
Sunday, June 12, 2011

If It Is June, It Must Be Festival of Flowers

This year is the 44th Festival of Flowers in Greenwood, South Carolina.  Charlie and I took a trip to Greenwood a few years ago, part of his plan to get me on board with moving to Greenwood.   Our trip centered around Park Seed's Flower Day.  We were here for just a weekend.   I was thrilled.  What a great weekend.  Now that we live here I find there are activities all month long. 

Preparation for FoF begins well before June.  One of the center pieces of the Festival is the topiary display.  Some of the Master Gardeners help with putting these displays together.   After they are assembled and growing, a bit of upkeep is needed.  My friend Ann, another MG, and I worked together one afternoon. 

 The Master Gardeners did the Jeep and helped with some of the others.

I like the elephant, there is a baby elephant as well.

Included in the group are the team mascots for University of South Carolina, Clemson University, and Lander University.

 Last weekend was the beginning of the Festival of Flowers, started with bringing the topiaries into Uptown and a Wine Tasting.   There are 30 topiaries throughout Uptown. 

Friday evening, after dinner, we walked around Uptown and I got some pictures of the topiaries.  Saturday we went back to Uptown for the Antique Car Show.  There was everything from Maseratis to Corvettes to Studabakers to GTO's ---a car for every taste.  I liked the El leather interior.

All month long there are activities.  There is a dinner next Friday, Farm to Fork.  It focuses on local farms and local chefs, it will be held at one of the garden centers I frequent...Wyatt Farms.  Looking forward to dinner!!!  Hope it isn't too hot.    Additionally there will be Park Seed's Flower Day, a golf tournament, a 5-K run, a bicycle tour, garden tours, arts & crafts, a horse show, and a few concerts to name just  a few.  Listed on the website is the full schedule.
The theme this year??  Well, it is------
It's a Blooming Good Time! 
So if you are in the neighborhood......come on down!

©Copyright 2011 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Sounds like a fun time indeed! Love the topiaries, very imaginative. :)

  2. Wow! Those topiaries are amazing, especially the jeep and the elephant. Looks like it's a lot of fun to work on.

  3. Sounds like fun. Hubby would love the antique car show. One day perhaps we'll be in and come and visit you there-one day. Need to get his car going first. I'd be interested in seeing how they make those big topiaries.

  4. That is awesome. Checked out the farm. It sure would be interesting to visit.
    We use to see the antique car show in Maggie Valley while on vacation. Very neat.

  5. The topiaries are amazing! Love the elephant and the pony.

  6. Love everyone one of the topiaries here! Must have been a great deal of fun.

  7. I'm almost ready to move there Janet! There is always so much going on around you. I'd have to adjust to the heat tho after living out here so long.
    The topiaries are very cool. My daughter and I were watching something on HGTV that showed how they create the topiaries at Disney World.
    Stay cool & enjoy the festivities in your wonderful part of the world!

  8. I love the mane on that horse!!! How cute!

  9. Hi Janet, It certainly looks like a "Blooming good time". I love the pony. How clever the use grass for the pony's main! My husband and I also joke that, when we win the lottery, one of our first purchases will be an antique car.
    The cloud pictures in the last post are amazing BTW. I thought my dogs were bad when it came to storms. I got such a chuckle when I read about your dogs hiding in the shower stall!

  10. Oh what fun Janet.Those topiary's are so beautiful.What a lot of work must have went into them. I am crazy about them all but the swan and butterfly are some favorites.The mane on the horse looks so pretty in that shot.Thanks for sharing.

  11. The topiaries are amazing! You and your fellow MG's did a great job on these--I can't imagine how many hours it must have taken to complete each one. Sounds like a great time to be in Greenwood!

  12. Those topiaries are so beautiful. I'm infatuated with that pony. You must really look forward each year to this event. It looks like so much fun.

  13. Love the topiaries! It would be fun to put something like that in the yard, maybe someday . . . Hope you have a great time this month at all the festivities. You worry about it being too hot - if only we could exchange a bit of your heat for a bit of our endlessly cool weather, then we'd both be perfect!

  14. That sounds like the most extensive flower festival I have heard of. Nice of them to include some cool cars for the non-gardening types and for those that appreciate both.

  15. Hi Janet.
    I bet the greenhouse where I bought the watering can vase would ship you one if you seriously want one. If so, google Sturtz & Copeland in Boulder, Colorado for the Phone #. They are super nice. :-)

  16. Janet,
    How in the world did I miss this post? Love, love, love the topiaries.

    Oh, our bees have never been 'kept' inside since I put the package inside. Our sunflowers today had pollen laden bees in them!

  17. Sounds like a great time! Love those topiaries!

  18. Plants *and* cars? What could be better than that? It looks like a lot of fun!

  19. Hi Janet, what extraordinary topiary! I love the cars too...

  20. I'd like to go to that Festival Of Flowers with my wife, it looks like a great time and a nice place. I also like them car shows too.....but I'm more into plants these days instead of fast cars. I like to look at fast cars now, not go fast......:)

  21. Love the FofF. Plan to be there Friday & Sat. I always take the garden tours & buy Daylilies at Mrs. Farmer's. Can't wait!

  22. Oh my. I want one of those topiaries for my front yard.
    So much work!
    My husband would drool over those cars. That's a lot of bling.

  23. oooh Janet, $1.00 for Papilio is a fantastic deal! I'm SO jealous! I can't wait to see it bloom on your blog. That is the one Amaryllis I have trouble getting to rebloom ~ bought one three years ago ~ it was absolutely gorgeous in bloom ~ but haven't seen it since. That was a great find! :-)

  24. Hi folks -- just realized I hadn't responded to all these great comments, sorry!
    English Shepherd, thanks! They got better as the month wore on.

    Racquel, this whole month has been great.

    Alison, I favor the elephant, but the Jeep is a close second.

    Tina, I thought of you all with the old cars. Will see about doing an expose next year when the topiaries are made.

    Lola, Wyatt's is a nice place.

    Sweetbay, I like how they did the ponies' mane.

    Darla, There were 30 topiaries in all, the others were smaller, but they are pretty cool.

    Kathleen, come on down!!! This is a gardener's paradise indeed. The topiaries at Disney is where they learned how to do ours.

    KZK, I like the mane too!

    Jennifer, There were so many activities all month long, we didn't get to all of them. Thanks for the comment on the clouds...wild skies! The Australian Shepherd is always hiding in the shower stall when weather is brewing.

    Lona, There was a lot of work in the topiaries, no doubt about it.

    Rose, I did't do any of the early work on the topiaries, just did a couple hours of pinching back some of the growth.

    Marguerite, You have a lot of company liking the pony. I have enjoyed this month of Festival!

    VW, oh man, to have one in your yard....lots of work. Yes, too hot is a concern after about 11 AM.

    Les, There was also golf, a horse show, a fun run, and art competitions.... something for everyone.

    Kathleen, you are a gem!

    Randy, glad you stopped by, my posting has been sporadic at best lately. Sorry.
    thanks for the great info on the bees, I am in awe.

    Kim & Victoria, it has been a great month.

    On My Soapbox, I know, perfect right?

    Janet, thanks! Some of those cars were enough to make even the least car fan drool.

    Paul, Sounds like Festival of Flowers would suit you well then.

    EsSuzy, Good to know, have we met? I have seen signs for Mrs. Farmer's but have not been there.

    Rosey, It would be a lot of work. Oh, those cars were just incredible!

    Kathleen, I will keep you posted!


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