
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super (Bowl) Sunday

As I took the dogs out this morning for their walk, I thought what a super day this was....a bit warmer than my cami and little sweater called for, but so lovely.  First thing I saw was my first open daffodil, will have to dig through my notes from last year to see if I can find the name.   As you can see, I haven't trimmed back my grasses yet.   What a great sunny bloom to see!

I have been planting the last week, cooler weather (compared to spring or summer) and hopefully a bit more rain, has made it a great time to plant.  Earlier in the week I planted two Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata', think I found two good places for this semi-picky plant....I love it!!  Can't you just smell that gorgeous bloom?

In addition to the Daphne, I found some azaleas that I planted in our front wooded area.  We have been cleaning this area out, a little bit each winter.  There are dead trees, vines (honeysuckle, smilax, and grape to name a few), and too many Sweetgum trees to be able to grow to a healthy size. 
Two of the azaleas I planted are native is one of the Confederate Series, 'Admiral Semmes'---   you can see the shed in the background.  These native azaleas are deciduous and promise to be fragrant when in bloom. 

Along the edge of the driveway rocks I have some daffodils that are starting to peek up out of the ground.  To keep the dogs from walking on them and to remember where they are (so I don't step on them as well) I use a stick.  Do you see the little leaves sticking up out of the ground?  The stick diverts the dogs to one side or the other, missing newly emerging foliage.

I still need to mulch with pine straw along part of the driveway.  That will dress up the edges a little better.
The other azalea I planted was an Encore 'Autumn Twist'.  It has nice dark green foliage and will put on a show both spring and fall.   This bloom is white with stripes of a purple red...almost looks tie-dyed in the picture on the tag. 

It is in the same vicinity as my Oakleaf Hydrangea.  Knowing this hydrangea will get large, I gave each plenty of room to grow.

Right now the hydrangea is a stick about three feet tall.

This is the other native hybrid azalea I bought and planted.  The name on the tag is 'Tallulah Sunrise'  and it says this plant will get to be 3 x 3 when mature.  If it is double that it is ok as there is plenty of room on this side for it to be as large as it wants to be.  I couldn't find any information online about this one, so if you have any info, please share!

Walking around the rest of the yard, Viburnum tinus 'Spring Bouquet' is full of tiny buds ready to open.

 Hyacinths are coming up....

Fragrance is filling the air from the Edgeworthia chrysantha....yummmm

 Finally the Hellebores are blooming-- what a great addition to the shady garden, something I didn't have in Virginia.

I have an umbrella trellis that has Carolina Jasmine, Gelsemium sempervirens, growing all over it...also getting ready to open.

The Distylium myricoides is full of buds, some open, some just about to open......

For those looking for something to fix for tonight's Super Bowl game....Corned beef roll ups.  Corned beef, cream cheese, and dill pickles.  Really tasty!! 

Have a wonderful Sunday!!

©Copyright 2012 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Hey Janet,
    Looks like your garden is really coming along. Our mild winter here in VA has a lot of my plants confused and much ahead of schedule.

    Those corned beef roll ups look delicious! Now I'm hungry, ha ha!
    Enjoy the Superbowl

    1. Hi Alan, yes, the garden is starting to really take shape. Can't wait for more warm temps and spring to really be here!

  2. What a pretty dark red hellebore. I'd love to try a daphne one day but I have heard it is most finicky. Glad you got it going. The corned beef snacks look good. Superbowl was very good!

    1. Tina, you really need to get a Daphne, just plant it high, morning filtered light and cross your fingers.

  3. It must smell really good around there with Daphne and Spring Bouquet blooming. Your bulbs are quite a bit further ahead, the Daffodils are just barely coming up.
    Anything with dill pickles has to be good!

    1. Catherine, the Daphne is blooming now, and the Edgeworthia-- so their fragrances are wafting on the breeze. The Viburnum will open later in the spring. I love dill pickles too.

  4. I was looking at the beautiful pictures, each one making me want spring more, then I saw the roll-ups and all thoughts of gardening were gone. Those look delicious....why haden't I thought of those?????

    1. Gardening Under the Influence, I can't wait for spring!! Have a lot of spring blooming plants in my garden. Try the roll-ups, really tasty!

  5. Just look at all of the blooms you are getting already. Your hellebore's are so pretty Janet. I love the dark burgundy.I would love to smell your Daphne.Loving the new azaleas you are adding and soon you will have those buds on the viburnum opening. Spring looks good in your garden already.

    1. Lona, I am excited about the blooms -- spring is a wonderful time of year. I am happy with this group of Hellebore, 'Brandywine Series'. Stay tuned for more spring blooms to come.

  6. Semi-picky? You are too kind to Daphne. It looks like your planting efforts are starting to show fruit. I look forward to seeing your dec. Azaleas this spring and wish I had room for one like Admiral Semmes.

    1. Les, Some Daphne are happy, hoping mine are included in that group. I will be sharing the new azaleas...probably more than people will want.

