
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Just a Beautiful Day

Yesterday started early, got to watch the sun come up.  Our oldest dog has an internal clock that gets her up at the crack of dawn.   I love seeing the sunlight sparkle through the trees.  The problem is that it is so early.  Once she settles down, I go back to sleep.

Having cool nights as the lake is warming up gives us fog rising off the water in these wee hours.   Fog is always a great photo opportunity.

This morning I got to get see sunrise and more fog.

The gardens have been calling for me to come out and explore the new growth and lovely blooms.
Come walk with me through the yard ---
Euphorbia 'Ascot Rainbow' 

Red Buckeye, leafing out
Aesculus pavia

A daffodil from a mixed assortment, variety unknown

Hellebore 'Pink Frost'

Muscari 'Blue Sky'
 This sweet light blue Muscari is planted by the blue Cypress ... a little color echo going on.  Hope it reseeds and spreads in this area a bit more.
Callitropsis glabra 'Blue Ice'  and Loropetalum 'Ever Red'

Viburnum tinus 'Sweet Bouquet' with Narcissus 'Tahiti' behind it

A butterfly on the Edgeworthia chrysantha, this screams 'SPRING'!
And finally Magnolia x 'Jane' is blooming, another year or two and she will be quite a stunning focal point in the front gardens.

At this point, I am happy Jane is alive and growing.  There are difficult areas in my yard.  Do you have any spots that drive you crazy?

©Copyright 2012 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. It's looking so pretty in your yard! It is so nice you know all the names of your bloomers too!

    1. Tina, thanks! I don't know ALL the names, especially that mixed bag of daffodils. Spring is really popping here.

  2. Butterflies already! that's so wonderful. I really like the close up of the Euphorbia, it's so easy to overlook these little flowers but they're quite something up close.

    1. Marguerite, I thought the same thing about the butterflies. Yes, that Euphorbia is really interesting --glad I got it!

  3. Janet,
    We had our first Tiger Swallowtail today as well on our yellow pansies having a great time. Love the Euphorbia 'Ascot Rainbow' and greatly enjoyed your fog.

    1. Randy, Sure wish I had a camera in hand and was without dogs this morning, there was a cute little butterfly I was wanting to get a photo of. Oh well, maybe tomorrow. Glad you enjoyed the fog, thanks.

  4. Do I have any spots that are difficult?! HA! Not even gonna go there right now...but the answer is YES:-) I can't believe you have butterflies already!!!!!!!!! I think my newest muscari is the same as's the light blue also. Problem: Squirrels chewing the blooms in half...just like all the other plants. I want to kill them (Didn't really want to say that online but hey...I'm getting desperate!!)....

    1. Jan, I know, we all have 'those' spots! Sorry to hear the squirrels are chowin down on your muscari, what a shame. Them chewing the cherry blossoms is outrageous!

  5. The lake looks so beautiful Janet with the fog rising from it. I cannot get over all the blooms you are having already. The Viburium and the magnolia are so pretty. And a butterfly! They are coming in for all of those pretty blooms.

    1. Lona, Thanks, I love the fog rising off the lake, very mysterious. We have more and more blooms each day. Love this time of year.

  6. Oh lovely blooms and growth and butterflies!!

  7. We get fog so rarely and I love how you captured it. Looks like we both like to rise early to catch the first rays. My dogs used to do the same thing too, they always had to rise and shine with the chirping birds of the early morning. Your flowers are so encouraging. Ours are way behind, but eventually I hope to see the daffs and Muscari.

    1. Donna@GWGT, We seem to get fog a good bit around here, so I have plenty of opportunity to get that perfect shot. We have neighbors who moved here(SC) from upstate NY. They are so happy to be experiencing spring NOW.

  8. Look at you! Butterflies already!! I not sure I have seen Edgeworthia chrysantha before. Very pretty. I noticed that my Euphorbia 'Ascot Rainbow' is looking very brown/dead this afternoon. Should I cut it back to the ground? Your pink magnolia is so nice that you make me wish that I had a pink one as well as my two white ones.
    Problem areas? I have a big patch of goutweed to get rid off and another flowerbed that needs a do-over. I keep telling myself not to take on any new projects until I have these areas conquered. Then, I start coming up a cold frame designs for the raised beds to get my veggies started early, new bunny fencing, maybe a new rose arbor.... I am hopeless dreamer!!!

    1. Jennifer, You would LOVE the fragrance of the Edgeworthia. Just wonderful. I am not sure about your Ascot Rainbow....I might trim it up a bit.
      Weeds are always with us!

  9. I love that euphorbia, hellebore, and muscari. A number of butterflies are out and about here but no Tiger Swallowtails yet!

    1. Sweetbay, I was really surprised to see the Tiger Swallowtail, tonight I saw lightening bugs!

  10. Butterflies in March proves a warm winter I am sure. Yes, there is a problem spot in my yard. Clay, dark, no drainage, and moss. I try to keep that spot out of the background in my blog photos

    1. Swimray, We certainly have had a warm winter. I have lots of clay, I feel your pain.


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