
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 2009 Garden Blogger Bloom Day

Hard to believe it is already July 15th! There is so much color in my yard this time of year. I thought the easiest thing to do would be to put up a collage of current blooms and berries.
From the upper left hand corner- Rubus argutus Navaho (thornless blackberries),Gaura lindheimeri 'Ballerina Rose', caladium bloom, Perovskia atriplicifolia (Russian Sage), Lagerstroemia x.Tuscarora (Crape Myrtle), Lantana camara 'Miss Huff', Hibiscus moscheutos, some 'fun guy', Rosa 'Carpet Rose' white, Lobularia maritima (Sweet alyssum), Hydrangea paniculata, Hibiscus coccinea 'Texas Star', Dwarf Yellow Canna,H. paniculata, Echinacea purpurea (Purple Coneflower), Sambucus (elderberries), more blackberries, Cleome (Spider Flower), Caladium 'Red Flash', Pennisetum setaceum rubrum 'Fireworks' & Artemisia 'Powis Castle', Hybiscus syriacus 'Marina' (Rose of Sharon 'Blue Bird'), Dwarf Red Canna.

Be sure to click on the collage and make it larger.

Here is an interesting bloom-- a Caladium bloom.

As always, it is time to check out the other garden blogger's blooms---head over to Carol's web site May Dreams Gardens.


  1. Hi Janet, what a bunch of lovlies! Don't know about that *fun guy* though. So glad to see some berries included here, they are just...wait for it....the berries! Sorry, couldn't be helped.

    You asked about Summer Wine? It has been a jewel here, that foliage color backlights for wonderful shots too. I have to prune it, too much planted in the black garden for it to get as large as it would like, but it is well behaved and the flowers are exceptional in spring. I have never grown Diablo, so cannot compare the two. But if you see a Summer Wine, get it! :-)

  2. Ohhhh, I love your collage. It makes a bunch of photos art. You should do a place mat series!

    You got some good looking blooms, girl!


  3. Janet...outstanding blooms! I wanted to grab the berries for my morning snack! Love the toadstool among the pretties...I think they are pretty, too! Have fun today! gail

  4. Janet,
    That is a really nice collage of what is going on this GBBD.

  5. What a great bloom day post. I love blackberry season, though I don't grow any and must buy them at the farmers' market.

  6. Oh Janet your garden is a gorgeous mix of summer color this month. I really love the 'Texas Rose', yellow is my favorite color for roses. In response to your comment on my post today my Four O'Clocks (that's one plant) always have that mix of yellow & pink. In fact the new blooms start out yellow and change to pink or mixed as they mature. :)

  7. Some of your plants are ahead of mine by a mile - cleome, Russian sage, etc. Wonderful display, Janet!

  8. Beautiful blooms, Janet! I agree that July is the most colorful in the garden; it's taken me half the morning just to get my Bloom Day post up. The crepe myrtle blooms are so interesting; we don't have those in the Midwest, of course. I don't remember if I've ever seen a caladium bloom before--just one more reason to love this plant!

  9. Quite the garden the Queen has! Must be a joy to spend time out there with all of this beauty. BTW - I also love the collage.

  10. Good evening Frances. You don't like my 'fun guy'? ;-) It was in the pathway and the grass all around it had been hit with Roundup. I never get any of the elderberries-- the birds love them too much.
    Will keep Summer Wine in mind.

    Helen- Hello there ma'm. A placemat series? Interesting concept. Glad you like the blooms.

    Gail, Hi! The berries (blackberries) are a real treat as this is the first year we have gotten more than two or three. I think the mushroom is fun.

    Donna, I am glad you like the collage. I have come a long way from the first one I did. (!) Thanks for visiting.

    Miss NJ- Thanks for visiting heirloom! I love blackberry season too. We used to have a farm right behind us that had rows and rows of thornless berry bushes. There is now a housing area there. :-(

    Tatyana- Good evening. I am always amazed at the difference in growing seasons --even wihtin the same zone. Same zones can have longer growing seasons. Ah nature!

    Rose- Glad you came by. I so much enjoy seeing all the blooms through the season. You need to check out this blog and see if she can tell you what variety of Crape Myrtle they have...they live in Kansas in zone 5!!
    (tell her I sent you!)

    CIOPhoto, welcome!! I am glad you like my garden. It is very nice to take in all these beautiful colors --both foliage and blooms. (glad you like the collage)

  11. Racquel- I am not sure how I missed your post earlier! Sorry. After your comment this morning I corrected my name for the Hibiscus coccinea---is Texas Star NOT Texas Rose! Got ahead of myself. I really like your 4 O'Clocks being multi colors. I love yellow roses too. (also love the song-- Yellow Rose of Texas)

  12. What a fabulous collage from your garden!

  13. That is a wonderful collage of all your blooms today! Thank you for sharing. IT says HAPPY SUMMER like nothing else.

  14. Hi Lisa, thanks. I apparently have lots in bloom right now.

    Hi Bren, thanks! It does say Happy Summer doesn't it?

  15. Hi, such wonderful flowers. I've never seen a caladium bloom - thanks for sharing that!

  16. I really like the collage. I hope you are enjoying the blackberries(beyond photography) in the kitchen as well.

  17. Good morning Kristin- thanks for visiting. I was surprised all of these caladiums have bloomed this year. Other years I may get one or two blooms--this year--wow!

    Hi Les, thanks, I was really pleased with the collage. Ah, the blackberries- we are still in the very low numbers of harvested fruit--measured by number not volume. They are tasty though!

  18. Lots of beauties Janet! I really like those elderberries. Do you pick them and eat them? I've never seen them before but for some reason I've been noticing them more this Year. The collage looks really good.

  19. Hi Tina, I like the elderberries, but so do the birds. We had an elderberry juice in Germany that was wonderful. I doubt there are enough berries on one bush to make juice!

  20. Lovely collage! Don't you just love those big dinnerplate hibiscus blooms?

  21. Hi sweet bay, yes I do love those big blooms!


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