
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My First Wildflower Wednesday

Many of you have participated in Gail's Wildflower Wednesday over at Clay and Limestone, I wanted to before this, but the stars didn't align correctly until now.  For those who don't know, each month on the fourth Wednesday of the month Wildflowers are profiled.  Native plants are a whole new ballgame for me, slowly I am learning what is in my garden, my woods, and across the street from my house. 

While planting my new garden,  I wanted to put in as many natives as I could.  There are a lot of honeysuckle vines all through our woods, unfortunately, they are the invasive variety, Lonicera japonica.    I wanted some native honeysuckle in my garden, so I bought some Lonicera sempervirens.  I bought two....'Major Wheeler' which is red and 'John Clayton' which is yellow.  The blooms are long trumpet shaped.  The one pictured is supposed to be 'John Clayton'....oops!!

Doesn't look yellow does it?  Maybe next year I will find a true 'John Clayton'.  In the meanwhile, the hummers loved these!

This is the view of the neighboring lot.  Yesterday while I was in the side yard the light was shining just so----do you see what I see? 

 No, not the poison ivy....right in the center, see it?  The white bloom?  Ok, look at the photo below.
Yes, it looks like False Solomon's Seal, Smilacina racemosa.  The blooms are just about done. 

 This is the one I saw over the weekend on my way the JMU Arboretum.   Season-wise, they are about 2 weeks behind us in South Carolina. 

What fun to find this is my area. 

I am tooting the horn for Ninebark, Physocarpus opulifolius 'Coppertina'.  This is a cultivar of a native shrub....Just love the sparkle!
I am thinking of getting some more in our garden, year round interest.  Super shrub!

Remember when I posted this little plant a while back?  Common name is Striped Wintergreen or Pipsissewa, Chimaphila maculata.  I  have been watching it since I found it this winter. 
The flower buds have been getting bigger and bigger this spring....and when I looked on Monday---

It finally opened!!  What a cool bloom.

It has been a lot of fun exploring my new surroundings ---many times finding plants I have no knowledge of.    Take for instance, this plant.  Interesting tiny bloom, wide branching, understory growing little plant.

 Anyone know what this is?
Again, take a look at Gail's postings....never know what you (or I) might learn!

©Copyright 2011 Janet. All rights reserved. Content created by Janet for The Queen of Seaford. words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Janet,

    Our native False Solomons Seal bllomed weeks ago, it is done now. You plant looks like a small native red honeysuckle that has finished blooming. I could be wrong..

  2. The scent of Honeysuckle blooming just can't be beat. We used to live on Michigan on property that was once a nursery and it had a lot Honeysuckle and Lilac trees planted. I am glad you finally got to participate in WW!

  3. A fantastic find for sure in the smilacina! I so love the ninebarks-all of them. I do find I really like the species a bit more than the cultivars though because they are so adaptable and grow so well. Very drought tolerant and I haven't found that as much with Coppertina or Diablo. Love them all nonetheless!

  4. How exciting to see what pops up the first spring, summer and fall in your new home!

  5. Guard your ninebark! The deer devoured the one that I had a former home/garden. Those are so gorgeous!

  6. Isn't it nice to be able to discover new plants that are a part of our world!!!!

  7. It's so cool to be able to explore and find cool plants that you've never grown before. I love that cute little striped wintergreen. Ninebark is one of my all-time favorite shrubs. I'm so jealous of your honeysuckles, even if one of hem isn't what you thought. It's still gorgeous!

  8. That wintergreen is super-cool!

  9. So glad you joined in, Janet; I've learned so much about wildflowers since participating, too, and certainly have lots more to learn. Great finds in your property, especially the Soloman's Seal and the white-bloomed plant. Has anyone identified it yet?

  10. Your photos are gorgeous...I have been trying to locate your blog since Linda passed...your name kept coming up in comments and emails about it. I too, enjoyed Linda's gardening friendship via blogging..

