
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Eucomis 'Sparkling Burgundy' and More Hydrangeas

While working in the yard yesterday I saw a tiny pineapple emerging from the center of the Eucomis 'Sparkling Burgundy', Pineapple Lily. It is so cute. I am sure later in the season I will laugh that I considered this the bloom. I know it will get larger and more grand..but for now it is a cute little pineapple.

Many thanks to Frances for a little explanation about marking one's photos.

One of the Hydrangeas is in front of the hose spigot and with the rain, the blooms were heavy and leaning over. I decided to cut just enough to get to the spigot. What a grand bouquet!


  1. I am so envious of those lovely hydrangeas.

  2. Hi Janet, what a sweetie is that Eucomis! I have almost bought one several times, even now the little bloom is exquisite. Thanks for the link love, but I am not seeing any text in your photos. Or are these not marked? What a lush bouquet of hydrangeas too, you are definitely doing something right with those. :-)

  3. WOW -- that is a GRAND bouquet for sure! Just gorgeous!

    I've seen the pineapple growing at Raulston Arboretum and Plant Delights gardens. It is so stunning, yet I've not figured out how to work it into my garden.


  4. So pretty. I loved the pineapple.

  5. Hi Donna, thanks, it took a good few years for these hydrangeas to look so good. Looks like I need to do some pruning so they aren't so top heavy next year.
    Frances, Good afternoon, This Eucomis is so interesting looking, I am glad I got it. I have text on the photos, very tiny, still working with what size I want it to be.
    Cameron, hi there, You need to figure out a place for this plant, it is really an interesting specimen. Maybe you could put it in a container near your a focal point.
    Hi Anna, thanks..I will post more as it opens up and really 'blooms'.

  6. Janet I adore hydrangea's. The blue are a favorite. Mine have not started to bloom yet. Cannot wait.

  7. I've almost purchased a eucomis several times too but stopped at the last minute. Not sure why now. Your's is so pretty. Love that little pineapple. I hope you'll show it again at the end of summer when it's all grown up. Do you overwinter them indoors or does it stay outside all winter in your area?? The hydrangea bouquet is beautiful. I never get enough blooms to cut. :-(

  8. Hi Lona,
    What zone are you in? I forgot. This is the best my hydrangeas have ever looked. I am very happy with them. Blue is my color too.
    Hi Kathleen,
    I just bought this Eucomis and from what I've read it should winter over in the ground and come back next if only the plant has read the same thing. This is the first year I have had so so many blooms. Kind of fun!

  9. A container is a great idea, but I may find a spot in the cottage garden in the ground. (I've started looking at the voting for your containers--I got to the first one so far).


  10. The hydrangea is such a beautiful blue with that fading to lilac! Don't you love the water color painted look that some flowers have! They make a beautiful bouquet! gail

  11. What a fabulous blue bouquet! A friend brought me some pink ones last week that were lovely, and much appreciated.

  12. Evening Cameron, I hope you find a place for the Eucomis, what a different plant. Thanks for checking out my containers on Fine Gardening. (forgot to tell you I have an offspring in your neighborhood this week, she is with Teach for America and they are doing some orientation thing in Raleigh).
    Phillip, Thanks for stopping by. I still need to check out your planting at the library-- haven't forgotten.
    Hi Gail, I was really surprised to see how the color is first getting bluer as it opens then now as it is fading to lilac. Great plant, lots of color.
    Lisa, thanks for stopping by. Sharing blooms is a good idea. I thought about getting some cut for my neighbor..first thing in the morning.

  13. Your little pineapple is too cute. You know I love the hydrangeas. That color blue sure turned out perfect. I do remember why.

  14. Nice little Eucomis bloom.
    And what, what, a hydrangea!

  15. Hi Lona~~ Dancing Oaks nursery had Eucomis and they are beautiful. Love your hydrangeas.

  16. Beautiful Janet - I love Hydrangeas.

  17. I meant to comment on the Pineapple Lily but got taken away with your beautiful Hydrangea blooms.
    I got one last year but it didn't come back this year. ;-( They are so pretty and different.

  18. Hi Anna, I am really enjoying this little pineapple. Will continue adding the aluminum sulfate this year to see how much deeper blue it will become.
    Victoria, thanks so much. This was certainly a big bloom this year for all my hydrangeas.
    Grace, Thanks for visiting. So did you buy a Eucomis?? I finally could not resist.
    Linda, Thanks for both comments. Sorry to hear your Eucomis didn't come back. :( I hope mine does!!


  19. Wonderful hydrangeas! The eicomis is sweet too but hydrangeas have my heart every time.

  20. Thanks Tina, the hydrangeas are really making a bold statement in the yard.

  21. Love the hydrangeas. I think they are my second favorite flower, right after peony. At least the hydrangeas last longer. Very nice. Helen
    Gardening With Confidence

  22. I love hydrangeas! Yours must be loaded with blooms if you cut only "just enough." Do you feed yours special food to get them that lovely blue color? I always forget until they start to bloom, and then mine turn lavender instead:)

  23. thanks Helen,
    I enjoy peonies so much and am always sad how shortlived they are. These hydrangeas are almost laying down they are so heavy from the rain. I worry about the branches breaking.
    Hi Rose, I am very loaded down with blooms. I have added Aluminum sulfate to the soil to get them blue. After the hurricane the blooms were almost white/pale green. They NEEDED color and they got it this year.

  24. That is a grand bouquet of hydrangeas! Lovely!

  25. Ha, I posted a photo of my Pineapple Lily today too. It too is forming a small bloom. Did you plant yours in full sun? Mine is possibly getting too much shade but seems to be enduring it. Love the lovely bouquet of Hydrangeas! We didn't get any of that lovely rain. :(

  26. Thanks so much Sweet Bay, If ever there was a year to dry a bunch for a wreath, this is the year.
    Racquel, my eucomis is in partial morning and full afternoon sun. The side spears of foliage are bending, but apparently that is not uncommon. I can't believe you didn't get any of that rain!!! We got over an inch last evening.

  27. Janet, oh how pretty.BLUE!!! " LOL. I love hydrangeas and blue just puts the icing on the cake.


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