
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Yorktown Market Days

What does one do on a Saturday morning? If you are in the Yorktown area, you can go to the waterfront in old Yorktown and enjoy the market. For the past few years Yorktown has a market through the summer and late into fall.

One not only finds Virginia Grown produce, but information, flowers and music!

The York County Cooperative Extension Office has a table full of information, staffed today by the lovely Jean, one of the York County Master Gardeners. The Gardener's Workshop owner Lisa Ziegler has buckets of bouquet lovelier than the next. Stop by Lisa's website. Tell her you came by way of the Queen of Seaford's web site.
Music is offered by local artists and really completes the experience.

The Waterman's Museum also had a booth
...truly something for everyone!

Across the street is the York River
and the Coleman Bridge... heavenly breezes blow in from the water.

For all our livestock buddies...there are even some chickens on hand!

The entire waterfront is lovely. There are benches in nooks and quiet places to enjoy the water or the flowers or people watching!

And when you are ready to leave... head over to the parking garage.

Come again!!!


  1. We have a local farmers' market held every Saturday morning, too, that has lots of wares for sale, not just produce. I'm embarrassed to say I've only been once. But ours is definitely not as lovely as this one at Yorktown!

  2. Hi Janet, wow to the plantings and structure of the parking garage! That is pretty fancy stuff. Live music always adds to the ambience of such doings too, love it!

  3. Janet,

    It looks like a lovely market. Where are the veggies? I miss the Carrboro Farmers Market maybe we can go next week. Last year when we lived closer one farmer had about 30-40 kinds of melons over a period of 4-6 weeks, every week was an adventure as we picked up 2 different melons a week. Carrboro is next door to Chapel Hill, NC if you didn't know, well worth a visit if you out that way some Saturday morning.

  4. Looks like fun. I miss the waterfront so much! We don't have much here that's for sure.

  5. I miss the water and that area of the country;-( When Sarah's in school I could get down there except for the fact that my son is still young enough and (in trouble enough?) that I need to be home to go bring him home when I get a call by the principal! Well...not really, but it seemed like it toward the end of last yr...I even got a call on the last 1/2 day of school to 'give him an early summer vacation' because of some shenanigan he'd been up to. BOYS. You're lucky you have 3 girls. (I love him to pieces)...and he's really a good kids, most of the time!!! Anyway, I do miss that area.

  6. I didn't realize that Yorktown had a market on Saturdays! Me & Hubby will have to check it out, local produce sounds yummy. ;)

  7. Hi Janet~~ It looks like you had perfect weather for a stroll along the water front. Farmers' Markets are always fun. I always feel badly for the vendors who don't get much traffic. My sister had been a vendor and as I'm sure you can imagine, the work is tremendous. She did very well but worked really hard.

  8. Hi everyone- finally back online, had some of those thunderstorms roll through and knock out power for a number of hours!

    Rose, Yorktown's farmer's market is really nice, not too big, small town feel-- just a great time!

    Frances- I think the live music is the icing on the cake! Yorktown waterfront was redone after Isabel and they really did a nice job.

    Randy- Sorry I didn't get some pics of the veggies! There were plenty, as well as jellies and jams and honey and seafood. I can't imagine 30- 40 types of melons. wow

    tina- I do like being near the water.

    Jan- Wish you would come down for a visit! Your son sounds like my brother in high school....too much fun! (I actually have 2 daughters and one pretend daughter...she just lived with us for a couple summers into fall)

    Racquel, You guys should go down and see the market, lots going on! There are also some cute shops along the waterfront as well.

    Grace, I try to support the vendors, just loading and unloading all their wares -- tons of work.

  9. Janet, To get a similar experience we have to drive about 30 minutes away...but it's so pleasant to listen to music and have organic food choices. The bench nook is perfect...have you noticed that some public plantings are better then others....these are really nice. gail

  10. Hi Gail,
    I am happy this market has come to Yorktown. Every time I go I think I should take better advantage of it. I like how different localities have been paying attention to plantings and walking areas.

  11. It looks grand and I'll go along next time. Love that bouquet. I have some cockscomb and was thinking of putting it in an arrangement. Seeing that zinnia made me want to go ahead and do it. So colorful.

  12. hi Anna, come on along! Cockscomb dries very nicely as well, but watch the seeds...they are like poppy seeds- tiny and they go everywhere.


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