
Friday, March 2, 2012

Great Nights and Lovely Mornings

We have been having some gorgeous sunsets. There are some great angles of the sun as the vernal equinox gets closer, bringing spring.  

The phase of the moon gives that Cheshire Cat look in the tree.  I am glad we didn't have too much cloud cover, hiding the moon.

Clear nights are leading to foggy mornings.  We didn't really have rain, it was just heavy dew.   Some mornings we can't see the water.   The water droplets hang like little jewels on the spiderwebs.

There is something magical about the foggy mornings.  Love how the Edgeworthia's fragrance it still on the breezes.  All the buds are open now...

This morning is looked as if the garden fairies had had a party.  These little webs were everywhere.
 See how they are all over the floor of the woods?  
Guess we have a lot of spiders in this part of our woods.  It was funny that other spots in the area were less web filled, ours must be a great place to find dinner.   Later I went across the street to check the blooms in the drain-field.  I noticed some movement as  I walked around.  Looking down, expecting a little lizard/anole, I was surprised to see this guy..hiding in his den.

We are getting closer and closer to spring.  I enjoy finding new blooms open each day.  

A new Narcissus in my drain-field, Narcissus 'Grand Soleil d'Or', a Paperwhite.  Think next year it will bloom earlier.  It is a sweet little bloom.  I think I should have planted this one closer to the walkways or street.  It is up in the field.  Didn't think about the blooms being so tiny.  
 The Quince has opened.  What a great delicate salmon colored bloom.  The daffodils behind it are open as well.

One of the daffodils I brought with me from Virginia is N. 'Cum Laude' a lovely peach ruffled corona.

I have two different varieties of Hyacinths.  'Jan Bos' bloomed earlier and now 'Pink Pearl' is blooming.

The Pulmonaria longifolia 'Diana Clare' is opening more and more every day. Love how the blooms are different colors as they mature.

 How are things coming along in your garden?

©Copyright 2012 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. It's so beautiful where you live! I just love the 'Cum Laude' daffodil, I've never seen one that color. I think winter took back over here, it's been cold, most of my bulbs seemed to have stopped and are waiting for it to warm back up. I do think I noticed our neighbors Forsythia starting to bloom though.

    1. Thanks Catherine, We love it here. Cum Laude is a nice one, hope it multiplies a bit more next year.

  2. Those webs are very cool! Love Cum Laude for sure!! It has great big ruffles that are really something!

    1. Tina, I thought the little webs were so fun. Haven't seen them since.

  3. Great pictures. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Angela, thanks for stopping by! Welcome to the world of blogging!

  4. Your spring blooms are so pretty Janet. I love your quince and the peach daffodils are just so lovely. It does look like fairies have been decorating in your woods with the webs. Magical.

    1. Lona, thanks, I am glad I bought the quince last fall. Nice addition.

  5. The woods with all the little webs is magical. You have some very pretty flowers already.

    1. Alison, they are magical aren't they? We have lots of spring blooms, we shall see what the later months bring!

  6. It's so funny you mentioned the moon, just the other night, I looked up and remarked how much it looked like a Cheshire Cat's Grin!

    1. Scott, must be great minds thinking alike! I love Alice!

  7. Janet,
    Those spiders are Funnel-web spiders I believe. Love that 'Cum Laude' very pretty daffodil. Hoping some of the fancy daffs we bought a few years ago will give a show. We now have an
    edgeworthia just need to find a spot for it.

    1. Randy, I think they are Funnel web spiders too, love how they all came out in one night. Happy to hear you have an Edgeworthia!!

  8. I never saw webs like that all over the forest floor. It really must be an inspiration for stories on fairies. All your images are very pretty, especially that sunset.

    1. Donna, spiders were having a party! Thanks, I like the sunset picture too.

  9. You have a beautiful garden. Your spring flower combinations are gorgeous. I especially like your photos of the water droplets on the webs.

    1. Mary, thanks! Am enjoying the spring blooms. Morning mist on webs is so cool....genuine photo-op!

  10. Fabulous spring shots...can't wait to see spiderwebs in the garden again...robins finally singing today and pond ice receding...soon I hope to see blooms like yours.

    1. Donna, thanks. Hope your ice has receded and you find spring starting to pop.

  11. Gorgeous spring blooms. Love the colour of that quince! I think all those spiders are saying spring is well under way.

    1. Marguerite, I love that color of quince too. Was pleasantly surprised to see the delicate color.

  12. Hello Janet
    Lovely blooms, and the dew on spiderwebs photos are just amazing!

    I have a bloom much like the quince, but we have always called it Red Hawthorn. Before I posted the photo I looked on the Internet to verify the name, but all I found was White Hawthorn, no red. So what I have called Hawthorn all my life is probably Quince!
    It seems like I learn something new every time I visit your blog!
    Have a great week!

    1. Lea, thanks, it helps to have nature provide a great show for me to capture.
      How funny about the Red Hawthorn. How nice to have a Quince. Glad you found out what it was!

  13. OK, so here is my third attempt to leave a comment on this post. Blogger is yanking my chain on certain blogs, not all, but some, including yours. I am so flustered I can't remember what I wanted to say.

    1. Les, Glad you persevered! Wonder what it was you wanted to say?

  14. Great photos! Especially love the webs & the butterfly narcissus. :)

  15. Enjoyed all these photos, Janet--I love all the spider webs! They do look so magical on a foggy morning. I love those pink hyacinths, too--I need to make a note to myself to plant some more of these this fall.

    I do have some daffodils budding up, but this morning we have a snow cover once again, so true spring may still be awhile away.

    1. Rose, fog and spider webs, just screams for the camera. Hope your daffs popped up through the snow!

  16. i am crazy about the pink/peachy colored daffodils! i have several now, but not 'cum laude'...will have to look for that one. my little edgeworthia stick is blooming now. i can't wait to see it branch out a bit. gorgeous quince! pulmonaria is something i've meant to add for years but haven't yet. i like how the flowers change color with age. spring is exciting...enjoyed seeing your blooms.

    1. Daricia, if you are crazy about the pinky/peachy ones you need to get Cum Laude! It came from Brent and Becky's. Spring is very exciting!

  17. What a wonderful set of photographs. I love the flowers, but I REALLY love the way you caught the mist and fog and spiderwebs.

    1. NCmountainwoman, thanks! it was fun getting these pictures.


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