
Saturday, August 25, 2012

August? Really? Almost the End of August! What???

We are in the yard every day, checking on progress, on growth, on little friends.   This little guy was hiding on an oak leaf  I was about to remove from my Abelia bush.  Both of us were a little surprised.  

I was torn between removing the dead twig and getting a picture of this little anole who kept trying to hide from me.

Continuing with the walk through the yard I am happy to find more Blue lobelia, Lobelia siphilitica growing in the low untended part of the yard.   This is an area where many of the wildflowers I have shared over the past couple years have been growing.    Leaving it wild will ensure that these wildflowers will continue to appear in my garden.

In the tended area of the garden the Blackberry lilies, Belamcanda chinesis, are starting to show their seedpods.  It is shown here with Phlox paniculata 'Robert Poore' from Racquel at Perennial Garden Lover.  She shared this Phlox with me before we moved and it has been a shining star in the garden.  

The Toadlily, Tricyrtis formosana 'Gilt Edge' I bought earlier this summer is happy in its location.  It is starting to bloom, I love these crazy blooms.  I will be looking for other varieties of Toadlily in future years.  Some are more polka dotted than others.

This beauty is growing on the underside of the Fringe Tree, Chionanthus retusus, in my front garden.  Crawling under the tree and behind some of the Lantana made it a little hard to get a great photo of this bloom....but I kept at it!  Looking at the picture below I see dog hair, it is everywhere! hahaa

Hard not to love this bloom.  Can't wait for more blooms to open, it is full of buds right now.

I had one in the back garden the first year we moved here.  It was planted on the north side of an oak tree.  Unfortunately somebody lives there...there is a hole and no Toadlily.  Not sure whose hole it is, but this will not be a place I plant again.   In the meanwhile I will enjoy this one.  

This is the time of year that some trees are blooming.  One that is really making a big show is Goldenrain Tree in Uptown.  In front of the old library there are a number of these trees planted.  The library has moved and this building is now the Veteran's Center.  I love how these trees have last year's seed pods and this year's flowers.  You may remember my posting of this tree, Koelreuteria bipinnata

It is easy to see why the common name is Goldenrain Tree.

The bees were having a good time going from flower to flower.

In the early evening light the pink of the seedpods stand out nicely against the bright yellow blooms. 

And for all you tree fans out there, Tuesday's Trees will be coming back.  I went through many of my photos to gather the tree pictures together.  I have a few that I can move forward with some more posts.  This coming Tuesday, Persimmon.  See you then!

©Copyright 2012 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Looking forward to more tree posts. That is a pretty tree, with those pink seedpods! Kudos on getting those pictures of the toad lily. I planted a blue Lobelia this year that is flowering now too. It is so pretty.

    1. Alison, thanks, am working on my post. It is a pretty tree, this time of year it really shines.

  2. Hey Janet, you have lots going on in August! I especially like your photos of the toadlily. It is hard to believe August is almost gone.

    1. Alan, thanks! I can't believe August is almost over either. Our weather has been nice lately. Good for you to be taking the Master Gardener class.

  3. My one and only Belamcanda is just beginning to bloom. I need to write about it...

    1. Ray, Can't believe your Belamcanda is just now starting to bloom. Hope it goes to seedpods before winter!

  4. Love the capture of the anole! So cute! Your toadlily is gorgeous! I will have to enjoy it through your photos because the rabbits ate mine to the ground and thus no blooms.

    1. Karin, Thanks, I love these little anoles and it must be baby season. Sorry the rabbits ate your Toadlily, rotten critters.

  5. That golden raintree is wonderful. The sweet anole very cool. You did not touch him did you? It would've been quite the shock I would think!

    1. Tina, it is wonderful isn't it? No, I didn't try to touch the anole, he would have flipped out for sure.

  6. I wish I had lizards in my garden, but it is not likely. Toadlily I do have, and love it. It asks for nothing and gives me mini-orchids every fall, asking for nothing in return.

    1. Les, I would be happy to send a lizard or two. They are quite plentiful here. Is your toadlily the same as mine? I saw a completely polka dotted one, I really want to get.

  7. Janet,
    I've not noticed anything from our toadlily, I'll have to pull the weeds covering it. Been really nice weather for this time of year don't you think?

    1. Randy, I wonder where your toadlily is? Buried in the weeds? Hope is is still there. It has been gorgeous this past week or more. Love being outside!!

  8. Well August was just as hot and dry as July so flowers fading as if it were late Sept...but my blue lobelia is everywhere. No toad lilies yet and unsure if they will bloom this year.

    1. Donna@GEV, August has been pretty nice here....thank goodness!! I love the blue lobelia, really a great bloom this time of year.

  9. Lovely blooms on your toad lily, Janet! And yes, I often have dog hair-covered blooms, too:) I was given a few toad lilies this spring, but I'm not sure they survived the drought. Unfortunately, I planted them near a big old fir tree that wicks up all the moisture; next time I'll find a better spot for them.

    1. Rose, thanks!! I like it. Yes, dog hair throughout the garden. Figures!! Sorry to hear about your toadlilies...such a cool bloom, pity to lose them.

  10. Janet, I adore toadlilies--mine isn't doing anything right now, but yours is spectacular! And your Golden Rain Tree is just gorgeous--love the pink seed pods! It's always so nice to visit your garden and see the lovely blooms and wildlife. Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Julie, My toadlily is just starting to take off. Really happy to have it. The Goldenrain Tree is in Uptown, yes, those pink pods are very cool. You need to come visit in real life!!

  11. Your crawling around surely paid off, and now I am in the market for some toad lilies.

  12. Love the toad lily - and your dedication in photographing it! Glad Tuesday Trees is making a return. I am really enjoying seeing all the wild flowers that are flourishing in your less tended areas, great to have the space to do that.

    1. Janet, isn't the toadlily wonderful? Cool blooms demand to be photographed!! Thanks for the vote of confidence with my tree posts.


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