  7. It is looking like spring around your place...I can only imagine the fragrance in the air.

  8. I can't wait to see all those azaleas in bloom! What a treat to see all your spring bloomers popping up. I actually had crocuses blooming on Sunday, but they went back into hiding yesterday when we were zapped by frost again.

    You're going to love those hellebores!

    1. Rose, I can't wait to see these azaleas in bloom too! Spring is really trying to come. I need some crocuses.

  9. Oh man, I am absolutely in awe of your blossoms that are already blooming.
    And your snacks for superbowl look as tasty as ever. nom nom nom....
    I bet you are glad spring in on it's way for you!

    1. Rosey, the snacks were a great tasty treat! Spring blooms are getting more and more obvious in the landscape.

  10. The daffs are starting up in my garden too, about a month early. I still don't know what Edgeworthia smells like, as the Arb's specimens in Raleigh don't have any fragrance. Or maybe I just can't smell it. Lol I hope your Daphne's do well. One day I'm going to try one in a pot. Those roll ups look delish.

    1. Sweetbay, I can't believe you can't smell the Edgeworthia...most interesting. Between that and the Daphne, my garden is a treat for the senses.

  11. It truly looks like spring has arrived there Janet. I want a daphne too. boo hoo. Maybe this will be the year. Glad someone is having nice weather. It snowed here again ~ friday/Sat and then again today. I'm ready to see what you're seeing!!

    1. Kathleen, Spring is coming in fits and starts. You NEED a Daphne, they are such a great plant (if they are happy). You have been getting a lot of snow this winter.

  12. The first blooms of Spring are always so wonderful!
    I am especially fond of daffodils and hellebores - Beautiful!
    Food looks good, too.
    Have a great day!

    1. Lea, The first blooms of spring are such encouragement. yes, the food was good too. ;-)

  13. Your hellebores are so lovely. Nothing but foliage on mine here-we've had a total of 1 freeze here! And your snack is making me hungry, Love those bulbs coming up all over, too.

    1. Diana, I am really enjoying the Hellebores. Some are further ahead than others. Bulbs are really popping up in place I forgot about!

  14. Hello Jan -

    Nice job, as usual, with your camera. Springtime is so photogenic. Not that it's Spring yet. Spring is when our blooms emerge. Never in winter.
    I'll be out there with my camera too, when there is something to look at -in about 8 weeks. It's getting closer. Right now I'm excited because it's still light at 5 PM! And, before 7 AM. The longer days will keep me positively charged until April when I expect to see some Forsythia and Daffodils. It won't be until after the snow melts and the sun warms the ground -whenever that is. it varies a little every year.

    So for now, as the angle of the sun increases more each day, and it appears to track more from east to west (rather than track across the southern sky) we are getting a warmer sun in our faces. That is plenty of reason to be cheerful.

    Enjoy your Blooms!
    Dave from Home and Garden

    1. Dave, thank you! Yes, I think NY will be a bit later on the springtime blooms. We have some forsythia blooming in our area...though mine haven't yet.

  15. Goodness, lots going on there - I like the stick to deter the dogs from ruining precious new shoots. That understory layer is really coming together now, hope all those new shrubs thrive for you.

    1. Janet, yes, lots and lots!! My dogs are really rude about tromping through my plantings. The sticks help a little. I am looking forward to seeing how the understory plantings take hold.

  16. Hellebores are such a happy plant, brightening up our gloomy winter days. And Daphne--just delicious! My friend and I were standing in my yard, and she asked what blooms were producing that amazing fragrance. I was perplexed--I honestly didn't have anything fragrant blooming! Last weekend, though, when I was (finally) planting some of the 1200 bulbs I ordered in the fall, I found the source--my neighbor's Daphne is amazing. Now, I'm heading to my friend's nursery today with a gift certificate I've been saving to treat myself to Daphne. Bliss! Stay warm this weekend--SC is such a tease, isn't it? 70 degrees last Sunday, and now this...sigh. Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Julie, yes they are a sweet plant. How funny that you didn't know a Daphne was just over the fence!! 1200 bulbs??? wow. Glad you are getting a Daphne. Boy, last night was a cold one, wasn't it?

  17. We have many of the same things going on in our gardens! I just hope this weekend won't put an end to all the beautiful blooms!

    1. Karin, I hope the cold doesn't do too much to the already plump buds....will have to check out the garden today.

  18. Hi, Janet. I've been slow in getting around to blogs lately, but I was looking at the registration list for the Asheville Fling and saw that you'll be attending. It'll be so nice to meet you there. I also saw that you are now living in Greenwood, which is where I was raised. I wonder how much it has changed since I moved away 27 years ago.

  19. Catching up on blogs (so far behind), and saw the picture of the roll-ups. I had to comment. My mom and I used to make those, ages and ages ago, with ham. Corned beef sounds good! For some reason, lately, they popped into my head and I decided I would make them for our next family get together. Maybe I'll do some with ham and some with corned beef.

  20. Paula, thanks so much for stopping by. Some with ham would be great too!


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