
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Critters in the Learning Garden

This guy was by the trellis last week--- really took me by surprise! (Didn't take any other photos last week!)

Today's 'critters' were a bit nicer to see. Randy... need an ID please!

He was kind enough to continue to pose while I took more pictures!

The last one was inside the post hole digger that was stored inside our shed. A nice tree was found for him.


  1. Beautifully photographed critters! I haven't seen any of these guys in my garden this summer. Lucky you to have them. gail

  2. Janet,

    It looks like a Slaty Skimmer to me. Your snake is a Rat Snake bty. Excellent photos, be careful or you'll get hooked on taking dragonfly photos.

  3. Except for the first one.... great shots! :)

  4. Great photos for sure. I think snakes are so pretty-when they are still and not slithering anywhere.

  5. The fellow in #4 was probably looking for what was picutured in #2 and #3, but he really needs to watch out for what was in #1.

  6. Evening Gail! Thanks, I wasn't sure if I got a good one of the dragonfly until I downloaded the pictures. We do have lots of them around our area.

    Randy! Thanks so much!!! Slaty Skimmer--he was almost navy blue. Really neat. yes, I know it was a Rat Snake-- he just startled me. Glad you liked the pictures.

    KZK- Ah heck, even the first one wasn't bad... ;-)

    Tina, hi there, Snakes are ok, as long as they don't surprise me. Given the large number of voles we have in the LG, I welcome the snakes!!

  7. Well said Les!! The little guy in #4 was sure cute.

  8. I was surprised myself today when watering the compost heap - when a garter snake quickly moved out of the spray of the hose. I spotted him earlier this year - so was less inclined to run inside. Silly, I know, but I prefer butterflies, dragonflies, and ladybugs. :)

  9. Ack! I have an aversion to snakes, but have to admit they are part of the system. We have the rat snake too, way too big for my comfort. Now the dragonfly and little froggie are more my style. Love them and great photos of all! :-)

  10. Dragon and damsel flies are great mosquito hunters. Pretty critters, too.

    That tiny frog is a cutie!

    We must all have rat snakes! Ours was sunning himself every morning as he came out from beneath the cotoneaster at the top of the waterfall. My DH decided that he had to cut back the shrubby ground cover to reduce the snake habitat! He found snake skins galore under there! Haven't seen the snake(s) since and the frog population increased as a result. Nature.


  11. Hi Ann, I think we all prefer the butterflies or dragonflies to the snakes...but the Black Snakes DO take down the vole population! (though they do scare us when we happen upon them!)

    Frances, good morning- I have an aversion to them as well...I don't weed the deck garden once it gets growing as there was once a snake in there. I think the little tree frog was cute.

    Cameron- Nice to see you. Given all the food opportunities I would think we would have more snakes. Food chain...!! I am surprised when I happen upon one though!

  12. The dragonfly pictures are so cool! :)

  13. What a pale frog! The ones I've seen around here are dark and mottled. I like to hear them croaking at bedtime, somehow it's comforting, I think.

  14. Evening VW, I think the camera washed out the color on this little guy. The tree frog was a pale green- but it was green. We haven't had them outback as much as we used to... miss their songs.

  15. Janet-
    I love the photos of the young rat snake and the tree frog, and how great to have Randy id your dragonfly!

  16. Hi Lisa, Thanks. It was nice of Randy to ID the dragonfly wasn't it? Will need to carry my camera more often in the yard as there are a good number of dragonflies in my backyard. Put Randy to work on a bunch of dragonflies.

  17. Fantastic critter photos!
    Dragonflies, frogs, even snakes... they all have their place in nature and I love 'em all. Glad you captured them, yes even the snake!, with your camera to share with us.

  18. Yay - critters!!! Such a cute frog, it almost makes me forget the scary snake. Of course, snakes are good for the garden, but I don't want to come across one.

  19. Hi Aerie-el, thanks! I was happy to see the dragonfly and the frog-- the snake, well, not so much.

    Megan, good morning, the snake is more of a surprise than a scare. Given the number of voles and shrews we have, we could use more snakes!

  20. Great photos, Janet, especially of the dragonfly! I've found they don't always want to sit still. I've had lots of toads in my garden this year, but no snakes...thank goodness. I don't think I'd have the courage to stand still and take a picture!

  21. Lovely photos. I once had a hummingbird moth that used to come to the balcony, and once a lizard climbed up and stayed a few days but that's about all I've ever been able to get excited about :(

  22. Great critter shots Janet! I will pass on having snakes in my garden though, their a bit too creepy for me. ;)

  23. Hi Rose, It was a quick picture!! I guarantee! The dragonfly was a little more relaxed picture taking.

    Sue, greetings! Hummingbird moths are really interesting to see! That is enough to get excited about!

    Racquel..hey there! I am not sure we get a choice about having snakes in the yard! They are either there or not.

  24. Great photos, Janet! I'm glad we don't see snakes in our garden! Frogs and dragonflys, now those are always welcome.


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