
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Color Emerges from the Green World

This month's photo contest theme at Gardening Gone Wild is 'Green World'. Choosing a photo was hard....really hard. I had a bunch that I shared with some friends and family to get some help. The choices were mixed. I also was arguing with myself between this one and one other. In order to keep this post short and sweet I leave you with the photo.... Amsonia hubrechtii, almost ready to bloom.


Be sure to check out everyone else's entries! There are some really great ones.

words and photos by Janet,The Queen of Seaford.


  1. Your photo is lovely, Janet! I don't have amsonia and really love it. I am currently sorting through photos. They are ALL green!...that's why this is so hard;-) I am bound & determined to add one before the day is over;-) I have a couple that I'm looking at but just need to write the post!

  2. Janet what a lovely picture for the contest. Good luck.

  3. That is so cool. Looks like if you had waited seconds more, you would've lost the shot! I like the kind of hazy background effect too.

  4. So lovely!

    My amsonia are in bloom right now. I love those plants so much. The foliage is stunning and I prefer those to any green ornamental grasses. I have just enough seedlings from the mother plants to make me happy, too.

    We finally got a soaking rain today! YAY!

    Interesting that your 'fireworks' purple fountain grass turned solid purple. I'm trying only 3 of the fireworks and the rest are the old standby. Even though there's a yearly cost to using annual grasses, I prefer not having wildly seeding perennials. My miscanthus 'cosmopolitan' is an exception as I've never seen a seedling anywhere.

  5. That is beautiful!! Good luck in the contest! Love, Debbie

  6. The buds are as beautiful as the flowers aren't they? It's a fabulous foliage plant.

  7. Hi Janet~~ NICE! My finger are crossed.

  8. Gorgeous, Janet! Green is nice, but I like the promise of color ready to burst out of this amsonia. Good luck in the contest!

    Thanks for your nice comments on my post this morning. Your suggestions about getting rid of voles are just what we were taught. However, it does sound like a lot of work, so I think the mousetrap or gum ideas are appealing to people with a small vole problem. Of course, I have the best vole control of all here--curious cats and Sophie the digger:)

  9. This is a beautiful entry! Good Luck :-)

  10. Beautiful picture Janet, good luck.

  11. This is a lovely photo! Good luck.

  12. That is one of my favorite perennials, especially in the fall. I usually quiz my wife as to which shot to enter, most of the time we agree.

  13. Gorgeous shot! Now I better go check mine and see if I have buds. :)

  14. What a beautiful photograph! Some of my favorites are those with a tip of a branch or an emerging flower seemingly reaching up out of a fog - and this image creates that image. Lovely!

  15. Perfect choice. It is about instantaneous beauty, as the plant is gathering maximum strength and energy to spurt the beautiful bloom out of pregnancy. ~bangchik

  16. I love the blue emerging from that green! I hope your entry did well in the contest! gail

  17. Beautiful Janet! I've never grown this plant before but that needle-like foliage and blue bloom look interesting. Good luck with the contest!

  18. Thanks everyone for your vote of confidence. I have fun going through my photos and trying to come up with a good entry. Yes, Phillip, I had to get the dictionary...but will use it in the future.

  19. Those pictures of azaleas make me want to drive all the way up from Florida. I lived in your neck-o-the-woods many years ago, and it's where I discovered azaleas. Good luck with your show.

  20. hi Deborah, thanks. Appreciate your visiting here. Have enjoyed reading your blog.


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