
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

From Albino to Thunder and Waiting on Chocolate

It is that time of year again, Albino Skunk Music Festival!  This is the spring festival (rather FEST---TUU-- VAAAAAAAAALL) for Albino Skunk.  You might remember we have gone a few other times, each one a wonderful experience.    I didn't  post the first one (for some reason!?!) and the second time we went the post is here.   As in the past, the directional signs were professionally done and easy to read. 
This is Mr. Albino Skunk.  

 Music is what we are here for!!

We went on Friday, music started about 2:00 PM.  First up was Darby Wilcox and her band....called Darby and the Peepshow.  Darby is a local gal from Greenville, SC.  I would call her singing sassy and spunky.  Great band to open the festival.

Some random folks enjoying the festival.  It was a beautiful day.  

After Darby was a band called Brushfire Stankgrass from Asheville.  They claim it isn't bluegrass, but stankgrass.  According to their website stankgrass is mixing their bluegrass chops with a pinch of jazz, reggae, rock and punk.  

The venue is comfortable under mature oaks on nicely sloping land making for a great view of the bandstand.  On the backside of the stage area is the camping area.  Behind the camera are the vendors, the kid's area, food and drinks, and the merchandise table.  

The band we were looking forward to seeing was next.  Hurray for the Riff Raff is great.   A folk/country band from New Orleans is their description, but only scratches the surface of the band.  Lead singer and songwriter is Alynda lee Segarra.  Her voice is amazing.

After Hurray for the Riff Raff came Rayna Gellert and Scott Miller.   I enjoyed Rayna's smile...and her singing and her fiddle playing ...but boy -- great smile.  Scott Miller, songwriter from Virginia/Tennessee, had a lot of fun narrative to go along with his music.  Love his song 'Lo Siento Spanishburg West Virginia'

The Brushfire Stankgrass guys came back for another set around dinner time.

 Hurray for the Riff Raff also came back for another set.  Junebug Waltz was one of the numbers they did.

A repeat to the Albino Skunk Music Festival was next-- Town Mountain, a bluegrass band.  Great musicianship with these guys.  The finale for their set was Orange Blossom Special....out of this world.

Town Mountain finished about 10:30 PM and we decided it was time to head home even though there was more music to be played.  Looking forward to the fall festival...not sure who is coming yet but I know it will be a great time.  The Albino Skunk Music Festival goes for a couple days, but we had other plans for Saturday.

Saturday found us heading to one of our other music spots...Newberry Opera House to see Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder.   Last year we saw Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder perform their bluegrass show.  This year they combined bluegrass and country, pure bluegrass has no drums, usually just mandolin, banjo, fiddle and guitar.  Look at Ricky's hand....he is an outstanding mandolin player.

This is the full set when additional players came out for the country numbers.  What a great library of hits.

Oh, did I mention Chocolate?  Well this is the best chocolate money can buy.... plain and simple.  (this is a lovely surprise from my husband)
 This isn't the kind of Chocolate I was talking about.... though I am enjoying every last bite!

Coming up in May is a concert I am really excited about....Carolina Chocolate Drops!!  We will see them at the Handlebar in Greenville.   We saw them last July at the Handlebar and look forward to seeing them again!!

It has been and will continue to be a musical spring.

©Copyright 2012 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Dear Queen, the festival music sounds delightful and the setting with the large trees and the old timey stage look great.

    1. Terra, thanks for coming by, and YES!! the festival was delightful!

  2. What fun! Those chocolates look pretty good by golly.

  3. Sounds like a lot of fun Janet, and those chocolates look divine, you made my mouth water...

    1. Janet, Leonides chocolate come from could have some too!

  4. Looks like great fun! Maybe see you at the Handlebar sometime.

    1. Marian, when you go let me know!! I will keep you posted on the concerts we are going to see.

  5. You two look totally content sitting on the lawn listening to all that good music! Scott Miller plays here a lot -- not so often since he moved to Virginia. I'd like to hear Ricky Skaggs. He has such enduring talent and seems like a nice person. He showed up expectedly at my brother's little country church to attend a friend's funeral. Think he played a few songs as a tribute. I keep hearing about Carolina Chocolate Drops.

    1. DJ, it was a great day, weather was perfect....not like recent weather. I really like Scott Miller, good music.

  6. Oh it sounds like such a fun Festival Janet.

  7. Sounds like fun and that chocolate looks delicious! Wish I had some right in front of my right now.

    1. VW, tell your husband Mother's day is coming up quickly...... ;-)

  8. Wonderful way to spend a weekend.

  9. Fun music and chocolate...what could be better.

  10. I like your taste in music AND chocolate. Leonidas is THE BEST :)

  11. Sounds like a wonderful event! I can see those "random folks" were truly enjoying themselves:) And thanks for teaching me a new music term--"stankgrass"; ha, I love that!

    1. Rose, yes, those 'random folks' had a good time. Glad to share 'stankgrass' with you.

  12. That looks like you had an outstanding day for a concert. What fun that must have been.

    1. Marguerite, it was a beautiful day. We go to a lot of great concerts here.

  13. I checked out some of these bands and they're awesome! Looks like a great festival! :o)

    1. Tammy, thanks for checking them out. They are good.... Hurray for the Riff Raff has a big following in England and Ireland...and a 30 minute youtube video well worth watching.

  14. What a foot stomping good time!


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