
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Today, While Out in the Yard......

I wasn't planning on posting again today but since I had my camera with me, I got some interesting photos while  pulling weeds. My first encounter with nature was up by the hose spigot.    As  I was turning on the spigot I saw a three foot (give or take) Eastern Kingsnake.   These are nonpoisonous snakes, but you know, a snake can surprise you poisonous or not.  

He was interesting to watch, but I am not keen on going behind the bushes to turn the hose on or off.   While we were watching it, it slithered along the house toward the coiled hoses.

Yeah, not going to be recoiling this hose for a while!  

Maybe  I will stamp my feet and make lots of noise before I enter this garden to turn the water off and wind the hose back in place.
Onward and upward, or downward as the case may be.  I am pulling weeds along the water today.  Keeping my eyes open for snakes and other critters.  I was not disappointed, all sorts of things to see today.
I am happy to report this Lobelia is very happy, blooming non-stop since planted!!  My hope is that it will be reseeding in this great spot.

The water had a lot going on today.  I was happy to see a Great White Egret, perched on a submerged log, fishing.

Not sure if it got anything to eat with this move. 

There were a lot of fish in the water today.  I was surprised to see so many fish close to the dock.  Maybe they were near the Egret a minute ago?

They were circling something, I couldn't tell what or why, just this giant whirlpool of fish.  Once they heard me on the dock they came up to see me (yeah right!) and then they scattered.
Pulling weeds, I dump them into the woods.  As I walk through the edge of the yard, I find a couple more wildflowers.  This blue one is Dayflower, Commelina virginica, I think.  Quick ID, if wrong, please correct me!!

And finally, the Groundnut is starting to bloom.  Apios americana, I found this one last year.  The blooms are hanging over the water, so my photo is not as sharp and clear as pictures from last time.
I had forgotten how much lower the water was last year.  There is no walking along the shoreline yet.

Well, after falling on my rear end a couple times while pulling out those tough weeds, I decided it was time to go in.  My arms were really itchy from the grasses....hope I don't have more chigger bites!

Once in the garage, I found another little friend.... hope he found his way out of the garage.

Don't forget, Tuesday's Trees!!

©Copyright 2012 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. What a beautiful snake. He looks just like the hose. Even though he's not poisonous, I bet he can still hurt when he bites. I don't think I could garden if I lived where there was a chance of encountering poisonous snakes. I would rather see snakes in my garden than spiders. I know they're both beneficial to the garden, but spiders just give me the creeps. Those fish eyes all looking up at you are rather creepy too, but the little lizard is so cute!

    1. Alison, It is a nice looking snake...many are quite beautiful. I don't know if this one would bite....maybe. Both spiders and snakes give me the willies.

  2. Janet how fun to see all these lovely sights today...lobelia is one of my favs

  3. I live in town & saw a snake along my house right at the back door [garter snake]. Had to wait to let fur baby out. I believe I'd get some hose that are colored loudly. That poor little snake looks like the hose. Cute little lizard.

    1. Lola, Yes, snakes are everywhere. I couldn't believe how much the snake looked like the hose!

  4. You need to replace that hose with one colored safety orange, or even baby blue.

  5. I don't blame you for leaving that hose alone for a while. Cute little lizard. It's fun reading your posts, your flowers and wildlife are very different from ours.

    1. Kim and Victoria, I stamped my feet and went into the shrubs and turned off the hose....and wound up the hose. augghhhh. Thanks for saying that. I love seeing the different areas of the country too.

  6. You had an exciting day in the garden! I do like snakes but I want to see them first before they see me. There are areas that I am always careful because...well, you never know what might be lurking there. I like Les' idea above of a bright orange hose! Chiggers are the WORST and they seem to love me! I have gotten into the habit of spraying myself every time I go out in the garden. My arms and legs are tired today to from weed pulling!

    1. Karin, Yes it was pretty exciting. I agree, see the snake before he sees you. I know we have lots of snakes around here. Good to know which snake they are! Luckily for me, no chigger bites from those grassy weeds.

  7. Janet,
    I've never seen one of these in the wild. Found one ran over once, very cool find and camouflaged in that hose. I saw a Black Racer by our pond today, they love eating our frogs.

    1. Randy, You have never seen a Kingsnake in the wild?? Whoa...come down here. He did get camouflaged by the hose, most amazing.

  8. Re your extra length of 'hose': Eeek! Good thing you didn't need to water right then. Love the lobelia - I was looking at some like that at the nursery this week but didn't have a good spot for it.

    1. VW, hahaha, yes, eek indeed! I was watering right then....oh boy. I have the perfect spot for lots more lobelia, loving it!

