
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Plant Profile- Serissa foetida, Snowrose


This is one plant that not many people have heard of, yet it is such a sweet little shrub, I wonder why more folks don't have it? If you Google the name, many of the websites are about the Serissa in conjunction with Bonsai. Here is a good write up for the Serissa.
We have a couple in the Learning Garden and they are in the edge of the wooden area near our azaleas in part sun. It is in bloom from early spring until fall with tiny white trumpet shaped blooms. In our area it is semi-evergreen according to what I have read though these seem to retain their foliage.
They are hardy from zone 7-9 (or 11 depending on which website you read) and there are white blooms, pink blooms and a double white. It is a small shrub, barely getting 24 inches tall. Dark green leaves (which in my garden remain year-round) and a constant show of tiny blooms. A sweet shrub to have in any landscape.


  1. I love Serissa! It's so dainty and refined. Finally got a start of it in a trade -- I've wanted it ever since I saw it at the JC Raulston Arboretum. I agree it's a wonderful and not very well known plant.

  2. Oh what a sweet little shrub! I've never seen this plant before either. Thanks for sharing. :) I had fun today!

  3. What a great little shrub. I would love to have one but it probably would winter kill in our zone 5. I will just enjoy your picture I guess.

  4. I've never seen Serissa, Janet. If it says zone 9 or even 11, you'd think I could grow it here. I may have to find it online and try it out. Thanks for the tip! It's adorable.

  5. I don't know this sweet shrub Janet...but will keep an eye out for it...I love learning about new plants; it's the wanting them and not having either the conditions they need or the space that's the real problem! gail

  6. sweetbay, I am glad you know it and like it as much as I do. I wonder why it isn't better known?
    Racquel, great time today!! Felt like we (I) had to cut it short, but lots of fun. This is a sweet little shrub.
    Stella, since it is a plant they use in Bonsai, you could bring it in either the house or garage over the winter maybe. Thanks for visiting.
    Diana, If you find a good place online for it, let me know! I saw one today at Smithfield Gardens that was variegated too! How fun is that? (though it was in a display bed and I didn't see any for sale)

  7. Hi Gail,
    glad I piqued your interest in this little shrub. One this small you should be able to find room for. though...what zone are you again? 7ish??? I will cross my fingers for you.

  8. Janet ! hello there : ) ... I would love to have that cute little shrub .. but zone 5b is a little too cold and harsh for it .. I'll have to share yours ? LOL

  9. GardenJoy4me- wish I had one to share...this is in our community garden. great shrub!

  10. It sounds like a perfect shrub. The name is vaguely familiar. Thanks so much for sharing this info. I'll have to see if it's deer resistant! (same old song)


  11. hi Cameron, not sure about the deer issue, though we do have lots of deer in the Learning Garden where this one is growing.

  12. I never heard of it. Love the little white flowers. You sure know a lot of cool stuff.

  13. Very kind of you to say so Anna, I know a little bit about a small amount!! If I look at plant material from the California blogs or some of the Texas ones, I have no idea what they have. I am familiar with my little world.


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