
Monday, February 20, 2012

Counting Birds or Not

How was your Great Backyard Bird Count?  Did you have lots of birds?  A nice variety?  Any unusual visitors? 

Did you see some spectacular birds?  Were there any that were new to you? 

We had a Bald Eagle.....LAST WEEK!  Did he show up again this weekend for the count??   Of course not. 

Our feeders looked like this most of the weekend.

I waited for the 'prime feeding time' to do my counts.  There were a few times I just gave one was coming to the backyard. 

While walking the dogs  I hear a Great Horned Owl...but I didn't see it, so no fair counting it.   Finally I had a few visitors at the feeders and in the visible part of the backyard. 
 A few of them wanted to see what they could find in my herb pots instead of the feeders.

 At one point there were about five or six of the Chipping Sparrows having an eating contest.

 I like this feeder, it was a birthday present from my sister in law.  We have very few squirrels, but one has discovered the feeder....but to no avail- it works well. 

This evening I took my camera with me when I took the dogs for a walk.  Will share some in a later posting.  These were kind of fun, I don't usually use the flash, but the sun was going down and it was not as bright as I wanted for some of the photos. 
Love how these turned out.

My bird count?  Carolina Chickadees- 12, Tufted Titmouse- 14, Chipping Sparrow- 15, Carolina Wren- 1, Cardinal- 2, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker- 1, Pine Warbler- 1, Goldfinch- 3, Brown headed Nuthatch- 2.  What about yours?

©Copyright 2012 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Wow--those photos of the grass are just gorgeous! Love, love the swirling texture. I need more grasses in my life, I think! ;-)

    And--I have Bald Eagle envy! What a handsome guy (girl?)

    Have a lovely week!

    1. Julie, thanks, am pretty happy with how the grasses photos came out. Not sure if the Eagle is male or female.

  2. Janet it had been getting warmer and I was hopeful we would have activity but this weekend was cold with some no birds Fri or Sat... Sunday and Monday we had a handful. It seems they know I am counting and stay the grasses....

    1. Donna, think all the birds were in hiding! They know I am counting and hide from me too!

  3. Janet,

    Hum, from the many years I have done bird counts hearing a bird does count! If you are sure of the call then it counts. Spring point counts are based solely by ear my dear. I have not seen any Chipping Sparrows here this year, just figured that out.

    1. Randy, I guess I could go back and add the owl. At least I will know for next year. I do know the different calls of the Barred and Great Horned Owls...and that is about it.

  4. I didn't see very many birds at all this weekend :-( I have to say, those Miscanthus photos are PHENOMENAL! I absolutely love the curling seed really should print and frame those...against that dark background they are simply magical!

    1. Scott, thanks! I like these Miscanthus photos too. Maybe I will print and frame them.

  5. You got a great count! I have many of the same birds here but did not count:( No warblers but lots of towhees in the brush. Maybe next year. Cool on the bald eagle!!

    1. Tina, Given the number of birds I have on a typical day this count was missing a number of species. We have Towhees, they are always calling to me when I am outside.

  6. Janet I would love to see a Bald Eagle around here. They have reintroduced them and they are having young but I have never sighted one on my walks yet. The shots of the grasses with the flash are just so pretty.

    1. Lona, We are thrilled to see a Bald Eagle --each time we see one.

  7. Was in florida for several days and saw plenty of egrets and herons....Oh what I wouldn't give to see an eagle.

    1. Gardening Under the Influence, We get excited when we see eagles. Herons are here all year, but the egrets no egrets here now.

  8. Haven't done any bird count here but have certainly noticed a number of cedar waxwings and robins in the area feasting on berries. Don't usually see them this time of year and I'm wondering if it's a sign of spring to come.

    1. Marguerite, We had some Cedar Waxwings in Virginia, but haven't seen any here. Need to have more berries in the garden I guess.

  9. Those shots of the curly seedheads are stellar. It's too bad the birds played coy for the bird count, but you see a lot of great birds on a regular basis.

    1. Sweetbay, Stellar? thanks!!! Yes, the birds were in cohoots. I do see a wonderful number of birds on a regular basis.

  10. Birds are fun to watch, but that curly grass - oh-la-la! Nice shots, Janet!

    1. Tatyana, I love watching the birds, whether they are present for the count or not. Thanks, think I will be printing the grasses pics.

  11. Well, I hope that bald eagle visited someone and got counted! Kind of like our census though, some people get missed. I didn't do the bird count, but we have had a lot of cardinals this year. We used to have a lot of blue jays, but I've only seen one this winter. I am not good at bird ID, so it they are not brightly colored I haven't a clue!
    I love those curly seed heads! Do you know what they are?
    Have a great day!
    Lea's Menagerie

    1. Lea, I have no idea where that Eagle was, glad I saw him when I did. I am learning more and more varieties of birds each year.
      The grass is Miscanthus sinesis 'Little Zebra'.

  12. I didn't even turn in my bird count this year, as it was so disappointing. All I saw this weekend were sparrows! I know there must have been other species around, because I could hear them, but it was such mild weather again this weekend that I think they were finding food in the fields instead of in my yard. Even the woodpeckers that have been visiting the last few weeks were nowhere to be found. Love the night photos of your miscanthus!

    1. Rose, Aw, sorry your bird count was disappointing. My woodpeckers were hiding too. Appreciate the comment on the Miscanthus.

  13. Beautiful shots of the grasses with the flash, will have to try that. I'm sure birds know when they are supposed to be counted and hide until it is over... Still, not a bad haul all told! Shame about the eagle...

  14. Janet, thanks! I think I may print the last one and frame it.
    I agree with you about the birds, crafty little devils.

  15. Those bald eagles aren't very cooperative, are they? Love those grass shots, really nice.


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