  9. We have that same hose and I cannot tell you how many times I have jumped when it was left out on the grass. LOL. I keep the hose reeled up on the side of the house for just such scares! Plus, keeps the hose cleaner too. Looks at though the snake thinks the hose is a friend. Hee hee. When I first had this hose, when left stretched out with sprinkler attached, it was fun to watch the squirrels creep upon it then jump back. I was so entertained by them. We saw some fish in the Savannah river today but not a large school such as this one. You should keep some fish food on the dock and toss some in at times. They would be fun to catch with cane poles! Lizards are my friends too... Oh, my book says that Eastern/Black King Snake eats copperheads, rattlers and cottonmouths so yes, a good snake to have around...

    1. Skeeter, that would be a BIG snake!!! My hose is getting scraped by dragging it up the driveway to connect to the soaker hoses. We (Charlie) does fish off the dock, very enjoyable. thanks for the added info on the Kingsnake.

  10. Great post Janet!! We are so blessed to live in such a magical place.

    1. Ann, thanks! Yes, we do live in a magical place. Always something interesting to see.

  11. Be careful on snake, keep your child from it. be ware when you take up hose. your garden photos are good to see. Don't forget to use good gardening tools.

    1. bestgardeningtools, thanks for stopping by!! I was careful rolling up the hose, watching for that snake!

  12. I don't think I would be using that hose to water anytime soon! You have so many lovely vistas, Janet; even pulling weeds has to be an enjoyable experience with so many different views to look at. I hope you didn't get chiggers, either--no fun!

    1. Rose, hahaha, it is one of two hose spigots we have...had to use it. Thanks I love our views. Happy to report, no chiggers.

  13. That's a lot of wildlife! The fish look a little see through. I especially love the lizard. I wish I saw more of them here.

    1. Tammy, yes we live in the wilds....very few have built out here. I love seeing the lizards.

  14. We all benefit when you carry your camera with you.

  15. Wow! Great captures, I almost always miss the garter snakes etc that live in my garden. I agree with Rose, you have wonderful views and it must be fun to sit and look at the sky. Gail

    1. Gail, Usually the snakes are moving pretty quickly, hiding in the vegetation. Glad I got a picture of him. Thanks, we love our views!!

  16. I actually like snakes...way more than spiders. I like how it made friends with the hose.

    1. Rosey, I don't mind snakes, the nonpoisonous ones. They do give me the willies when I am in a spot where they are close to my feet and I didn't see them.

  17. I generally don't mind snakes but that is a big one and it looks just like your hose. Good for a good scare.

    1. Carolyn, This snake was a lot smaller than the skin I found along the driveway earlier this summer. The skin I found was over 5 feet long. yikes.

  18. Interesting about the school of fish! There's a 4 foot black snake that's been hanging around here and we keep startling each other. lol

    1. Sweetbay, it was an interesting school of fish. I am not sure what kind of fish they were. I haven't seen fish that large in such a large school before. Interesting.

  19. I love your Lobelia. The fish looking up at you made me laugh. I think that little blue flower from the woods is a Wandering Jew. They are pretty to look at but are impossible to uproot and are fierce spreaders.

    1. Ruth, thanks, I am pretty happy that it is in my garden as well. The blue flower in the woods is in the Tradescantia family, which includes the houseplant 'Wandering Jew'.

  20. You have such great wildlife in your garden Janet, and the bonus of the lake and all it has to offer, magical. That lobelia is stunning. And no, I wouldn't be recoiling that hose any time soon either!

    1. Janet, thanks, I feel very lucky! Think the snake has gone back to a hiding place.

  21. The King snake looked like the hose, that would make me nervous too. Good you saw him first. I love seeing Egrets, especially the white ones. They are such elegant birds. The photo of it fishing is rally nice. I do like your fish convention though. All the fish are looking at you!

    1. Donna, he does look like the hose doesn't he? Love the Egrets, they leave during the winter, so we enjoy them as much as possible during the summer. I command the fish!! hahaha

  22. Cool snake pics. So fascinating that he was going for the natural camo of the hose! We have rat snakes sometimes and a small one slithered across my toes in the veggie garden once. I let out a blood curdling scream til I realized it was harmless. I probably scared him to death!

    1. Diana, thanks, snakes are always a good find for a photo. Having one slither across my toes would cause me to scream too.

  23. I am not afraid of snakes, but that Eastern Kingsnake gives me the willies. If I wee you I might never water again!!! All those little fish faces looking up out of the water are so funny that they are the perfect counterbalance to the scary snake.

    1. Jennifer, hahah he startled me for sure. I make sure to watch the ground as I walk.

  24. I've seen three snakes in one week, all at different houses. Then I read your post. Makes me wonder if all these sightings are coincidence or if there's an increase in the snake population. I don't dislike snakes -- just don't like seeing one up close.

    1. DJ, think this is snake season? Maybe they are just out more often now that it isn't so hot?

  25. My long walking stick comes in handy to see if there are any surprises by the hose. Like DJ I don't mind snakes but I know two people who were bitten by copperheads last year and I don't want to go there. They blend in so well with the pine needles. Maybe I need to import a kingsnake or two!

    1. Lynn, yes, a long walking stick would come in handy! I wouldn't want to encounter a copperhead ...yikes! You are welcome to a couple of my kingsnakes.


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