
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

More Blooms in the Learning Garden

Rock Garden with Gaillardia, thyme, sedum, and hibiscus coccinea

Virginia Garden area -- Columbine (Aquilegia), Japanese Lilac Tree (Syringa reticulata, Abelia

Shade Garden - Rose Campion Lychnis coronaria, Ligustrum sinesis variegata, Euphorbia characias, neptata catmint, amaryllis

Azalea area- Oakleaf hydrangea and Serissa

Blooms in the Wildlife Garden and Rhododendrons- Achillea millefolium, Carolina Bush Pea Thermopsis villosa, mixture of yellow blooms, two Rhododendrons


  1. The Learning Garden is full of gorgeous blooms right now. I love that Carolina Bush Pea, needs some shade huh? :)

  2. Hi Racquel, I read your comment and thought, I am not sure about the light conditions for the Bush I checked (ours is in full sun) and full sun is the correct placement. Love the bright yellow.

  3. the gardenia (forgive my spelling) is the one you like the scent of, right? That you brought in the house a couple springs ago?

    I liked the way it smelled, I did not like the pollen. :)


  4. I just brought some gardenias into the house tonight.... :-) you must be psychic. You know I bring a lot of flowers in... We have the gardenia next to the driveway. Is that the one you are thinking of?

  5. I love your collages Janet. I must try to play around with my photos and make one myself. Gorgeous blooms too ~ you are so far ahead of us. My Oakleaf hydrangea is barely leafing out! Does that Amaryllis stay in the ground year around?

  6. Good morning Kathleen, yes the Amaryllis is one that is hardy to our area. I am not sure if all Amaryllis are hardy to zone 7b but there are a few.

  7. This looks like such a nice garden to visit and enjoy. Love the photo collages, too. Our oakleaf hydrangeas are particularly nice this year!


  8. Your photos are beautiful, and I'm so glad you've got all the names listed! What program do you use for your collages?

  9. Hi Lisa, thanks for visiting. It is an amazing garden --every week when I go there there is something new to see. Great work of a lot of Master Gardeners.
    Aeire-el, Thanks for your comment. I am trying to make IDs for the plants in the Learning Garden....sometimes I am not sure of what variety something may be. The program is the free Picasa3 one from Google. It is fun to use.


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