before we know it.

  13. Local nurseries are really pushing the Delospermas this year. I suspect alot of people may end up disappointed as they are only hardy here if you have perfect drainage.

    As far as a reader goes, I just hit the "B" for the list of blogs I follow and it seems to work well.

    1. Sue, We have a lot of different Delospermas in our garden centers too.
      Thanks for coming by, I will have to check out your blog.

  14. Inspired by a co-worker, I have decided to add more Delosperma to my garden, and while I was at Sandy's I picked up two more. Now I am up to 4 varieties. I succumbed to the hype and bought 'Fire Spinner' last year and was disappointed in the lack of flowers. I will chalk it up to first year shyness and will have higher expectations this season.

    Reading your other posts it sounds as if you are enjoying spring and your busy new life in SC. I hope that continues.

    1. Les, Yes busy and enjoying all sorts of activities. I hope the 'Fire Spinner' will do well here....looks pretty good now.


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