
Friday, June 19, 2009

Spring Fling Goodies!!

For those of you who read a lot of the blogs about the Spring Fling you may have read "Our Little Acre" written by Kylee. Well she and a few others collected a lot of the goodies from the Spring Fling and offered up a chance to those of us who didn't go to Chicago to win some garden SWAG (Stuff We All Get).

Guess who won?? ;-)
As my daughter brought in the mail...what did I see??? FOR ME?!?!!?! Woooohooo

I quickly opened the package and found all sorts of goodies. What a treat!

I have four packets of seeds- Phlox drummondii 'Coral Reef Blend', Alchemilla mollis 'Thriller' (Lady's Mantle), Radicchio Carmen Cichorium intybus, and Nasturtium officinale Watercress. Two books, can't decide which to start reading first! Waking Up In Eden by Lucinda Flesson and The Garden of Invention by Jane S. Smith. There was also info on garden produce sharing (Plant a Row for the Hungry, gro good, Scotts MiracleGro, Feeding America), a coupon and a magnet from Garden Guys, a cloth shopping bag, a coupon for free shipping from Botanical Interests Seeds, a computer mouse pad with poppies on it and a very nice note from Kylee.

Thanks a bunch!! What a nice treat...Kylee and others who put all this SWAG together...thanks.


  1. Oh, how fun!

    Didn't the Spring Fling sound great?

    I wish I'd known it was happening (perhaps I don't read enough garden blogs!), but really didn't have the opportunity to go, either, to be realistic.

    What a nice packet to receive!


  2. Awww..... I am so OUT OF THE LOOP! I didn't even know that you could win a drawing from the Spring FLing. I missed the fling because I had no idea I was invited! LOL
    Can't wait to attend next year. Hope to see you there. Can't wait to see your new seeds grow so don't forget to share them on your blog.

  3. What great mail to get Janet! I didn't get to go to Spring Fling either ~ I sure didn't know we could win some goodies. I guess I haven't been blog reading enough!! Congrats on your win and enjoy your goodies. They look great.

  4. Congrats on your goodies! Aren't blogging buddies the best?

  5. Congratulations on winning! I really like that mouse pad! Mine is worn out and boring blue. Maybe one of these days I'll get one of my pictures on a mouse pad.

  6. Good for you! Congrats and it all looks like nice stuff. I'm a real fan of Botanical Interest seeds.

    I came to make sure you are OK after that tornado. Glad to see you posted. Les posted on my blog so I know he's ok too. Now I can go to sleep.

  7. Janet, congratulations! Little things like this one make us happy!

  8. When modern life is full with messages and e-mails, I guess receiving mails the old way is always exiting...

    have a great weekend
    ~ bangchik

  9. Good morning Lisa, I was really impressed with all the activities and speakers at the Spring Fling. It was a nice packet.
    Bren, I enjoyed reading all the accounts of the Spring Fling. Some of the seeds I may wait until next season as they need a cold period and we are into the hot hot time of year.
    Kathleen, It was great to get this mail--super!
    Tina, you are right, blogging buddies ARE the best.
    Robin, I haven't been using a mouse pad and this one is really nice to have! Getting your own pictures on the mouse pad would be cool.
    We were north of the tornado warnings-- luckily!! Thanks for thinking of us. I need to check out Botanical Interest seeds.
    Tatyana, I have been smiling all day!
    Bangchik- good observation, it is nice to get something in the regular mail. You have a good weeked as well.

  10. Congratulations! Sounds like a great surprise package!


  11. Wow. A jackpot day for you--like Christmas. Congrats and enjoy.

  12. Cameron, Grace, and Victoria- It was a very nice treat and sure makes blogging more interesting.

  13. Janet, once again, congratulations on winning! Enjoy! :-)

  14. What a lovely gift, congrats! :)

  15. kylee, thanks again -- such nice goodies.
    Racquel, thanks. :-)

  16. That is some good SWAG! gail

  17. Gail, I was amazed at all the goodies that were offered at the Spring Fling. SWAG city!


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