  11. Sorry that you've got japanese honeysuckle and poison ivy to deal with...BUT glad you've added some of the native varieties. It gets frustrating to buy and plant mislabeled plants, though...I've had that happen before. I do enjoy my Major Wheeler and it should do well for you. Exciting to find natives growing in your own the False Solomon's Seal, and that Striped Wintergreen sure is a cutie! That's a new one on me, as is your unidentified one...hope someone can ID it for you;-)

  12. I think your vision must be excellent?! The things you spot ~ like the barred owl in a tree and that little spot of white (false solomon's seal) ~ I might not ever see!!
    I used to know a lot about eastern wildflowers (when I lived in VA we did a lot of hiking thru Shenandoan Nat'l Park) but since leaving the area, I feel I've forgotten a LOT. Too much. It's wonderful you have the interest because you certainly have many interesting plants and animals living around you.

  13. You have so many interesting natives growing on your property. I think your mystery plant is Heart-a-Bustin, Euonymous americanus.

  14. Dear Janet,
    you have so interesting wild plants in your neighbourhood! (We have them in the Botanical Garden). You have to work like a detective - finding clues - following a red Herring (the false honeysuckle). Sometimes it remains a riddle - as with the little pink flower on Gardening in High Heels (my friend Anne thinks too that it is a wild orchid).

  15. Hi Janet, I must make an effort to participate in Wildflower Wednesday as well. I so want to learn more about the plants in the nearby woods.All your discoveries are just delightful.

  16. janet, you have a lot of great plants on your property! do you have an id on your mystery plant yet? im thinking it looks like Euphorbia corollata, flowering spurge. need to see the flower... does it have milky sap? i always like wildflower wednesday but rarely get a post ready in time!

  17. I am leaning towards Sweetbay on your mystery plant ID.

  18. I absolutely love the blooms on the Striped Wintergreen. Isn't it fun to find a new wildflower! Can't help you ID the last flower.. Thanks for sharing your blooms :)

  19. Beautiful honeysuckle, whatever the colour - and I love the Pipsissewa.

  20. Welcome to WW~I am tickled pink you joined the celebration. What a great find. Love false Soloman's Seal~There will be cool berries to follow that bloom. Love the mystery and think Sweetbay could be correct~You'll know late summer when the hearts bust open. gail

  21. Randy, Thanks!

    Rosey, I miss the scent of lilacs.

    tina, I am finding so many plants in my wild areas of the yard. What fun! Glad you like the Ninebark as well!

    Ginger, it is exciting! Like a treasure hunt.

    Cameron, Oh Deer!!! Well, so far so good.

    Lola, It is a lot of fun.

    Alison, I like the Striped Wintergreen too. Have been checking on it often.

    Lisa and Rob, thanks, I think so too.

    Rose, yes I am glad I was able to join in as well. ID has been made, a Euphorbia.

    Darla, thanks so much for stopping by. I saw you name a good bit as well.

    Jan, I am not happy with the Japanese honeysuckle nor the poison ivy. Yes, the mislabeled honeysuckle was a surprise...though I do like the red ones!

    Kathleen, you crack me up! Super vision! right. I am certainly learning a lot of wildflowers.

    Sweetbay, I do have some interesting plants, finding new ones every week!

    Britta, I love the Botanical Garden in Berlin. I am glad you have some information on your mystery bloom.

    Jennifer, The Wildflower Wednesday is a great learning tool to be sure!

    Daricia, you rock!

    Les, thanks.

    Rebecca, It is fun to find new plants and learn about them. thanks for stopping by.

    Janet, it is a beautiful honeysuckle and the hummingbirds love it.

    Gail, thanks for hosting WW!

  22. Great post. When I was backpacking we saw some Pipsissewa but they were pink. Sweet little flower.

  23. I love the Ninebark 'Coppertina' too Janet! It really is an interesting shrub year round. Great post for WW, saw quite a few new things in your area. :)

  24. Love the honeysuckle! You know that is the "it" color in fashion right now. Maybe we all should plants some so our gardens will be tres chic! ;D

  25. Kim and Victoria, a Pink one???? woow!

    Racquel, yes, Ninebark Coppertina is great! thanks

    Wicked Gardener, I love the native honeysuckles too. tres chic!


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