
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sad News

Sad news greeted me when I opened an email from Ronda, a friend of Rain Gardener's (Linda) from Gardening by Trial and Error.  Linda was diagnosed with cancer a few weeks ago.  She went into Hospice on Monday.   Yesterday she died.  Many of us have read Linda's blog over the last few years and feel as though we know her personally.  I was really taken back by Ronda's email.  I had no idea.  
Ronda lives in Winlock WA and she sent me her phone number.  A memorial service will be in the near future.  Anyone wanting more information about the service or where to send a note, drop me an email and I will give you Ronda's contact infomation. 
Linda's last post was about a cute little I leave you with this picture

FYI--my email address can be found on my profile page.
©Copyright 2011 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. I was just thinking about her today, wondering why she hadn't posted in a while. So sad.

  2. So sad. She will be missed. My condolence to family & all.

  3. Oh no! Linda emailed me not long ago to tell me of her diagnosis and we emailed a few times afterwards. I had just sent her an email a few days ago and wondered how she was. I am just so sad about this. She came to visit me last year bringing all sorts of plants with her to share. I just can't believe it.

  4. So very sad. Yes, I surely feel like I knew her and she sent me plants for my garden even. I am just so very sad. Please send me the mailing address so I can send her family a condolence card.

  5. It all sounds like it happened so suddenly. I can't believe it either. I've not been visiting blogs as much lately so had no idea. Life can be snuffed out in a split-second. I am so sad to learn of the loss of Linda. Wow. A real shocker.

  6. I too had been wondering why she had not posted anything in a while. Very sad news I enjoyed reading her blog.
    sending prayers to all her family & friends.
    hugs from Savannah, Cherry

  7. This is so sad--my condolences to her family. I did not read Linda's blog, but I understand how hard it is to lose a blogging friend like this. It was so good of Ronda to let you know personally. I remember a year or two ago, a blogger I read regularly, Flydragon, became ill and didn't post for quite awhile. All of us were worried about her; when she passed away, her daughters posted the news on her blog. It was a shock, yet I really appreciated knowing what had happened. Even if you've never met a person face-to-face, when you read someone's blog regularly, you certainly begin to think of them as friends. Linda will be missed, I'm sure.

  8. I am so sorry to hear about this. I know she was gravely ill last winter and hasn't been posting as much since. She will be greatly missed.

  9. I am so sorry to hear that she passed away~It is hard to lose a friend. Thank you Janet for letting us know. gail

  10. Sad news indeed. Makes me even more determined to live each day to the full. I never read her blog, but she sounds like a warm and lovely person, judging by the comments.

  11. Thank you for posting such a lovely tribute to a wonderful woman. This news makes me terribly sad. I feel as though I have lost a dear friend.
    I'll be in touch with you via email.

  12. Hi Janet. When I came home Friday I had emails about Linda's death too. I just couldn't believe it. She had been through so much with her health already and then to hear that she was gone so soon was really sad. I had read her postings for years and she was such a giving and lovely person.I will treasure her seeds and plants that she shared with me.She will be missed by us who had come to know her over the years. Prayers and condolences to her family.

  13. Such sad news, what a nice tribute to a garden blogging friend Janet.

  14. Even when we don't know someone but have read their blog, we feel connected to them because of what they share. This is sad news and even though I didn't read her blog, I still hope that her family can find comfort during this difficult time.
    You are sweet to dedicate this tribute to her.

  15. Thank you everyone for the kind words. I shared the link to this posting with Ronda so she could share it with Linda's family.

  16. This was truly shocking news to me ~ I first read about it on Catherine's blog. I will miss her too.


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