
Saturday, June 25, 2011

More Festival of Flowers, Sunsets and Spiders

This has been a busy time and I hadn't realized how long it was in between postings until I finally sat down to write this one.  Actually, I have been trying to write this one since Monday.  Funny how some days the words just flow and others, well, I would rather veg and play a Sudoku.   Monday was another very hot day here in South Carolina....well into the upper 90's if not 100's and quite high humidity.  Monday was Master Gardener Day at Park Seed.  We were invited for a special tour of  the trial gardens and then had the opportunity to shop.  Warm temps or not, I was going over there!
 The greenhouses were full of bargains.  I shopped while waiting for the tour to begin.  Because I live so close, I have been over there more than I could be less frenzied about all these bargains.   Shop I did, but more about that later.

The tour began looking at this great Rudbeckia 'Denver Daisy'.  What a great presentation in the garden.  It is planted in front of Salvia --prpbably 'Victoria Blue' and Gomphrena.  In the back is a Millet, not sure of the name.  Great full colors. 

 We got to see all the trialed beds, where they compare new seed varieties to a standard.  Here is one that I will look into buying next year---- Basil 'Lettuce Leaf'.  The picture doesn't show how large these leaves are, two leaves and you could have enough for pesto!

 There is one area in the garden where they have the American Garden Award plants.  This is sort of like American Idol for gardeners.   Here is what they have to say about it--
What is AGA?

The American Garden Award is a unique opportunity for the gardening public to vote on a specific flower that they think has the most appealing garden characteristics. Some of the world's most prestigious flower breeders have chosen their best varieties to enter in this competition. Then, in cooperation with over 24 highly respected public gardens throughout the United States, we present the entries so consumers can view the plants in person, then vote on their favorite. For those consumers and home gardeners who are unable to make it to view these flowers in person, the above link allows voting on this website.

So without further ado-- Here are the plants for 2011. (You can also see them on their web site)

 The Dianthus isn't doing well in our wet clay, hot humid evident here!

So jump on over to American Garden Awards and vote for your favorite!

And now for my goodies................yes I did bring home some plants, duh!!  I bought 9 Heuchera, 3 each of 'Mocha', 'Frosted Violet' and 'Pinot Noir', a Geranium 'Rozanne' to replace one that was eaten, and........

 A clematis for the family garden.............I couldn't pass this one up.  I am so excited to find this one!!! 
'Prince Charles', yes I know I ordered a 'Charlie's White' Peony, which will be delivered in the fall, but this was too perfect~

Also bought some Japanese Forest Grass, Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola' for some of my shady areas and a them.  Also in my basket was an Amaryllis 'Papilio'---will keep you posted on its progress.

Monday was one of the few days were we didn't have a thunderstorm in the afternoon, so we went on a boat ride....chasing the setting sun as we headed home.

 I love the sunsets we get over the lake.
 Once home the boat goes in the boat lift to keep it out of the water.....look who is lurking by the lever !??!?!
 I included these sunset and spider pictures for my friend Ann, who likes both.

Friday night is date night.  We managed to stay out of the rain (for the most part).  As we drove home the skies were the most amazing colors.  It was almost as if they were ablaze.

Now it is time for a quick shower and then off to the home garden tours as Festival of Flowers' Grand Finale is today.   I love this place!

©Copyright 2011 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Who can resist a plant sale? I've eyed up the Japanese forest grass many times but has resisted thus far. Will be watching to see where you plant yours and how it looks. Those sky shots were beautiful. So many amazing sky colours right now with our funny weather. So glad you were outside to see it.

  2. Wow, that was a good sale. You got some goodies.
    Sky pics look great. Love it.

  3. So Charles is the Prince and you the Queen? He can't be King?:) Great sunset. I saw the AGA voting recently. I guess I got a message about it. Very neat.

  4. Park Seed looks like a fun place. I'm going to look for that Lettuce leaf Basil, I wish mine looked that good right now.
    Great plants! I really love your family garden idea, and was telling my mom about it after your last post when you shared another plant from it.

