
Monday, April 26, 2010

Twelfth Annual.....And Last One--for me.

This coming Saturday, May 1st is our York County Master Gardener Learning Garden plant sale.

It is amazing to think I have been at most all but one of these plant sales. For most of them I have been the "Plant Doctor". I hand out information about moles and voles, salt tolerant plants, pruning publications, and many other Virginia Cooperative Extension publications. This will be my last plant sale as a York County Master Gardener. This makes me rather sad. I am certainly going to miss many many people from this area. Starting anew will be fun and exciting, but I am leaving behind many friends and family.

Through this blog I have shared many photos of gorgeous parts of the Learning Garden. If you are in the area (York County Virginia) on Saturday, come to the plant sale. We will be there from 9 am to noon. Be sure to stop by the Plant Doctor table and say hi. If you are unsure where I might be-- just ask any of the Master Gardeners where the Queen of Seaford is and they can point you in the right direction.

I will leave you with a taste of what you might see on Saturday--
Walk with me through the garden to the azalea area

Some of the flowering trees are blooming- Halesia diptera and Chionanthus virginicus

Near the shed is an ever increasing collection of deciduous azaleas... many are fragrant.

Here is one azalea I may have to find for myself-- R. 'Janet Rhea'

Hope to see you on Saturday!

words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. I am sure they will miss you too, Janet! It is sad to leave something good behind, but it should be exciting to think about what is ahead, in a new place.
    The blooms are wonderful!

  2. Have fun! I wish I could come!

  3. Dear Janet, I wish I could come and enjoy the beautiful sights and get some of your advice! I do hope very much that you will continue to write your beautiful blog? Thanks for it! Britta

  4. Have a wonderful time Saturday Janet. Maybe you will find some wonderful gardens and gardeners near your new home. That is a pretty azalea. I can see why you would want one. The pink and white is so pretty.

  5. I know they will really miss you too! Have a wonderful time on Saturday! The plants and flowers are so beautiful. Love, Debbie and Holly

  6. So it's almost time for a change. When is moving day? It is always sad and exciting all at the same time. We in South Carolina will be looking forward t having you "in the area".

  7. I'm not sure if I can make it...I'm going to a Derby Day party. But maybe...

  8. Oh, I can imagine how that feels like a transition -- they'll miss you, I'm sure. The Learning Garden looks great.

    But I hope you'll find many fellow gardeners and Master Gardeners in the Greenwood area, too, as well as the gardening network across the state. And I hope you'll be able to make it up to Clemson periodically, too. We've got a great group of MG's here.

    Have fun on Saturday!


  9. If I didn't have to work this Sat., I'd be there, not that I need another plant, but you never know. I would like to see the Queen before she heads to her new realm. Will you be having a new moniker once you are in SC? Lady of the Lake, Queen Carolina, Empress of the Upcountry?

  10. I like all of Les' new name suggestions! lol

    What a lovely collection of azaleas. I do love the native azaleas both for their beauty and fragrance.

    You asked about the rugosas -- Foxi Pavement has stayed true to size. I don't think it's much over 4' and I've had it for 5 or 6 years. It does sucker on its own roots, but what a fragrance. It's a wafter

  11. I'll mark my calendar. I've been meaning to ask you when the sale was going to be. Good timing, lol. ;)

  12. The sheer number of pretty flowers of varying clarity and beauty is a sure indication that the place is a MUST.... ~bangchik

  13. Janet what a pretty place. Love all of the Azaleas - such delicate ones I haven't seen before. I've been away and it looks like you're getting alot closer to your big move. How exciting and sad at the same time! Good luck!!!

  14. I would certainly be there if I could! This is such a beautiful garden, Janet; I know you're going to miss it as well as all your friends from your garden adventures. Still, I've found that gardeners are some of the friendliest and kindest people around, so I'm sure you will soon be making lots of new friendships.

    Yes, I think you need to buy one of those 'Janet' azaleas:)

  15. I'm sure the gardeners in your area will really miss you, too. I assume you're getting close to your move date?

    Hope you have a fantastic plant sale!

  16. Enjoy the sale!

    Lovely, lovely azaleas!

