
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Finally Dressed........Turkey!

This morning on our way out we saw a large flock of turkeys, ANOTHER bird that was missing on our bird count.  There were at least 16 turkeys crossing the street as we approached.  

They hustled off to the left and into the woods. 

There is always one straggler. 

We were happy to see them, it has been months since our last turkey sighting.

Where were we going this morning?  On our way to get hardwood mulch.  We had mulched the gardens around the shed and along the side of the property already.  Remember how I moved some shrubs to the front garden?  Well, they needed to be mulched  (dressed).
So today we made three runs to the place where we buy mulch.  Each trip takes an hour total.....ah to live in the country.
Here are the results---each picture has a before and an after.

Now we are sitting with our feet up.....happy to have that done.  Next job-- the backyard gardens.

©Copyright 2012 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Janet,

    Living around all those pines you might not use this suggestion, but the camellias would rather have pine mulch. Very cool on the turkeys we rarely see the ones that cross our road.

    1. Randy, we do have some pine straw, though the pine bark mulch floats too easily....and with my sloped yard I would lose it quickly.
      We love seeing the turkeys.

  2. Yeah I can comment! :) I had to go off networked blogs.
    Why did those turkeys wait until after the count to show up? Beds always look so much nicer after they've been mulched, worth all the time and effort.

    1. Catherine, I know about not being able to comment within networked blogs. Crazy.
      We hadn't seen the turkeys for months...then twice in the same day.

  3. So satisfying, seeing an immacualtly mulched bed. Though I bet at times like this you wish you had a slightly smaller garden!!

    1. Janet, it is very nice to see a newly mulched bed. Feels good. Smaller garden? hahahaaa -- just need to fill it with more plants.

  4. Ha! Love the turkeys...must be slightly surreal to see them ambling about like that! Glad you got your mulching done...there's nothing like that feeling after a long day when you get so much accomplished :-)

    1. Scott, The turkeys are funny to watch...they run goofy-- side to side with heads going the opposite way.

  5. Don't you just love mulch? It just makes any flower bed look so much better. Your beds look wonderful with their new mulch. That is a lot of back breaking work but worth it. That is a lot of turkeys Janet!

    1. Lona, Yes mulch makes it all look so much nicer. I know it will help with the soil over the years too.

  6. Hi Janet, I must confess that I don't know much about wild turkeys. I always thought that they were largely solitary birds, pairing off in the breeding season. Sixteen of them is a sizeable flock. Do they hang out together for safety in numbers, I wonder?
    Doesn't it feel so good when all your beds are mulched and set for spring? I always find it to be a moment of great satisfaction. I see from earlier posts that I missed while I was away that you already have spring flowers. I am deeply jealous. A snowstorm is predicted for tomorrow!

    1. Jennifer, The male turkeys travel solo, this was a flock of females and maybe some juvenile males.
      It does feel good to have this front bed done, first thing you see coming to the house. Hope you survived your snowstorm.

  7. It's amazing how much mulch you can go through isn't it? I'm always stunned how many bags I go through and never seem to be able to cover everything.

    1. Marguerite, Yes it certainly is amazing. We are talking of having 20 cubic yards delivered next time. Bags? Oy, that would break the bank here.

  8. What, you can't get red mulch down there?

    1. Les, Actually dyed black mulch is the going rage down here.

  9. Janet, I have mulch-envy! Your beds look so well-dressed and immaculate. We're planning on a major mulch-fest next weekend--it usually takes two truck deliveries, and then I always think we can do it in one day. Wishful thinking! Actually, I really love spreading mulch. Kind of sick, aren't I?! Enjoy your pretty beds--and the crazy warm weather!

    1. Julie, Mulch envy? We still so much more to do. The backyard is HUGE! Where do you get your mulch? I keep thinking there is a cheaper place. Two truck deliveries? 40 cubic yards?? whoa.

  10. Job well done! Turkeys are so cool!

    1. Tina, Thanks! I enjoy the turkeys almost as much as the Bald Eagles.

  11. You got some good pictures of the turkeys! They are beautiful birds. I haven't seen a flock of turkeys that big since we lived in western PA.

    The new mulch looks great.

    1. Sweetbay, Yes they are beautiful. Seldom see the males...they are really pretty.

  12. I love the look of a freshly mulched garden almost as much as a flaming arrow. :o) My students always wonder why they don't get away with anything in my class. "Been there, done that" is all I gotta say!

    1. Tammy, well said madam Flaming Tomato. Same with me and my kids. :-D

  13. Janet,

    I got most of our crocuses at Brent and Becky's in VA. I think the big box stores have pickwick, it is very common, some were growing here when I bought this place.

    1. Randy, thanks, I thought it might be Brent and Beckys--I used to live very close to their shop. Racquel and I went up not too long before we moved.

  14. Ooh! Don't tell them we ate turkey burgers 2 nights ago. :)

  15. Love the turkeys! We only see them occasionally in the mountains around here.

  16. What a wonderful place you have there, Janet! To wake up in the morning and to see that water... I miss our place in MO where we had a small lake near our house. There were turkeys there, too...


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