  5. Plant sales and plant trials, that sounds like fun. JC Raulston has trial beds and there are always some real beauties among them.

    I envy you living by the lake.

  6. I'll have to check out the AGA website--I like that they allow everyone to vote on these choices. Our Idea Garden does some testing of trial plants, too, and writes up a review at the end of the season. It's nice to know what works in our specific area as well.

    Looks like you got some great bargains! I swore I wasn't going to buy any more plants this summer, but I notice several nurseries are having 1/2 off sales ...

    Beautiful sky scenes; no wonder you love this place!

  7. That spider - yuck!!!

    Love that you're expanding your family garden. Ours is going to be a bit uneven since I'm the only family member with a botanical name :)

  8. Those sunset photos are fabulous. As for the spider, no thanks, even thinking about it, I get chills.
    Looks like you had a fun time checking out the AGA. I hope the plants you bought perform wonderfully!

  9. Ewww, that is one nasty-looking spider! That's the kind that will make a mess when you smash them....

  10. I love seeing new things and good choice on the Clemmie for your Family Garden. Yeah the spider is yuck! :)

  11. i planted lettuce leaf basil this year and the leaves are definitely large. the scent of basil has to be one of my very favorites. have always loved amaryllis 'papilio' - hope to see photos of yours later on.

  12. Great post. Felt as if I were along for the ride!

  13. What a feast for the eyes that you have shared with us--thank you! Love your capture of the sunsets, plants, and even the spider.
    Have a great weekend!

  14. I can see why you love living there Janet. It sounds heavenly (except maybe for the humidity!) I'm so envious of all the great nurseries you have nearby. I think going thru Park Seed would be so much fun. I'll have to go vote. How was the dahlia irl?? You brought home a lot of nice plants too ~ you already know I like that Amaryllis! I hope it does great for you. The clematis also looks beautiful.
    Love the night shots too. I need to get out more after dark to try my hand at some of those...
    Enjoy your new paradise ~ it's so hard to blog in the summer ~ too much to do!!!

  15. Marguerite, I have eyed the Japanese forest grass for a long time too. Will keep you posted.

    Lola, I did get some goodies, have plenty of places to put them! It was a great sky.

    Tina, hahaha you got that right!! We have had some great sunsets for the last few weeks.

    Catherine, Park Seed is fun to see. You can get the Lettuce leaf basil, saw an ad for it in an email recently. You ought to do a family garden area! It was funny, I showed Becca her 'Rebecca' clematis and she smiled and said--I am a rebloomer. haha

    Sweetbay, anything plants is great! I bet the JC Raulston trial beds are nice to see. Lake living= living La vida loca!

    Rose, So what plant did you vote for? I like your MG garden, what a great place. Park Seed is having its end of season sale --everything was $1...too hot to plant now.

    Ginger, I agree, we sure have our fair share of spiders....icky ones! You have great potential for Clara..what did you finally decide upon?

    Rosey, I love our sunsets, they have been so colorful. thanks!

    On My Soapbox, We have a big broom on dock to brush off most of them...this guy was hiding!

    Racquel, I was thrilled to get 'Prince Charles' was too perfect!

    Daricia, good to know!! I will be sending for the seeds. My amaryllis is coming along nicely, think it has grown about 6 inches since I planted it.

    K&V, Glad you came along!

    Aerie-el, wow, thanks, I was especially pleased with the sunset pics. We have been having a Bald Eagle flying over our dock this week, but alas, no pics of him!

    Kathleen, It is a no-brainer isn't it? Yes, the humidity is a killer We are in garden center heaven I think. The Dahlia was GORGEOUS! Which one did you vote for? I lucked into the last sunset pictures. It is hard to do much blogging in the summer.

  16. Hi Janet,
    It is kind of fun that there is the American Idol equivalent for flowers.
    It is a great time of year for plant bargains. I bought a few heuchera myself recently. Such great colored leaves!
    I think it's great that you have a regular date night. My husband and I need to make more date nights with just the two of us. Love the sunset photos! The spider photo not so much. That is one BIG spider!


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