  17. Pretty, pretty! Wish I could be there to wish you well and enjoy the rhodies in person. Have a great day.

  18. It is sad that this is the last show you will attend. It is hard when something has been such a big part of your life to move on. I'm sure when you move your new garden will bring you new memories to add to your old ones from Seaford.

    Always Growing

  19. Sounds like a bittersweet goodbye.

    I wish I could come! It sounds like a great place for plant hunting.

  20. I hope you have a great turnout for your last time Janet. I'm sure it's sad but I bet you make some new gardening friends quickly near your beautiful new home. Plus you always have us ~ your Internet blogging buddies! Have a great day tomorrow!

  21. I wish I could be there today Janet! I have loved your tours of the learning center~gail

  22. Wonderful Azaleas. One thing I like about gardening is all of he sharing and it sounds like you have done your part.

  23. Evening everyone, the plant sale is over, great time!

    Tatyana, I will miss them as well. I do look forward to the new adventure. I really enjoyed these azaleas this year.

    Tina, Wish you could have been here as well.

    Britta, It would have been lots of fun to have you here. I do plan on continuing with the blog, though during moving time I may not have time to post.

    Lona, I do plan on getting involved with gardeners in SC. Thanks, I think I need that azalea.

    Debbie, thanks a lot! Wishing I could have had more of my blogging friends here today.

    Lauren, it is almost itme. Think moving day will be right after the 4th of July. I look forward to being with my new SC garden blogging friends.

    Phillip, looks like the Derby won out. See you later.

    Lisa, I think the LG is in its glory in May and June, though it has great plants year round. I have already sent a note to the extension office in Greenwood and put my name on the list for MG class. I do want to come up to Clemson, I look forward to it.

    Les, Sorry you had to work today too. Racquel came out. We do need to make a plan to get together before I leave. As for the names....think I can combine a few of them?

    Sweetbay, Les has a good sense of humor.
    Oh the selection of azaleas in the LG is outstanding. The MG who manages the azaleas has really added a great deal to the group.
    Thanks for the info on the roses.

    Racquel, Glad you made it!!!

    Lottie, wish you could have been here too!

    Bangchik, we think this place is a must. Many who live here are unaware of its existance.

    RG, thanks, it is a pretty place. The variety of azaleas in the LG is pretty impressive. I have grown to appreciate the deciduous ones.

    Rose, I know you would be here. I will miss hen and this garden. You are correct, gardeners are very friendly and quite nice about sharing things from their gardens. I found a place online that sells Janet Rhea :-)

    Cameron, we are getting close to our move date. Believe it will be just after the 4th of July.
    We had a great day at the sale.

    Kim and Victoria, thanks!

    Heph, thanks! and thanks for visiting.

    VW, thanks :-) wish you could have been here today as well.

    Jan, it has been a big part of my life for the last 12 years. Time flies. I really look forward to my new garden.

    Rosey, it is bittersweet. It was a great day for plant hunting, great prices too.

    Kathleen, thanks, it was a great day. I am glad to have my electronic penpals! you will always close by.

    Gail, Wish you were here today too. We had a lot of native plants for sale, always a plus. Hope to do one more tour of the Learning Garden in pictures for everyone before I leave.

    Chris, thanks. We have shared many many plants within the LG. Some of the plants that were sold today were ones I shared with other gardeners who in turn divided years later to bring for the sale.

  24. Good morning. I stopped by to visit after reading Jan's post.

    We are having a plant sale here next Saturday. I've been digging iris, both bearded and Siberian to contribute. Always fun to hang out and talk gardening with everyone.

    Good luck with your sale, enjoy.

  25. Azaleas in Virginia are the world's best. I'm a VA native transplanted to PA, and loved seeing your photos of that beautiful show. I hope wherever you land next will be just as lovely.

  26. Hi Janet~~ I hope you enjoyed your final stint at the Learning Garden. Did you come away with any new plants? I hope you have fond memories. From the photos, it looks like a veritable paradise.

  27. Hi there Marnie, thanks for visiting. Good luck with your plant sale as well! The time at the sale zooms by as there are lots of conversations about plants.

    Hi Kelly, Welcome via the internet back to Virginia. Where is PA are you? I will come look at your page. Glad you like the azaleas.

    Hi Grace, I did enjoy it and tried not to think about it being my last one. Lots and lots of fond memories to be sure!


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