
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Protection, Birds and Fun

Little Carolina Chickadee, a regular visitor
This coming weekend is the Great Backyard Bird Count, Feb. 17- 20.   The website has great information about how to go about doing the count.  They even have lists of birds that are common in your area.  I don't have feeders up in the summer for any birds other than hummingbirds.  In the winter I put up suet cakes and have seed feeders.

 Seems like last winter I saw more woodpeckers.  Maybe it is just me being busy with other things.
Male Red-bellied Woodpecker

On the suet feeders we have the Chickadees and Tufted Titmouse, a few Nuthatches, some House Finches, some Goldfinches, and this little guy.
Pine Warbler?

See the yellow?  What a cutie.
Speaking of cute---
Couldn't help taking a picture of this VW Beetle while we were in town.  Perfect for the gardener! 

When we moved here we noticed there were a lot of donkeys.  Seemed like every field had at least one donkey.   The field near our house has four. 
When we mentioned something about all the donkeys, one of the neighbors said they were for protection.  WHAT?  Apparently they are used to protect livestock from predators.  Amazing, check out this info sheet from Missouri Dept. of Conservation.  We do have coyotes, fox, and some wild pigs.  These donkeys are protecting some Babydoll Sheep, goats, and lots of chickens.   I like seeing them hanging out in the front field, with our favorite view as a backdrop.
Don't forget to watch your backyard feathered friends !!!!

©Copyright 2012 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Never heard of donkeys as I have underestimated the beasts...can't wait for GBBC!!

  2. Janet,
    Yes that is a Pine Warbler! In years past we could see them about everyday during the winter on the feeders. None have been seen this season at all. Really liked the beetle wheels. Did you see my note that Bud Lite now has a new beer in cobalt blue bottles, maybe your new bottle flower will have lots of blue bottles.

    1. Randy, thanks! Good to know I guessed correctly. I did see your note, have seen the blue bottles in the store.

  3. Sweet birds. Thanks for reminding me about next weekend--I'm not a real birder, but we feed a lot and I have habitat I leave and water for them always. We have about 10 feeders in the wooded area outside our breakfast room window. Those donkies are sweet -- how interesting that they have such a real purpose.

    1. Diana, I am glad to have reminded you! We enjoy all the nature out here, something to see every day. I love seeing the donkeys in the field.

  4. The Pine Warbler is such a pretty bird. I love watching the feisty chickadee's. They sass me when I go to fill the feeder. LOL! What cute wheel covers on that VW.

    1. Lona, It is a pretty little bird. We have been having a lot of activity at the feeders.

  5. I just love donkeys, what a fantastic view you have of them and the hillsides beyond. Donkeys and llamas are kept here for the same purpose as coyotes can be a real problem for farms, especially when moms are having their little ones.

    1. Marguerite, I like seeing the donkeys too. We talk to them as we drive by. That is our favorite view. We have coyotes here, so the donkeys do have work to do.

  6. I need to go print out my backyard bird you have me wondering about the donkey's I saw in a field on the way to church this morning.

    1. Darla, I need to print my form too! I bet your donkeys are working donkeys too!

  7. I was just fishing our bird houses out of the shed today so we can put them up! I think the bluebirds are already scoping out our yard for potential sites. The farm we got married at in October uses an attack donkey... someone needs to make an animated superhero movie about one. :)

    1. Eliza, think I need to get some bird houses. We sure have lots of Blue birds around too. I love it, a movie with a super hero donkey.

  8. I don't think I've ever seen a pine warbler before. Very pretty. It's neat about the donkeys. They are such cool animals.

    1. Tina, I think last year I thought the Pine Warbler was a Goldfinch with its winter colors.

  9. I've read about farmers using donkeys for protection - at least they are appealing animals too. Hope you get to see more woodpeckers, beautiful birds, though you clearly still have a great selection visiting your feeding stations anyway.

    1. Janet, Yes, donkeys are appealing, good description. We have been looking for the woodpeckers, and have seen a few more.

  10. I'm glad I popped over here ~ I'd totally forgotten about the bird count! The bird sightings in my garden wax and wane too ~ I wonder what causes that?
    Cute wheels on that bug too!

    1. Kathleen, you CAN'T forget the bird count! I am not sure why there are such variations of flocks, hard to say.

  11. We've had lots of birds here lately, I'm hoping they'll be around for the counting! You get some very pretty ones visiting you!
    Donkeys for protection, that is new to me! :)

    1. Catherine, I hope they will be around too! One year it seemed as though they all left for the weekend.
      The donkey protection thing was new to me too, thought they were pulling my leg.

  12. Wow--"watch donkeys," really? Who would have known? Your bird photos are lovely--and thank you for the reminder about the backyard bird count! We'll definitely participate. Love the wheels, too! That's just adorable!

    Enjoy your week!

    1. Julie, I know -- watch donkeys...amazing. Will be interesting to see what your bird count includes since we are so close.

  13. I knew that donkeys were quite vigilant and really don't welcome predators on their territory. Love those Pine Warblers. They sing a little all winter here.

    1. Sweetbay, think the donkeys are pretty cool. Our Pine Warblers are sure fun to see and hear.


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